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Posted 2014-12-03 09:59:38 | Views: 993
Works Cited
Ammer, Christine. The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. n.d. 03 December 2014. John. John 3:16 (Bible). n.d. John, 1. 1 John 4:8 (Bible). n.d. Moses. Exodus 15:18 (Bible). n.d. —. Exodus 20:3 (Bible). n.d. Paul. 1 Timothy 3:12 (Bible). n.d. —. Ephesians 1:7 (Bible). n.d. —. Ephesians 6:1 (Bible). n.d. Solomon. Proverbs 31:10-31 (Bible). n.d.

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Posted 2014-12-02 15:36:19 | Views: 959
I come a biblical family. Are we perfect? Nope! We stumble and we sin. Just like everyone else we are fallen, but we are grounded in the truth of God’s word. Our daddy is the head of the house (Paul). Our mother is strong and takes care of her children, husband, and household (Solomon). Us kids obey our parents and love each other (Paul). We have no other god before the Lord, Jesus Christ (Moses). We don’t do any of this perfectly but by the grace of God we do the best we can. 
I do not want to be judgmental, but this is the way I believe the Lord wants a family to be like. We are all part of His family. He is the Father, the church is His Bride and we are His children. If you are not from a biblical family that is not really your fault, but you can make a difference by starting a biblical family of your own someday.
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.” 2 Thessalonians 3:18.

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Posted 2014-12-02 15:36:05 | Views: 937
God Is:
•    Love Love is: 1.Sacrifice 2.Forgiving 3.Choice 4.Everlasting We can only truly love if God is in our hearts helping us love. If we have God in our heats we want to do everything we can to obey Him. Homosexuality, polygamy, and spouse sharing are not pleasing to Him. In 1 Corinthians 6:9 it says, “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor Homosexual offenders” Homosexuality is wrong as is spouse sharing. The only reason for spouse sharing is because we want something the person other than our wife/husband can give us, which is adultery. 
Polygamy is addressed in 1 Corinthians 7:2, it says, “But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.”
If we were truly “loving”, the people in this world would not be messing up God’s perfect plan with their own misconception of what love is.
Now that we have talked about what a true family is not. What is a family? A biblical family is a family that is built on God’s perfect plan of one husband with one wife and their children. Grounded in love that only comes from the Lord and living in a way that is pleasing to Him.

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Posted 2014-12-01 09:59:26 | Views: 993
What is Love?
God is love (1. John). So if God is love, what exactly does that make love? To figure that out we need to determine who God is. We know from the Bible that God sent His son to die on a cross for every sin that has been committed by us (John). This would show His sacrifice. From this we can conclude that since God is love and He sacrifices, the first thing love is, is sacrifice.
What else is God? Well, God didn’t just let His son die in vain. There was a purpose behind it. That purpose was so that our sins would be wiped away and He could forgive us. God is forgiving (Paul). Love is forgiving.
 God didn’t do these things because He had to. He chose to do them. God chooses to sacrifice and forgive. Love is a choice. God’s son, Jesus, died but he didn’t stay dead. Jesus rose from the grave and lives forever in heaven with his Father. God is everlasting (Moses). Love is everlasting.

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Posted 2014-12-01 09:59:21 | Views: 988
The Biblical Family
What is a family? According to Webster’s 1913 dictionary a family is, “The group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.” On the other hand, if we type the word “family” into we will get a completely different definition, “Family: a social unit consisting of one or more adults together with the children they care for (Ammer).”
Where in the past 101 years did we forget the husband and wife part? In our society today a family can be whoever “loves” each other.
That means a family could be two men and two women with their adopted children or even just a home where there are multiple men and women who interchangeably live and sleep together in one “family unit”.
“Just so long as we all love each other it’s cool.” Is that really what a family is? The idea of family has been so construed by our modern world until we think that spouse sharing, homosexuality, and polygamy are all acceptable so long as it works for us and we love everybody.
But this concept of love that everyone keeps talking about is not what love really is. This kind of love is one gland calling to another.

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Posted 2014-11-24 10:24:43 | Views: 1,014
In Proverbs 31:30 it says, “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting (doesn’t last) but a woman who fears to Lord is to be praised.” We will never regret modesty. It might be hard to be different from the mold of the other young people and we might wonder, “Why even bother? It doesn’t make a difference. No one notices.” We shouldn’t let ourselves get in that trap! It does make a difference and people do notice, but that is part of modesty. To have a, “meek and quiet spirit.” The men in our lives that do value modesty will thank us at some point for practicing it. Let’s renew our minds and be modest!  
                       Works Cited
 Vaughan, David and Diane Vaughan. The Beauty of Modesty. Cumberland House, 2005.

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Posted 2014-11-24 10:24:33 | Views: 982
Why is Modesty Important?
Modesty is important because it is important to God. God has made men attracted to women’s bodies and women attracted to men’s bodies. That is great! God doesn’t want his men or women to stumble, though. Because he said our lives should be free from lust he wants us to be sure we are helping each other not to lust. When you see a lot of skin it gets difficult not to. Now, I am not saying we are responsible for what others do, if someone has a lustful heart they will lust no matter how much clothing we are wearing!
We do need to be considerate to others, however, and not purposefully through stumbling block in our neighbor’s path. This is not meant to judge anyone. This is to give a bit of insight and to encourage us to be modest. Examine our hearts. Examine our motives. If we find deficiencies there we should ask God to renew our minds (Romans12:2) and get on board with modesty!

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Posted 2014-11-21 10:06:48 | Views: 916
  What Modesty is Not
Modesty is not insecurity. On the contrary, you have to be very secure to be a modest person in this immodest culture. •    Modesty is not bashfulness. The modest person freely chooses to keep certain things private. •    Modesty is not shame. Being ashamed of one’s physical characteristic is a psychological problem and has nothing to do with modesty. •    Modesty is not symptomatic of sexual hang-ups. To be modest is not to oppose sexual expression but the vice of lasciviousness (Vaughan and Vaughan 8)
What Modesty Is
Modesty is having the propriety to cover your physical self and your actions. Modesty is an attitude of the heart. If your heart is lustful or self-focused, the way you behave and dress will display that. Modesty is often associated with women but it includes men as well. We will, however, be focusing on women mostly. In 1 Timothy 2:9-10 it says, “I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” This is not saying, “Put a sack on your head and slave at everyone’s feet.” It is saying, “Wear clothing and an air that would please God.” Is a low shirt that shows a lot of chest or a skirt that shows your thighs pleasing you God? Well, why are we wearing it? If we’re wearing it to get attention, we will. Is that the kind of attention we want? Do we want every man that we pass to look at our skin? What about the guys who really try to guard what they see? Do we want to make them to stumble or be too uncomfortable to look at us? That is why God says to clothe ourselves with good deeds. If we focus on what is pleasing to God we will start wanting to cover ourselves decently.

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Posted 2014-11-21 10:06:43 | Views: 989
“Modesty. What is that?” The question being asked by our youth in this modern age. Is modesty an old fashioned idea of the past? Should we be trying to set this “out dated” ideal aside? People hear the word modesty and they balk, but do they fully understand what it means? Many people think it means you are shy or unsure of yourself. This is not what modesty is. That describes insecurity not modesty. Those of us who don’t openly oppose modesty, stick our heads in the sand and say, “it’s not that important and nobody cares about it anyway.” When faced with so much opposition and conflicting ideas it is easier to set the subject aside and figure it out “later”. Also known as “never”. Modesty is important, however. So important that we need to take our heads out of the sand and figure it out now. 

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Posted 2014-11-19 10:25:02 | Views: 1,015
All at once, a quiet voice deep in my soul said, “Are you trusting Me? If you were you wouldn’t be crying.” I sat upright and stared in horror. I wasn’t trusting and I knew it! I felt shame wash over me and I cried again. 
“I’m sorry Lord, please forgive me?” I turned my lamp on and lifted my Bible from the night stand.
Opening it, I read part of James two which says, “You ask but do not receive because you ask for the wrong reasons.” Early the next morning, I went outside and surveyed our garden. Kneeling down, I turned my head up to the sky and prayed again, “Lord, please bless this garden, please bless our efforts.
You know our dilemma, you know what is best, you know we need rain. Please let it rain. Your will be done for I will trust you.” That day, I left it in God’s hands to provide for my family. I prayed that prayer a few times throughout the day but it was always with, “Your will be done.” 
That evening, Mother was preparing supper as I held baby Andy. I had just finished silently praying when the lights flickered off then flashed back on. Mother and I looked around, surprised, when it did it again! Then I heard it. The rain pouring down. I hardly dared to look, but I turned and saw it through the window. A waterfall of rain hitting the ground and making puddles in the driveway. My heart rejoiced, and I ran to my room to thank God personally. He had sent rain!
That rain brought our garden back to life and it grew! We had one of the biggest harvests we have ever experienced.

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Posted 2014-11-19 10:24:45 | Views: 879
We stood standing still a minute looking at it with pride. I looked up to the sky and closed my eyes and whispered, “Please let this garden grow. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
I felt something cold and wet hit my face with a splat, as the heavens opened and rain came pouring down on us.
We all scrambled to put our tools away and ran for the house. It was a happy, laughing family that piled into the house a few minutes later and watched the rain fall.
That summer there was a drought. Our beautiful garden began to wither and I could tell that if we 
didn’t get rain soon, we would have nothing to harvest. It wasn’t just us though, it was everyone having the same problem. Every Sunday in church, we would pray for rain and commit it into God’s hands again and still no rain came. I couldn’t understand why God wouldn’t send rain.
 One night, I laid awake and prayed, “God, what are you doing? I asked you to let our garden grow! Why would you leave us flat like this? We’ve all been praying for rain for weeks now, why don’t you send it?
Don’t you care? We trusted you!” I turned over and cried angry tears into my pillow.

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Posted 2014-11-17 10:35:17 | Views: 924
The tray held six little, green cabbage plants growing out of it. Turning the tray carefully upside down he gently squeezed the bottom part of one of the plants until it slid from its tray and landed in his hand.
Daddy handed that one to Mary and directed her where to drop it on the ground underneath the string. Roene and Jo pressed in for their turn, and so began our annual garden planting. I knelt down and felt the ground with my right hand. It had rained recently, but the ground was still hard and 
unforgiving. This was going to be harder than I thought. I bit my lip and plunged in. Cupping my right hand, I held the plant in my left, stiffening my fingers I pushed them three inches into the ground. I scooped the dirt back to make about a three inch hole and dropped the plant in gently. Carefully, I mushed the dirt back up around it and patted it down, then moved on to the next one. Donny came along with a pail of water and dipped a bit out with an old sour cream container and poured it over the new plant. We continued in this way until the garden was finished about an hour and a half later.
When we finished, our little garden boasted two thick rows of green beans, twenty-five tomato plants, two zucchini plants, three cucumber plants, one row of cabbage and one row of cauliflower. It was a good little garden, and it had gone quickly and been fun with all the hands helping, even though it was painful to the fingers.

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Posted 2014-11-17 10:07:21 | Views: 968
I couldn’t keep the smile from my face as I watched them. Mary and Roene were much faster than Jo, but that didn’t deter him from running right along with them on his short little legs. Dad turned to me then and said, “Marie, you’d better go with them to make sure the plants actually get there.” He smiled and winked at me and I giggled, “Ok! They’ll get there.” 
After much jostling of plant trays and “who was going to carry what,” we were finally over by the garden with the plants still intact. Mother came from the house with baby Andy in a sling on her front and a camera in her hand. 
   “Oh! It is so nice out! Can you smell the rain?” Mother shifted her body to the west to take in the full force of the wind on
her face. 
Her black hair, now sprinkled with white, was blowing in little curls around her face and I was struck again at my mother’s beauty. 
   “Ok, let’s get this garden planted.” Dad called. Dave had found a wooden stake, some string and a hammer and brought them to Dad. With Dad at one end of the garden and Dave at the other, they pulled the string strait and tight until it showed a nice little row.
  “Let’s plant cabbage first. Mary, bring the flat of cabbage.”
  “Here it is, Daddy!” Mary set it down in front of her daddy and stood ready for more direction.
Dad took a small, black plastic, tray out of the

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Posted 2014-11-14 10:07:29 | Views: 939
A Garden That Grew
The clean, crisp spring wind hit my face as I stepped out our back door that evening in early May. I could smell the rain coming and quickly slipped into my rubber boots. If we didn’t plant the garden tonight, it wouldn’t get done.
The thaw had come late this year, and then it started raining, making it impossible to get into our garden plot with the tiller. Now, we were desperate. It had started to become warm out and the planting time was almost past.
We had only tilled two rows in the garden so far, but that was
as good as it was going to get. I cringed thinking about how hard it would be to weed and maintain an untilled garden.
There was nothing to do for it, though, so untilled it would be. I bounced off the porch, five little siblings in tow. We all headed for the pole barn where Dad was waiting to give us each our task.
“Donny, get a spade. Dave, can you find a stake and some string?” 
“What can I do Daddy?” Was the cry that came from the three youngest. “You all go get those flats of plants and bring them carefully over to the garden.”
A happy squeal erupted from little Mary, Roene, and Jo as they raced off to do their daddy’s bidding.

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Posted 2014-11-14 10:07:24 | Views: 855
   Works Cited
Derrick, Julyne. Best Shampoo and Conditioners for all Hair Types. 2014.
Vegetable oils. Oct. 2014