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Portland Press
Running Away in the Name of Love?
Yesterday night, two teenagers were caught in the hugging in front of 37 Brooks. One male, the other, female. Both, accourding to or sources, are uncured.
--To protect the families of the two infected, --
-- we will not be including names in this article.--
--                      Only initials                           --
 "L was just your ordinary girl-" says  evaluations, went to work..." when a
I've always been paranoid about the
 tite never changed, she had no moo
      According to Regulator Dave, the
 and where he is.  "They appeared to 
guess they planned to run for..  The 
   The girl was subdued and  brought
After interviewing L's foster parent, we turned to her older sister, who was cured when she was younger. She told us that when she was L's age, her friend introduced to a boy. She and that boy both had feelings for each other. Then the boy's parents found out and told hers. She was cured within the week.
   This girl also tells us that it probably runs in their blood. When she was little, she remembers her mom picking her up and kissing her scrapes when she fell, having "sock parties", and her mom saying "I love you". 
   The procedures were said not to have worked on her mother, and just before her fourth, her mother went crazy and took her own life.
L is scheduled for her procedure on sunday
foster parent, "She had just gotten her match, scored an eight at the 
sked if she had known, L's foster mother replied; "No! She showed no signs,
 disease, so I check for them in all of my children almost constantly. L's appi-
d swings, and arrived at work on time."
re is no word on the boy who infected L. But soon they will know who he is, 
be ready to run away, they both had packs with food and camping supplies. I
Wilds... Deliria will drive you insane after all." - Regulator Dave
 home late yesterday night. 
(Answers on page 2)
Dear Carolyn,
                      My best friend- let's call her H- has been acting strange lately. It feels like she's been avoiding me. 
We have one of those relationships where one of us can just show up at the other's house and sleepover.                   Yesterday, the Fourth of July I walked to her house and went up to her room. Every year we go to see the fireworks at the Eastern Promenade. I let myself in because no her parents are hardly ever home and I can never get H to answer the dang door. When I was down the hallway, I heard music playing, which is weird because H doesn't normally listen to her music that loud. 
    As I got closer, I realized that H wasn't only listening to loud music, she was listening to forbidden music. I opened her bedroom door and once H saw me, she immediately shut it off. 
We remained in silence for a few seconds. She said hi and that she didn't hear me come in. I told her that she wouldn't hear me break in blaring music like that. H has been obsessed with music, so her trying something new has happened before. But this time, she acted as though there was something she was hiding. And that ended up being the biggest secret I'd have to keep. 
   Apparently, a week ago H met this guy at the doctor's office while they both were waiting for their appointments. She told me that they have been talking since; and that he helped her get the music. She found an illegal site.
   At this point, I freaked out. I ended up breaking the latch on her 
window trying to open it.. H tried to calm me down but her being 
close just made me worse. I was, and am, terrified for her safety. 
But at the same time I am furious.
  H tells me that there's a party she will be going to, where there
will be boys. I tell her it's a bad idea, that she shouldn't go. But 
what I get in return is "you shouldn't be so scared all the time". 
Then she brings my family into the conversation. H tells me that I 
won't end up like a passed family member. To which I reply, 
"F you" (but y'know the actual word). 

   Should I have reacted better to this Carolyn? I just don't want 
her to get hurt..
Dear L,
   Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we are tracking your IP address as this is being sent out.   

                                       A boy was found at 5AM this                                          morning on the side of Drive                                            Parkway, deceased. He was later                                      identified as Alex Sheathes. He                                        was reported to be badly beaten,                                      with multiple injuries to the                                              head, shoulders, and back, as well as a gunshot wound-There have been no further reports as to the boy's conditions.

Alex worked as a part-time guard in government buildings. He attended college at Portland University, a straight-A student-his professors and peers have shown true remorse. 
  This young man leaves behind no family, only a hamster that he's left to a friend.
Rest in peace, Alex.
By Bob Smith
Issued: November 15th 2102
Alex Sheathes Found 
Dead On Side Of Road
Brr! Prepare for cold weather!
Loryn LaMonte's picture of the moon scores as the Photo of the Month!
What? I'm not covering up the blank space here... Don't make such outrageous accusations! 
... Okay yes I am but I couldn't get rid of this little part here. :(
A few dim points:
- Although few scenes were left out, many story building scenes
were forgotten
- Not enough extras to make a
realistic town world.
I absolutely loved this film and
would recommend it to even the
most irritable critic.
                                                     I have been                                  critiquing and reviewing                                movies for thirty years now.                                 Throughout those years, I have had few favorites. This film, however, has made it into my top three. Lauren Oliver has definitely outdone herself with this book.
    This story takes place in a world where love is a disease, Lena (Tiddle) Haloway, our protagonist, grows from a timid, and generally fearful girl into a strong and brave-ish young adult.
  Lena meets a boy named Alex and they fall in love, which of course is forbidden in this world. They decide to escape together- which holds drastic events for those who have gotten attached to these characters.
  The camera, makeup/dress, and special effect crews prove to be amazing with this film. Vanessa Marano is a perfect Lena. I always read the books (if any) before reviewing a film. With Ashley Benson as Hana, Alex Pettyfer as Alex, & Diane Keaton as Lena's aunt and adoptive parent, this cast couldn't be better.
Movie Review