Secret Love Police

Zoot Suit Riots, Saturday morning cartoons, Indian movie posters, books and Brooklyn.
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Graffiti Museum.

Posted 2011-07-08 14:22:54 | Views: 16,267

Fuck It.

Can't You Read The Sign?

Posted 2011-07-08 13:26:58 | Views: 15,897

And the sign said everybody welcome, come in, kneel down and pray. But when they passed around the plate at the end of it all,  I didn't have a penny to pay. So I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign. I said thank you Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine.

Damn Signs



































Calligraphic Composition of Turkish Lion

Posted 2011-07-08 13:09:24 | Views: 19,912

Calligraphic composition in the form of a lion - Ahmed Hilmi - Ink and watercolour on paper - Ottoman Turkey 1913

Tradtional Hand


Get Out There - David Sackville

Posted 2011-07-07 16:14:12 | Views: 13,715

Logo concept I originally started for the Get Out There initiatve for the Queensland Government in Australia. Revisited 6 months later for fun and this is the result. The client ended up not going ahead with the branding side of the website as they felt it was “too out there” and we had to use government styling across the entire thing. - D.S.


James Dean: Lonelist Actor

Posted 2011-07-07 14:23:34 | Views: 14,152




 Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are all alone with your concentration and imagination, and that's all you have.



Non-Organic vs. Organic

Posted 2011-07-07 13:49:31 | Views: 17,378















































































Stop Waiting to Make it Happen

Posted 2011-07-07 13:33:35 | Views: 13,521



Faces by Nick Lepard

Posted 2011-07-07 13:17:25 | Views: 17,533

Nick Lepard

"The way in which we change"- oil on canvas
2008 - 71 x 64"

"Understand Still" - oil and acrylic on canvas
2008 - 66 x 54"

Today, modernity requires that each of us navigate a blizzard of information. How this maelstrom of data is interpreted and synthesized constructs an individual’s paradigm. However, the qualities of the data are subject to a Catch-22: while the data works to describe an individual’s paradigm, an individual’s paradigm likewise works to describe the data.


With so much accessible information, yet so little certainty, are our interpretations of the world more complex or confused, more varied or more refined? Is the course of progress more accessible, or more elusive?

- Nick Lepard 2008


Black Cats as Clothing

Posted 2011-07-06 09:50:52 | Views: 15,311

Black Cat

This top is very superstitious.

Don't Follow The Stream.

Posted 2011-07-02 20:27:25 | Views: 15,193

























The Truth Right There...

New Jersey Fist Pump

Posted 2011-07-02 19:48:07 | Views: 16,792

We are all born Originals

Posted 2011-07-02 15:07:54 | Views: 32,435

We are all born originals,why is it so many of us die copies? - Edward Young

The World with No Liars

Posted 2011-07-02 11:35:34 | Views: 16,439

Imagine that folks.

Justin Timberlake, Part Owner of

Posted 2011-06-30 17:49:20 | Views: 14,425




Justin Timberlake has invested in MySpace and plans to help breathe life into failing social media company.


The advertising firm Specific Media purchased MySpace from Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. this week for $35 million. "As part of the deal, Emmy and Grammy winning artist Justin Timberlake will also take an ownership stake and play a major role in developing the creative direction and strategy for the company moving forward," Specific Media said in a press release.


MySpace, which recently attempted to rebrand itself as an entertainment hub, will continue to play on its strengths with Timberlake's input. "I'm excited to help revitalize MySpace by using its social media platform to bring artists and fans together in one community," Timberlake said in a statement. "Art is inspired by people and vice versa, so there's a natural social component to entertainment."

MySpace and Timberlake plan to unveil their vision for the site later this summer; in the meantime, the company claims it will become "the premiere digital destination for original shows, video content and music."


Timberlake will have a challenge on his hands; the company has continued to rapidly lose its market-share to Facebook since FB opened up its cyber-doors to non-university students.


However, if he manages to infuse MySpace with the same energy he has to "Saturday Night Live," MySpace may rise again. In addition to his music career, Timberlake has a portfolio that contains a tequila brand, several restaurants and the clothing line William Rast. He is expected to have an office at MySpace and a staff of six, according to published reports.


In related news, MySpace laid off a reported 450 people this week in the wake of the company's sale to Specific.

MySpace has new owners 



Source: Sound Spike

Painting House Party

Posted 2011-06-30 13:05:23 | Views: 13,839

Ain't no party

like a painting house party