First United Methodist Church
June 1, 2015 Volume MMXV NO. 5
June Worship
Guest Preachers
June 7
Doug Birdsong
June 14
Barry Cairns
June 21
8:25 am
Scott Jagodzinske with VBS program preview
11:00 am
Vacation Bible
School Program
June 28
Rev. Wayne Montgomery
First United Methodist Church
122 N. 8th St.
Salina, KS 67401
Prayer List - Please Pray
Prayer List: Eleanor Banker, Shirl Carrier, Judy Cooley, Verla Cott, Bill Dreese,Jerry & Janet Dyck, Kristy Foster, Nathalie Harvey, Shirley Isin, Kay Jarvis, June Jennison,
Lyle Johnson, Gene & Sara Ann Johnson, Lucille Lightner,
Bob Lindsley, Adriana Maguire, Frank Mitchell, Jack O'Neal, Muriel Otis, Shirley Peterson, Danielle Pickens, Patricia Powell, Althea Rice, Laura Snyder, Joann Stubby, Ronald Sutton, Lavonne Sutton, Eleanor Switzer, Arvin & Joyce Trent, Art Waymaster, Pat Young,
Earlene Zimmerman
Our Prayer Ministry: We believe in the power of prayer. We would like to be teaching you to pray or praying for you. Contact the church office or email: [email protected].
Gluten Free Crackers
There are gluten free crackers available every Sunday we serve communion at the downstairs North serving station. If you need the gluten free crackers, please go to that station and when coming to the server, please inform them you would like the gluten free crackers.
For your giving donations to the church via debit/credit cards, the Square-up is located by the South Kiosk. Please follow the instructions posted there.
StaffRev. David Watson Pastor
Susan Winston Dir. of Children /Adult Activities; Parish Care
Scott Jagodzinske Dir. of Youth, Young Adults and Missions
Barbara Balser Dir. of Children's Ministries
Music Staff
Lyric Cairns Bell Choir Director
Children's Choir Acc.
Jo Kraus Organist
Steve Griffin Kingdom's Call Dir.
Stacy Jagodzinske Children's Choir Dir.
Dennis Toews Sanctuary Choir Dir.
Primary Childcare Givers
Elisha Cairns, Mellisa Cairns, Emerld Wills, Beth Wolsieffer
Child Care Givers,Assistants & Volunteers
Shaela Williams, Madeline Harris, Sherae Weilliams, Anlyn Arb
Bishop Bishop Scott Jameson Jones
District Superintendent
Rev. Delores Williamston
Congregational Joys and Concerns
Bible School June 15-19 from 5:15-8:00 pm Registration for Vacation Bible School begins May 10. This years theme is G-Force God’s Love in Action. The scripture focus is Acts 17:28a In God we live, move and exist. Kids will explore putting their faith into action. It is mission based and focuses on faith and healthy lives to serve God and others. The evening will begin with a light meal at 5:15. There is no cost to attend. Be sure to sign your child up today! Children will have the opportunity to participate in Mission Trip Salina on Saturday June 20 and the Vacation Bible School Worship Service on Sunday June 21. Save the dates!