Wildcat Cult

Halloween, vintage photos, dry humor and comic strips. 
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Happy Pride for My Loved Ones

Posted 2012-06-24 21:24:19 | Views: 14,041

I'm not gay, but this one is for the ones that are. :-D

Don't Grow Up, It's a Trap

Posted 2012-06-22 19:46:38 | Views: 16,094

Isn't that truth?

Keep your dreams alive and don't get suckered into thinking you have to mature into someone you never intended to be. Hold on to the youthfulness that makes you special. Never let it go, even if time and age stares you in the face. 

Tom Hanks Loves Woody

Posted 2012-06-11 18:33:39 | Views: 16,310

Epic. Epic Tom Hanks Photo.

So epic, it deserves 2...I mean 3 epics...or 4.

Robert Downey Jr. to make 50 Million from Avengers

Posted 2012-06-11 14:18:36 | Views: 14,246

Marvel’s "The Avengers" is a global box-office sensation, but among studio executives, it’s being hailed as much as a triumph of smart dealmaking. After all, the famously frugal Marvel managed to corral six hot stars into one film without breaking the bank. But Robert Downey Jr., 47, seems to be the lone exception to Marvel’s strict cost controls.


According to multiple knowledgeable sources, Iron Man/Tony Stark is set for a highflying payday of about $50 million once box-office bonuses and backend compensation are factored in. (Two sources claim the number could go higher than $50 million once the ultimate box-office haul of "Avengers" is known, but another cautions that it could be years before the final number is known.) While on par with the upper echelon of franchise movie stars, that number blows away his superhero co-stars, all of whom will make a small fraction of Downey’s total, even as "Avengers" has a shot at topping the final "Harry Potter" film’s $1.32 billion global haul.


Why the difference? When Marvel’s "Iron Man" grossed a surprising $585 million worldwide in 2008, Downey’s reps at CAA and the Hansen Jacobson law firm renegotiated a deal to include what multiple sources say is a slice of Marvel’s revenue from future movies in which he plays Iron Man (one source puts it in the 5 percent to 7 percent range; another source disputes the percentage. Marvel and Downey’s reps declined comment).


As Marvel launched other hero pics that would lead up to "Avengers," the studio struck hard bargains. Two sources say Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo all signed on for small upfront fees and ultimately will make about $2 million to $3 million on "Avengers" with bonuses. Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson, who signed deals to pop up in several Marvel movies, are said to be making about twice that for "Avengers" with bonuses.


"Avengers" has become a global Goliath, passing the $1 billion milestone in just 19 days. If it passes the $1.32 billion of 2011's "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2," "Avengers" would become the third-highest-grossing film of all time, behind only James Cameron's double-whammy of "Avatar" ($2.8 billion) and "Titanic" ($2.2 billion, including grosses from the recent re-release). The Marvel film is distributed by Disney, which purchased the independent studio in 2009 for $4.3 billion.  

While Downey’s pay might seem high, it's not unheard of for stars with backend to collect super-rich paydays when their films become global smashes. Johnny Depp is said to have made at least $250 million from the four "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, and Forbes reported that director Michael Bay took home $80 million from the first "Transformers." (He likely made more than that for the sequels.)

At those rates, Downey almost seems cheap.

Robert Downey Jr. Making Super 


By Matthew Belloni, The Hollywood Reporter

Robert Downey Jr. may pocket Marvel-ous payday $50M for 'Avengers'

Man Assaults Starbucks Employee Over Cream

Posted 2012-06-08 21:01:26 | Views: 14,804

Abbotsford, British Columbia police are searching for a man who assaulted a Starbucks barista after she told him they were out of cream.


Const. Ian MacDonald told The Abbotsford Times that the suspect, a Caucasian man in his 40s, ordered a coffee and began screaming upon being told the coffee shop was out of cream. The man then threw water in the barista's face and stormed out of the store.


MacDonald told The Times that the barista involved was frightened and shaken by the incident. Based on the severity of the suspect's reaction to a simple inconvenience, the police are acting quickly and have tracked the suspect's license plate to a Vancouver Island address.


This incident comes on the heels of another Starbucks altercation in Austin last Saturday, which involved a woman ramming other cars with her own, both on her way in and out of the coffee shop. In April, two police officers were injured when a group of anarchists tried to smash the windows of a New York City Starbucks. Included in this roster of bizarre Starbucks freak-outs, this January, a man did $1000-worth of damage to a Florida Starbucks location in a rage-filled attack with a hammer. Perhaps we've all had enough coffee, for today.


Man Assaults Starbucks Employee Over Lack Of Cream

Batgirl reading Batgirl

Posted 2012-06-08 16:36:00 | Views: 16,487

Yvonne Craig (Batgirl) reading Detective Comics #359 cira 1967.

I love this!






You can imitate, you can't innovate

Posted 2012-06-08 16:12:51 | Views: 15,630

Harvey, the kitten baby sitter

Posted 2012-06-08 15:35:51 | Views: 14,403

Harvey used to be a fighting dog. His ears torn from battles he was forced into. He flinches when you talk too loud around him. He gets so excited when you prepare his food, as in disbelief that he’s actually going to eat this many days in a row and when you put the food down he kisses you in gratitude. He’s afraid of thunder, soda cans, the TV and when baby Nick Fury meows when he’s hungry. When we first picked up Harvey from the pound half of his face was missing and he was severely underweight.Now he’s a kitten baby sitter.









Thank God It's Friday.

Posted 2012-06-08 13:51:51 | Views: 19,246


Mullet Head Mouse

Posted 2012-06-08 11:44:31 | Views: 22,508

Mullet Mouse 

know your place, back off the mouse punk bitch. 

I have never met a Vampire - Bela Lugosi

Posted 2012-06-06 20:05:44 | Views: 14,877

I have never met a vampire personally, but I don't know what might happen tomorrow.

- Bela Lugosi 

U.S. Slashes Funding for Sesame Street Pakistan

Posted 2012-06-06 18:53:20 | Views: 14,110

A $20 million initiative to develop a Pakistani version of "Sesame Street" has been cut short due to allegations of corruption, according to a report from the AP.


"Sim Sim Hamara" first aired at the end of 2011 and was intended to go on for at least three seasons. Like other international co-productions of "Sesame Street," the show was adapted for its country's specific culture and needs, pairing familiar characters like Elmo with new ones like cricket-loving schoolgirl Rani, the "epitome of a traditional Pakistani woman" Baji and vain crocodile Haseen-O-Jameel. According to the AP:


The U.S. cut off funding for the project and launched an investigation after receiving what it deemed to be credible allegations of fraud and abuse on a telephone hotline set up by the U.S. Agency for International Development in Pakistan, said U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner. "So rather than to continue to throw good money after bad, we thought it was prudent to cut off this program and wait for the results of the investigation," Toner told reporters in Washington.


U.S. Slashes Funding to Pakistan's Version of 'Sesame Street'

F is for No More Fuckin' Funding 

"Sim Sim Hamara" is the work of Lahore's Rafi Peer Theater Workshop, who partnered with the U.S.'s Sesame Workshop. While it seems fast on its way to being politicized -- the initiative was part of the U.S.'s multibillion-dollar aid program in Pakistan -- the show was meant to both increase tolerance and serve as a much-needed educational tool in a country in which one-third of children aren't in school. So far $6.7 million has been spent on the show -- on itsFacebook page, someone pleads "Please keep this show running on Ptv. It is very good for Pakistani children's education."

Source: Indiewire 

Amazing Meme Man!

Posted 2012-06-06 17:17:48 | Views: 19,362

When a meme becomes 



DC Comics Turns Gay

Posted 2012-05-22 15:39:08 | Views: 16,843



DC Comics is set to reintroduce a major character as gay. 

Honchos at Superman's comic book home, DC Comics, said this weekend that one of their most identifiable (but as of yet unnamed) straight characters will soon be coming out of the closet, according to a report....


Didio said DC's position had shifted on the subject since he said in an interview last year that any homosexual characters would be new introductions, and that none of their existing characters' sexual orientations would shift.


DC vice president Bob Wayne likened DC's change in tune to President Obama's shift on gay marriage, explaining that DC's policy “has evolved,” the report says.

Gay Superheroes Are Coming. 

DC Comics re-introducing existing superheroes as gay.

Carl's Jr. Ice Cream Brrger (WTF?)

Posted 2012-05-22 14:38:38 | Views: 15,147

What's Wrong with America? 

Foodbeast is reporting that fast food chain Carl’s Jr. is testing out a new product called the Ice Cream Brrrger in Orange County, California. The Brrrger is a burger-shaped ice cream novelty consisting of chocolate ice cream and “condiments” sandwiched between two sugar cookies. Wow, talk about troubling ...funny or both. Has anyone walked in the cereal section of you're local supermarket lately? It's pretty much a candy store. Every single cereal box is promoting anything but breakfast . Oh yes, I want Reeses flavored cereal mom! Please let me have it!!

Carl’s Jr. Ice Cream Brrrger, A Burger-Shaped Ice Cream Sandwich. Ha