I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Monster Trivia: How Many Jason Kills Total?

Posted 2012-04-11 20:55:35 | Views: 14,817

This maniac probably had the most kills out of any horror movie villian alive! 

Friday the 13th - NONE Mrs. Voorhees is the killer 
Friday the 13th 2 - 9 kills 
Friday the 13th 3 - 12 kills 
Friday the 13th 4 - 13 kills 
Friday the 13th 5 - NONE Roy is the killer 
Friday the 13th 6 - 18 kills 
Friday the 13th 7 - 16 kills 
Friday the 13th 8 - 19 kills 
Friday the 13th 9 (Jason Goes To Hell)- 21 kills, by Jason's soul in other peoples bodies 
Jason X - 28 kills *confirmed* 

So in all Jason gets 154 kills. That's a hell of a lot! 



Live For Today

Posted 2012-04-11 19:37:03 | Views: 14,039

"Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none."

 - Albert Einstein

We Need A Revolution

Posted 2012-04-11 19:24:57 | Views: 13,663

We Need A 




1.an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established
 government or political system by the peoplegoverned.

2. Sociology a radical and pervasive change in society and thesocial structureespecially one made suddenly and oftenaccompanied by violence.
 Compare social evolution.

3. a sudden, complete or marked change in something: thepresent revolution
 in church architecture.

4.a procedure or course, as if in a circuit, back to a startingpoint.

5.a single turn of this kind.

Whoa, Spiderman Hoodie

Posted 2012-04-11 19:10:09 | Views: 15,250

Whoa, I gotta get me one of these. I think every 5 year old kid use to run around the house thinking they were Spiderman. Now, you can actually do it as an adult and look half crazy. This Spiderman hoodie is an officially licensed, full zippered Spiderman hooded sweatshirt. These Spiderman hoodies have been screen printed with classic artwork featuring an official Spiderman image on the front. These Spiderman hoodies are usually made from heavyweight 9oz. cotton zippered hooded sweatshirt blanks for warmth, comfort and quality. 

Spider Man Hoodie!


Rock a Spidey Hoodie bro! 

So Fly Chicks

Posted 2012-04-11 18:19:04 | Views: 17,081


Sometimes, most times you can't get enough of the fly...

We Are The Rebel Alliance

Posted 2012-04-09 19:46:46 | Views: 14,080

We are the rebels. 

They call us the Rebel Alliance. 

and we are voting RON PAUL. 

A Scary Illegal Alien

Posted 2012-04-09 15:33:55 | Views: 13,771

An illegal 

alien since 


How It Started: Rick Rolling

Posted 2012-04-09 14:33:26 | Views: 14,885

Rickrolling is said to have begun as a variant of an earlier prank from the imageboard 4chan known as duckrolling, in which a link to somewhere (such as a specific picture or news item) would instead lead to a thread or site containing an edited picture of a duck with wheels. The user at that point is said to have been "duckrolled".

By May 2008, the practice had spread beyond 4chan and became an Internet phenomenon, eventually attracting coverage in the mainstream media. An April 2008 poll by SurveyUSA estimated that at least 18 million American adults had been rickrolled. In September 2009, Wired magazine published a guide to modern hoaxes which listed rickrolling as one of the better known beginner-level hoaxes, alongside the fake email chain letter. The first known instance of a rickroll occurred in May 2007 on 4chan's video game board, where a link to the Rick Astley video was claimed to be a mirror of the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto IV (which was unavailable due to heavy traffic). The joke was confined to 4chan for a very brief period.


not that you care, but how 

did Rick Rolling Start?

Via: Wiki

Tips for Artists Who Want to Sell

Posted 2012-04-09 12:19:02 | Views: 13,863

What Makes Farts Smell?

Posted 2012-04-09 11:49:05 | Views: 15,450

Damn I gotta fart...



In flatulence, odors result from trace amounts of components often containing sulfur compounds

The gas released during a flatus event frequently has a foul odor which mainly results from low molecular weight fatty acids such as butyric acid (rancid butter smell) and reduced sulfur compounds such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell) and carbonyl sulfide that are the result of protein breakdown. The incidence of odoriferous compounds in flatus increases from herbivores, such as cattle, through omnivores to carnivorous species, such as cats. Flatulence odor can also occur when there is a number of bacteria and/or feces in the anus while being expelled

Jay-Z and Beyonce: Rich Love

Posted 2012-04-08 17:05:42 | Views: 15,487

I got this black chick, she don't know how to act
Always talkin out her neck, makin her fingers snap
She like, "Listen Jigga Man, I don't care if you rap
You better - R-E-S-P-E-C-T me"



When Jigga lyrics speak the truth...

Annual earnings according to Forbes:

May 2010 to May 2011 Earnings: $35 million
May 2009 to May 2010 Earnings: $87 million
May 2008 to May 2009 Earnings: $87 million
May 2007 to May 2008 Earnings: $80 million


Estimated Net Worth: Over 300 Million. 


May 2011 to May 2011 Earnings:$37 million
May 2009 to May 2010 Earnings:$63 million
May 2008 to May 2009 Earnings:$35 million
May 2007 to May 2008 Earnings:$82 million
May 2006 to May 2007 Earnings:$34 million





Estimated Net Worth: $450 Million 

I want an iburger

Posted 2012-04-06 11:09:37 | Views: 14,426





























light on the mayo, chump! 







A Republican, A Democrat, What's the Difference?

Posted 2012-04-06 10:42:58 | Views: 13,585

What's the difference between a Republican and a Democrat? 

When a Republican plans to screw you over, they do it in your face. 

When a Democrat plans to screw you over, they do it behind your back. 

Politics 101

Everyone Needs New Haters

Posted 2012-04-05 17:58:52 | Views: 16,925

I need some new haters. The old ones are starting to like me. 
















Old school: Bad Brains Flyers

Posted 2012-04-05 13:56:46 | Views: 16,687


If there is any band as mighty as Black Flag it is the Bad Brains. The Bad Brains music is the best in the world IMO. I haven't been able to see them live which sucks...but lucky for me and others like me we can still enjoy their records and some of these great old school flyers. Talk about real social media right here. I'm looking foward to their film which should be out soon. At any case here are some of my favoite flyers I found online   Via: Bryan Ostrand