Pre Paris

Fashion, books, short stories, poems, comics, cartoons, culture and myself. In no specific order.
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Deck Chair by Bernhard-Burkard

Posted 2011-07-14 09:25:18 | Views: 15,568

This deck chair is attractive in its simplicity. In combination with the environment it serve its purpose as a deck chair. To achive best stability, it needs to be leaned against walls or rails in a flat angle. The anti-slip coated stand provides safe grip on every surface. Even though it looks dangerous it provides comfort seating and relaxing in every occasion.


curt | deck chair


About the Studio:


The Swiss design studio BERNHARD | BURKARD was established in 2010 by Fabian Bernhard and Thomas Burkard.

During their time together as students they soon realized the potential that derives from the synergy of their individual skills and approaches to design. Their comprehensive experience and excellent network enables BERNHARD | BURKARD to accomplish a project from conception and formal elaboration to technical realization. Their focus lies on both innovative and creative solutions that are at the same time highly esthetic and an appropriate resource management. Design starts with a call for change. Besides technical skills it needs curiosity and the will to face the world with open eyes. Beyond styling and optical dressing contemporary design, as a process for products and communication, can generate the additional benefit that leads to sustainable success for all users.
Before setting up their studio Fabian was working as creative director at capartis AG. Thomas used to work for the well known designer Michael Young in Hong Kong.





















































Perros Sucios

Posted 2011-07-13 13:21:03 | Views: 28,083

This set of pictures were taken by Nicolás Santiñaque. Some of the photos were included in a spread for Pluz Ultra Magazine. View more: I'm Not Keith Richards


Nicolás Santiñaque


Half Naked, Listening to Records

Posted 2011-07-12 08:29:37 | Views: 27,480

I discovered these fun photos at Winzor's Live Journal. Check them out.

Sasha - Vogue Japan - April 2011

Posted 2011-07-08 12:34:06 | Views: 17,179



Shinichi Maruyama's Water Sculptures.

Posted 2011-07-08 12:12:00 | Views: 17,551

Shinichi Maruyama was born in 1968 in Nagano. Japan. He studied at Chiba University and worked as member of Hakuhodo Photo Creative as well as a freelance photographer from 1992-98. While in Japan the artist traveled frequently to Tibet to complete two photography books about the Spiti Valley region, The Spiti Valley, and Spiti.

In 2003 he moved to New York City and began work on what would become his Kusho series (translated as "writing in the sky"). Completed in 2006, the series is comprised of graphic, abstract images of sumi calligraphy ink and water captured as the liquids collide and combine in mid-air. Influenced by the artist’s lifelong interest in calligraphy, this series has received critical attention worldwide and resulted in a solo exhibition held at the Bruce Silverstein Gallery in 2009. In 2010, the artist completed his second series, Water Sculptures, featuring images of water forms caught in mid air, with their accompanying shadows and reflections upon the ground. Shinichi Maruyama is represented exclusively by Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York. The Peabody Essex Museum will display the artist's work in May 2011.



In 2010, the artist completed his second series, Water Sculptures, featuring images of water forms caught in mid air, with their accompanying shadows and reflections upon the ground.



































































Andy Warhol Interviews Alfred Hitchcock

Posted 2011-07-07 12:50:03 | Views: 16,020

Warhol Interviews



This conversation that appeared in Interview Magazine in September 1974 doesn’t offer any great insights into filmmaking, but for what it lacks in informativeness it makes up for in novelty.

The meeting of these two icons of the 20th century is particularly significant, as each bridged high art and popular culture in unique intriguing ways. While on the surface it may seem like a odd pairing, they both share many things in common. Warhol and Hitchcock both started out as illustrators. Warhol had started his career working as a commercial illustrator, Hitchcock had started out creating illustrations for title cards in silent movies. Of course Andy and Alfred were also both film directors.

Andy Warhol: Since you know all these cases, did you ever figure out why people really murder? It’s always bothered me. Why.


Alfred Hitchcock: Well I’ll tell you. Years ago, it was economic, really. Especially in England. First of all, divorce was very hard to get, and it cost a lot of money.


Andy Warhol: But what kind of person really murders? I mean, why.


Alfred Hitchcock: In desperation. They do it in desperation.


Andy Warhol: Really?….




Alfred Hitchcock: Absolute desperation. They have nowhere to go, there were no motels in those days, and they’d have to go behind the bushes in the park. And in desperation they would murder.


 Andy Warhol: What about a mass murderer.



 Alfred Hitchcock: Well, they are psychotics, you see. They’re absolutely psychotic. They’re very often impotent. As I showed in “Frenzy.” The man was completely impotent until he murdered and that’s how he got his kicks. But today of course, with the Age of the Revolver, as one might call it, I think there is more use of guns in the home than there is in the streets. You know? And men lose their heads?


Andy Warhol: Well I was shot by a gun, and it just seems like a movie. I can’t see it as being anything real. The whole thing is still like a movie to me. It happened to me, but it’s like watching TV. If you’re watching TV, it’s the same thing as having it done to yourself.


Alfred Hitchcock: Yes. Yes.




Warhol’s portrait of Alfred Hitchcock represents an incisive homage to the artist’s favorite director.

Heart of Glass. Heather Marks. Shots by Max Abadian

Posted 2011-06-30 13:50:48 | Views: 16,820

Heather Marks photographed by Max Abadian in « Heart of Glass » for Dress to Kill

































































Waterfall Couch: Couch That Looks Like a Waterfall

Posted 2011-06-29 16:35:41 | Views: 22,744

Waterfall Couch


What a surreal looking couch! This is hot. I would rock this in my Park West high rise condo.

Katy Perry Wearing South Park PJ's

Posted 2011-06-28 13:37:37 | Views: 25,181

South Park

Goes Fashion?

Hot or Snot?

When her "Teenage Dream" topped album charts she celebrated with some bubbles and some South Park PJ's in the UK.

Cat Dove, BeerToss

Posted 2011-06-28 10:24:27 | Views: 14,869




Whoa, talk about suffering for your art. Young Miami artist Cat Dove is wrapped up in a garbage bag while a gang of art kids throw beer bottles at her. She has done work as a bartender, what a way to bring both worlds together?





Malgosia Bela, Francesco Scognamiglio, Angela Collante and Greg Kadel

Posted 2011-06-28 09:36:32 | Views: 15,079

Malgosia Bela wearing Francesco Scognamiglio, styled by Angela Alvarez and Angela Collante, shot by Greg Kadel.




















































































Doutzen Kroes. Photos by Alex Cayley for Elle France

Posted 2011-06-27 20:08:52 | Views: 21,338

Doutzen Kroes is a natural beauty for the September 17th issue of weekly Elle France. Lensed by Alex Cayley and styled by Michele Beaurenaul, Doutzen leaves little to the imagination in the enchanting beauty spread.


Doutzen Kroes for Elle France September 2010 by Alex Cayley

Richard Burbridge (I-D Magazine)

Posted 2011-06-27 16:58:35 | Views: 15,013





Photo by:


for i-D Magazine, September 2004

Flicks by Emily Chancellor

Posted 2011-06-27 11:11:29 | Views: 22,544

Flicks by Emily Chancellor

I think these are pretty sexy and sweet. Lounging pictures are the best in my opinion. Lazy days!

Commercial Music is Dead

Posted 2011-06-26 10:15:25 | Views: 18,013