Secret Love Police

Zoot Suit Riots, Saturday morning cartoons, Indian movie posters, books and Brooklyn.
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Futurism: Google Glasses

Posted 2012-04-05 12:34:58 | Views: 13,459

We first heard rumors about Google's augmented reality glasses a few months ago, and now in a post on Google Plus, the company revealed "Project Glass" along with some early concepts and prototype designs. These specs look like the freaky science fiction concept they are. Would you wear them, though?


Watch this video of what the world would look like from behind these glasses. It's like Iron Man except instead of important world-saving information you're answering your friend's text messages and learning about delays on the subway. The Google[x] team that's working on the project says they've opened it up to the public to solicit ideas about what people actually want from a set of augmented reality specs.


From what we can see in the video, Google Glasses basically seem like a smartphone notification system that allows you to respond to notifications in with your voice. Without actually trying the glasses on, the experience seems like something not only useful, but enjoyable. People might actually wear them if they can get over how nerdy they look.

Keep reading this article...




Via: Gizmodo

Imagine a labtop on your face. It's reality! 

Ashton Kutcher Isn't No Cowboy.

Posted 2012-04-04 17:53:43 | Views: 13,445

The Academy Of Country Music Awards were last night and Ashton Kutcher found someone else’s invitation and went to the show.


So, of course he looked like a complete idiot in a cowboy jacket and hat. Now, true… most people in this outfit would look like a complete idiot, but I just read that he might star in a indie biopic about Steve Jobs, so he looks like even more of a moron.



(apparently Mr. Kutcher insulted the whole country music community. Rawhide!!)

All This BS...

Posted 2012-03-25 19:47:18 | Views: 13,994

$16,382 for Cherry Pie!

Posted 2012-03-23 21:59:01 | Views: 17,344

Would you pay over $16,000 for


 Cherry Pie Auction Sets Another Record

The 38th Annual Cherry Pie Auction was again a record setting event according to David Withers of the City of Brownwood Parks and Recreation Department.


“Last year we set a new record at $15,590.00, this year we set a new record at $16,382.00,” Withers said.


The Cherry Pie Auction was held Saturday, from 9:00am-12:00 noon at the Adams Street Community Center.  According to Withers, there were over 126 auction items donated by businesses and individuals.  Several hundred people were estimated to have visited the Cherry Pie Auction this year. Good people, but crazy people for some good ol' cherry pie. That must be some good ass cherry pie, or people in this town really want to help out or must be really fuckin' bored. Cheers to them!


Who remembers the Cherry Pie girl from that Warrant music video?

Two Sides To Everything

Posted 2012-03-23 11:28:16 | Views: 15,991

Don't Pitch Me Bro!

Posted 2012-03-16 22:11:52 | Views: 14,359

I hope you have a

great St. Patty's Day...

But, don't fucking

pitch me bro.

Wacky Package Stickers!!

Posted 2012-03-16 21:54:49 | Views: 14,694

Remember This:

1973 Wacky Packages Stickers   

1973/1st Series






Wow, I don't know if any of you remember this but I sure do. First things first, I wasn't born in the 70's but somehow I remember this from my childhood. Don't know if that my older cousins handed them down to me or what.


The illustrations are really great. These stickers are pretty much making fun of packaging from everyday products you find at the supermarket. They almost have a Mad magazine/Garbage Pail Kids feel to them. They were gross, funny and everything your parents told you to stay away from. Miss this type of humor. Is there anything of this nature today for kids of this generation?








Pizza Hut Sticker from the 1970's

Posted 2012-03-15 19:06:03 | Views: 13,741

Pizza Hut Pete

I found this really cool sticker image on Flickr. I have no idea who that dude is, but it rocks. Below is what Jason Liebig said about the sticker. I found the image on his account. He seems to be big into the sticker collecting thing.


"From the same great Ebay lot as my other two Pizza Hut stickers. Another early 1970's Pizza Hut sticker. I call this one "The Dangler" since Pete is just dangling the logo there.


Again had to clean this one up a bit, but could only do so much. Up close the screen print becomes pretty rough... but I managed to remove the stains that were on it.

Another day-glo sticker, designed to catch your attention with it's unnaturally bright colors."

"dangler" sticker - early 1970's

       I  didn't even know Pizza Hut existed in the 1970's.


How Bad Are McDonalds Fries?

Posted 2012-03-14 17:30:42 | Views: 19,575

Why McDonald’s fries are Tasty?

An important factor in the success of this fast-food chain is its tasty fries. These are the customers’ favourite item and are more poplar than their burgers. The cooking oil they use adds to the taste of the fries. They cook fries in a mixture of about 7% cottonseed oil and 93% beef tallow. This gives them their unique flavor.


This fast food burger company faced controversies when criticized by the Indian Hindus and the vegetarians alike, regarding the use of beef in their fries and by the health conscious people; the McDonald authorities apologized and admitted using beef fat and proclaimed their switch to vegetable oil which is less cholesterol producing.


How healthy are the French Fries?

French Fries may be tasty but not healthy. They contain sodium and saturated fats.

Acryl amide is a chemical substance produced when starch rich food stuffs are baked, fried, grilled or micro-waved at very high temperatures. It is carcinogenic; that is, can cause tumor and cancer. French Fries are fried at 190°C.


We have found a trans-fat free oil to fry our fries and plan to use it for our entire menu items by 2008; we are already using it in a large number of our restaurants, claimed McDonald’s. But the critics say that the authorities had instructed their staff not to tell its customers the restaurants they have started using the new oil.


Eating fries fried in saturated oil regularly can increase your bad cholesterol count, thereby risking coronary heart disease (CHD), your chances of developing tumors and cancer. It can make you real fat!


It is impossible for a customer to identify fries made in saturated oil and trans-fat free oil, at sight or by tasting or smelling them. The WHO should ban the use of saturated oils, thereby producing healthy and tasty fries for the fry-lovers round the globe.



  • McDonald’s French Fries (medium 114g)
  • Total Calories: 380
  • Total Fat: 20 g (% Daily Value = 31)
  • Saturated Fat: 4 g (% Daily Value = 20)
  • Trans Fat: 5 g
  • One McDonald’s large fries contains 8gms of Trans Fat

People love things that aren't good for them...I found this and thought it was interesting. I know you will still eat your fries and Big Mac! 

Not Just Skin Deep

Posted 2012-03-10 15:14:25 | Views: 15,327

Illustrator Superhero: Paolo Rivera

Posted 2012-03-10 12:05:19 | Views: 21,278

Rivera's best known work is Mythos, a series of six richly-painted origin stories written by Paul Jenkins. Originally published as one-shots, it was collected into a hardcover edition in 2008. He now limits his painted work to covers including The Twelve, The IliadThe Amazing Spider-Man, and the Wolverine Art Appreciation Month series. He spends the remainder of his time on Daredevil, on which he is currently hard at work. You can see his art and take an in-depth look at his creative process at The Self-Absorbing Man, a blog that he updates regularly.


Paolo Rivera, a Marvel-exclusive artist, has been working professionally since 2002. Although he began his career painting in oil, he has since moved on to penciling, inking, and coloring (with some occasional sculpting). Rivera was born and raised in Daytona Beach, FL, and graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2003, where he studied under David Mazzucchelli. He broke into the comics industry thanks to writer Jim Krueger, whom he met at Megacon in Orlando, FL (while still in high school).

NOTE: This guy is a badass, I love his work.

Marfan Syndrome is Nuts

Posted 2012-03-09 18:26:39 | Views: 26,083

One of the most striking features of Marfan Syndrome are the skeletal abnormalities: patients are exceptionally tall with exceptionally long extremities. Patients present joint hypermobility due to lax joint ligaments. Typically, such patients can hyperextend their thumb to the wrist. WTF?

Wow. How 


Marfan Syndrome

can do some crazy stuff. 

Swag is for Boys

Posted 2012-03-08 20:25:12 | Views: 17,300
































Pat Robertson - Legalize Weed Now!

Posted 2012-03-08 15:05:31 | Views: 14,042

Pat Robertson for Legalized Marijuana 


Of the many roles Pat Robertson has assumed over his five-decade-long career as an evangelical leader — including presidential candidate and provocative voice of the right wing — his newest guise may perhaps surprise his followers the most: marijuanalegalization advocate.


“I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol,” Mr. Robertson said in an interview on Wednesday. “I’ve never used marijuana and I don’t intend to, but it’s just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn’t succeeded.”


Mr. Robertson’s remarks echoed statements he made last week on “The 700 Club,” the signature program of his Christian Broadcasting Network, and other comments he made in 2010. While those earlier remarks were largely dismissed by his followers, Mr. Robertson has now apparently fully embraced the idea of legalizing marijuana, arguing that it is a way to bring down soaring rates of incarceration and reduce the social and financial costs.


“I believe in working with the hearts of people, and not locking them up,” he said.

Mr. Robertson’s remarks were hailed by pro-legalization groups, who called them a potentially important endorsement in their efforts to roll back marijuana penalties and prohibitions, which residents of Colorado and Washington will vote on this fall.

Source: NY Times

You Get What You...

Posted 2012-03-08 13:30:50 | Views: 15,039