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The Hack

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   :/                   THE HACK                  issue #1
Brittany Whitcher period 7                                                                  Don't Choke                                                                                  $5          1/1/2050
      Sam Saves Nation From Deadly Computer Virus
                                                            FEATURE ARTICLE
The latest nuero-technology had been a hit, and everyone bought the new headsets. No body suspected in the least that with it's detection of the waves of the brain and how it reads the mind so you can successfully maneuver on your device that it can also change your thoughts. Apparently Ursula, as we'll call the virus for now, reeled when she found confusion or fear in the minds of the headset users, and to fix the problems she did whatever she could, including brainwashing people. We know this now, but if it hadn't been for Sam, we would have never found this out. You may remember how chaotic it was when those with nuero-headsets were trying to put them on other people. Well that's what was happening while Sam Wilson and "Dodge" Dodgerson were trying to stop Ursula by actually using a headset. Dodge tried unsuccessfully, but when Sam tried, phonemically every ones thoughts automatically came to his mind. He now knows everything and is busily working right now to help the nation recuperate from this major dilemma.
                          Movie Review
It is hard to write a movie that is based off of a book, and those that are made are bombarded by comments of how unlike the books they are. Brain Jack by Brian Falkner, however, is not one of those movies. It displays the characters and their personalities exactly as they are portrayed in the book, in my opinion, and no events were cut too short. A little creativity was added in making the chases of the story longer (but not too much longer) and more dangerous. This was an excellent movie resembling an excellent book, and I think the actors did a wonderful job. Here is a list of the actors and who they played:

*Sam Wilson- Michael Cera
*Dodge- Tom Hardy
*Vienna- Chelsea Barnes
*Ranger Tyler- James Marsden
*Jaggard- Peter Weller
*Fargas - Seth Rogen
*Swamp Witch- Madam Mim
       *Actors were chosen by Brian Falkner
                                                        Advice Column
Dear Carolyn,
For a long time, I've been known as the best worker at my job. No one would even try to get as far up as I am. But not to long ago this new kid got hired, and he's totally stealing my glory! All of a sudden, I'm regarded as the "runner-up". I'm second now, and the best is this newbie. What should I do?
Jealous Employe

Dear Jealous Employee,
You are selfish. Being a first rank employee is a privilege, not a right! How rude to be upset at someone who takes that rank, and especially if they're new. Not many new employees can move to the top so quickly. Be happy for him or her, and encourage them. It's okay to try to get back into '1st place', just don't be upset at the newbie, like you obviously are. You need to change.

This is what Winchester, Nevada looked like after Ursula's army marched through it.