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                                                               Change How You Think         

 I am tired of hearing the same old assumptions that other races are taking away all of the one race men or women. I would like to let you know something today; men or women who chose to date another race does not mean that they still are not cheaters. It is important that you understand that whether a man or women chooses to date any race or someone with nice assets, they still will cheat.  I promise you it is not about how he or she may look, but it is about the confidence and the excitement at the time of the whole discretion.  To be honest ladies, a man is going to be a man; have you ever notice that men will look at any woman who has a nice ass or breast whether black, white or hispanic? If she has a feature on her body that is nice, the man will look. I have not seen in my lifetime one man who has not seen a woman of any race that has a nice body and does not look at her ass.  A man will be with the love of his life, and if he sees a nice bottom, he will sneak a peek and maybe continue to look when he can. I just want to let you know ladies; this is a normal reaction and unfortunately is something that you can not change.           
             Lets talk about the highly paid professional man who could live amongst the most successful individuals, they will still find themselves committing the sin of lust once they see a nice figure around.  Most women believed that if I keep my man from going to some places I do not have to worry. To be honest, this is not true! Most of these women with the figures and pretty faces are usually working with these men, or they are sometimes seen  while he is riding home from his journey to or from work.  If you feel you need to protect your man from places, this is because he may not be that faithful man you would want him to be.      

          My point to all of this is a man will surprise you just as a woman will. Most men and women would be amazed of the conversations your partner has with their friends or co-workers when you are not around.  I tend to see often women and men angered after finding out things that were done inappropriately, which eventually was relayed back by a good friend of what their partner got caught doing the night before. This is why it is very important to make sure before rushing into dating or marriage that you truly learn your partner.  If you take your time, you may find that the person you originally thought was right for you is not.  One thing I hate to see is someone who is hurt and stressed from bad relationships. If we learn how to be patient and focus on what we feel we need in our lives before anyone else is a part of it,  I honestly can say that we would most definitely be better off.         
         After talking to many couples about relationships, I found that there were plenty of couples who shared the story of moving fast into a marriage without knowing who they were marrying.  This situation is quite disturbing to talk about especially when you learn that most couples who were married remained in a terrible marriage so they would not be an embarrassment to the family.  This is always a big problem when mom and dad has so much input in your marriage that you feel the decisions you make are based on them. For years, daters have had the problems of going and telling their parents everything that goes on between them and their partners. In result, they wonder why their relationships do not workout. It is none of anyone’s business of who says what in a marriage unless you are being abused.  I just hate when couples fight and they find a need to run and tell the parents about their personal problems. I mean it goes to show that they are spoiled, still want to be a child and does not know how to grow up and be a man or a woman in their household.  When you are dating or married, your personal business stays with you and your partner. Work on handling your issues keep others out and then you may see that you will have a healthier relationship.