The Invisible Girl Written by Stephanie Illustrated by Shaun
One dark and stormy night, there was a girl walking through the forest. She was very frightened of the forest. The first time she went there she couldn’t see her arms and she was beginning to think she would eventually lose her whole body.
But her evil mother forced her to go and get firewood for the stove. She begged and begged her mother not to go but she didn’t listen. She said
"If we don’t have wood then we couldn’t survive".
"But mother", she begged.
"Not another word!" her mother said in a stern voice.
So the next day she went and lost another part of her body but this time it was worse. Instead of losing an arm or leg, she lost an eye and was almost blinded.
The other times she went it started getting worse and worse, and by the end of the week all that was left of her was two legs and an eye.
When she was in the forest the next day she was gone. Never to be seen again!