I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Why is Facebook Going Public

Posted 2012-05-18 12:18:57 | Views: 13,834

Why is Facebook going 







      They couldn't figure out the private settings, either. 

Wocka, Wocka, Wocka! 

The Essence of Freedom.

Posted 2012-05-14 20:41:06 | Views: 16,461

What is the essence of America?  Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from."  

- Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade

Heart Felt Message from Mike D

Posted 2012-05-10 15:09:25 | Views: 15,714

I know, we should have tweeted and instagrammed every sad, happy and inspired thought, smile or tear by now. But honestly the last few days have just been a blur of deep emotions for our closest friend, band mate and really brother. I miss Adam so much. He really served as a great example for myself and so many of what determination, faith, focus, and humility coupled with a sense of humor can accomplish. The world is in need of many more like him. We love you Adam.

                                                                                                     - Mike D of the Beastie Boys

Adam Yauch (MCA) Rest in Peace

Posted 2012-05-04 11:57:55 | Views: 14,402

A butterfly floats on the breeze of a sun lit day. As I feel this reality gently fade awayRiding on a thought to see where it's from. Gliding through a memory of a time yet to come. Smoke paints the air. Swirling images through my mind. Like a whirlpool spin beginning to unwind. And I stand at the edge cautiously awaiting. As time slips by. Carefully navigating by the stars in the sky and I sit and I think to myself. And on the horizon the sun light begins to climb. And it seems like it's been so long since he shined. But I'm sure it was only yesterday. A cold chill of fear cut through me. I felt my heart contract. To my mind I brought the image of light, and I expanded it out. My fear was just a shadow. And then a voice spoke in my head. And she said dark is not the opposite of light, it's the absence of light. And I thought to myself, she knows what she's talking about. And for a moment I knew what it was all about.


- (Adam Yauch lyrics from the song Namaste)


 (August 5, 1964 – May 4, 2012)

Chasing Your Dream Girl

Posted 2012-04-28 22:04:12 | Views: 15,275

Chase Your Dream Girl. 

don't let anything stop you.

Some guys make a lot of money. Some guys are broke and pissed off about it. This life we have choices. We also have some choices in love. At least in the beginning part of it. In a nutshell fellas, go after your dream girl. It's pretty damn simple. Are you going to keep sitting on the sideline? Are you gonna keep letting the girl at the supermarket (that you know is single) just walk by?


Most (good hearted women) love confidence. You have confidence don't you? You have the confidence to get in your car everyday. Do you know how dangerous it is to drive? But, you have the confidence to do that every single day to go to a job you might not enjoy. Think about it for a second. Pull your balls out of your ass for once and do something you don't do everyday, and do it naturally. Go after that girl! 

Who is Vegan?

Posted 2012-04-28 16:35:52 | Views: 14,348

How do you know if

someone is vegan?



they will fucking tell you.

Loud as a Motor Bike

Posted 2012-04-28 15:04:08 | Views: 14,453

You know the type loud as a motor bike
But wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight

Supernatural Skull with Horns

Posted 2012-04-27 14:48:56 | Views: 17,573

This skull was discovered in France between 1920 and 1940.

Its easily one of the more disputed and controversial artifacts of its time.

The museum of supernatural history claims (through analysis) that the horns are in fact, naturally a part of the skull. 




Megan Fox - Hot As Fudge

Posted 2012-04-27 14:06:53 | Views: 17,499






Flick Time

Posted 2012-04-27 12:28:59 | Views: 13,898


Posting shit for your enjoyment circa 2011.





It's been one of those lazy weeks, but now the weekend comes. I'm going to spend it in the LES eating thai food and maybe see the new Edgar Allan Poe film. Fuck it. Enjoy the photos. 

Cookie Monster Browser Wisdom

Posted 2012-04-26 23:15:32 | Views: 15,239

I don't always change my browser settings. But when I do, I enable cookies. 
































































































Tupac as a Chupacabra

Posted 2012-04-26 20:01:49 | Views: 18,311

Punk Rock Ice Cream

Posted 2012-04-26 18:40:01 | Views: 14,561

Schoolyards Target of Sex Traffickers

Posted 2012-04-26 18:32:06 | Views: 13,628

Sex traffickers Targeting Schools

It's the most chilling of hunting grounds. Sex traffickers who coerce kids into prostitution are using the city’s schoolyards and playgrounds as recruiting offices.


It’s such a troubling problem that Brooklyn prosecutors have started training educators on how to spot kids in peril on their turf.


“It happens enough that I can say it happens a bunch,” Assistant District Attorney Lauren Hersh told the Daily News. “Many girls are forced to go to middle school playgrounds and recruit other young girls.”


ersh, who runs a pioneering sex-trafficking unit for the DA’s office, has held several workshops and hopes to expand into as many schools as possible.


Last fall, pimp Abking Wilcox admitted turning girls as young as 15 into being sex slaves and making them recruit others in Bushwick and Brownsville middle schools.


Wilcox, who pleaded guilty in Brooklyn Criminal Court to three counts of sex trafficking, called it his “team.”


Hersh prosecuted another trafficker — a school parent, no less — after a guidance counselor at a Canarsie, Brooklyn, public high school blew the whistle.


At first, the counselor couldn’t believe the secret hell a 16-year-old student described.


But her tale of being forced to sell sex over the Internet by a classmate’s mom quickly rang true. Keep reading...














The scary truth about how the recruitment of sex slaves is haunting Brooklyn schools and beyond

Source: Daily News 

















Don't Ask a Stupid Question

Posted 2012-04-26 18:10:33 | Views: 17,439