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Deliria Forever

Whats in it for you?
Movie Review
Delrium is an emotional and awesome book. One moment it will be calm and happy and the next it's depressing and abrupt. Even though you go through a wind whirl of emotions it is one of the best books i have ever read. Please read the book and then wait to see the movie.
Directed By: Morgan Spurlock
Lena- Selena Gomez     Brian Scharff-Tom Cruise
Alex- Theo James           Uncle William- Brad Pitt
Hana- Emma Roberts      Jenny- Liana Liberato
Carol- Gweneth Paltrow
Grace- Mackenzie Foy
Regulator #1- The Rock
#2- Robert Pattinson
#3- Chris Hemsworth 
Drew- Charlie Veitch
Wild's Guard- Liam Hemsworth
What is an illness in the eyes of the elder and the town, but not in Alex and Lena's eyes?

Dear Carolyn,

  My friend wanted me to go to this party this weekend. I don't know if i should go though, there will be alcohol, bad things and bad people. I'm scared I don't know what to do?

                      Sincerely, Flusterd Girl

Dear Flusterd,

  If you know that they are going to do bad things and possibly get in trouble, I wouldn't go. I know you probably don't want to be called a chicken or other names, but don't listen to them. Or if anything tell her it's not a good idea and yall both not go. Also I would  suggest make some new friends that won't do bad things. It's good to be around good influences. So personally I wouln't go, but it's your dicision but think before you do something you'll regret. 

Cows Intrude Evaluation!

On Monday during the Elvaluation cows barged in scaring the kids and workers. Who did this crime and why would someone do this? Gladly no one got hurt or ingured during this fiasco, and elvaluations are cancled until further notice.

Help Wanted!


We need more raiders to keep the town safe.

This job is serious and dangerous.


Military Experience

18 & older

If interested

Call: 268-421-8560


Email: [email protected]


Butterfly is a blue drink that helps prevent kids getting the love illness.

*If wanted* Call: 180-234-5216

Emma Roberts
Theo James
Selena Gomez