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The Trail

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 11,751

KIKI VALDES: The Drawing Chronicles (Dec 1st)

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 11,715
Oliver Sanchez, the director of Swampspace, announced today the art gallery premier exhibition for Miami Art Week 2017.

The Drawing Chronicles
Opening Reception: Friday December 1, 2017 6-10pm
 December 1, 2017 - January 1, 2018

The recent works of Kiki Valdes are a maniacal storm of ink on paper. The drawings are dedicate yet aggressive compositions of comedic abstractions and figurative visions of the artist’s recurring dreams. Mr. Valdes skillfully appropriates art history themes of the ethereal muse, captivating love triangles, social angst and piercing anguish. His ability to convey depth captivates viewers with a unique and powerful sense of emotional engagement. The work leaves us satisfied with our desire for beauty, humor and social relevance.

"The world is at an eclipse of nuclear chaos and personal communication has been replaced by smartphones and dating apps. Love has lost it's old feeling. My drawings is in search of love. The world is crazy and I just want to feel 15, have butterflies and draw comic books. I feel that's why I've engulfed myself back into drawing. For me, is how it all started." - Kiki Valdes
Presented by: 
3940 N. Miami Avenue 33127 
(Miami Design District)

In 1999 Milton Friedman predicted Bitcoin

Posted by bitcoin Views: 19,605
In 1999, Milton Friedman predicted internet money aka Bitcoin.
He won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.
He was a advisor to President Ronald Reagan

Miami Art Week: Kiki Valdes at MDPLS / Dec. 3rd

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 15,151
Lobby Exhibition Space & Upstairs 
Thursday, Dec. 3rd - 7pm - 10pm 
101 W Flagler St, Miami, FL 33130
(305) 375-2665

Great article at

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 14,057
New Article Featured on 
My friends over at recently published an indepth story on my process at the studio and my new show that opens this Saturday (Nov 21st) at Miami-Dade Public Library System. Check it out!
Within the secret rooms of the Miami-Dade Public Library, abstract cartoons are warped, expressed, and re imagined in the artist residency lab for local Miami artist, Kiki Valdes. A graduate of New World School of the Arts, a YoungArts Alumni, and a Maryland Institute College of Art graduate from Baltimore, Kiki Valdes’ home is the 305. I was escorted into the grand historic library building through the maze of hallways and rode up secret elevators to find Kiki, in a black t-shirt, dark shorts, and Converse shoes, decorated with colorful paint strokes of labor. Behind him were his masterpieces, from small to large canvases, sprawled out from wall to wall. With about a week until the exhibition on (November 21) and 4 weeks of work already behind him, his pace was remarkable – Kiki Valdes produced an array of figurative abstractionist cartoonic pieces sure to wow any spectator in the library or private art collector. Here is his creative process and his perspective on Miami art. Meet Kiki Valdes, art resident of the Miami-Dade Public Library System.
Third Dream Media: You’re an animal. All the paintings look beyond anything you’ve done. Do you center your work on a certain theme?

Kiki Valdes: I’m trying to work with figurative abstraction and then just really breaking down any type of figure, or cartoon shape, and using it to create something else. My previous work was a little bit more cartoon-based; but that’s because I was just trying to understand the shapes. Now that I understand the shapes better, I’m starting to break them down and they’re just starting to become much more abstract. I feel I am going towards abstraction. My hand is kind of the same.

[I asked to advance through the plastic coverings on the floor to examine the smaller paintings neatly aligned on one side of the floor. There are 3 larger, stretched out canvases surrounding a collection of cartoonist portraits.]

So these are drawings/paintings that I put onto canvas, so I’m going to show about 20 of them. Along with these, [portraits] and then I’m also bringing a little bit of the older work, that I’m going to combine with these – so I’m probably going to end up showing 35 paintings in total.

It’s like a warped childhood. They are an interesting take on animation, color, bold lining, and high contrast. It looks like you are not afraid to create these figures. From this collection, which ones have been the most challenging?

It’s not really one in specific; it’s more about creating that new language, that’s the most challenging part. You’re creating something that is who you are – and then, there is no right or wrong way to do it. It’s kind of what direction you want to go, and trying to decide where you want to be. Obviously, there’s ways for it to be stronger, you’re just not sure how to get there.
"It’s not really one in specific; it’s more about creating that new language, that’s the most challenging part. You’re creating something that is who you are – and then, there is no right or wrong way to do it."
Read the rest of this article over at 

Kiki Valdes presented by MDPLS Permanent Art Collection (Nov. 21st)

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 15,175

The biggest Bitcoin transaction

Posted by bitcoin Views: 17,123
The Largest Bitcoin transaction was
The transaction was a voluntary audit 
by the bitcoin exchange Bitstamp.

DO banks voluntary and publicly
prove their assets?

Thanks to Oscar Fuentes (The Biscayne Poet)

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 13,048
I have to truly thank Oscar Fuentes aka The Biscayne Poet for making my new exhibit at the Miami-Dade Public Library System possible. He is truly an ambassador of the arts of the truest form. Not only does he make poetry and share it with all walks of life he collaborates with visual artists. I think you all will be pleased with the show on Saturday, Nov. 21st 3pm - 5pm.


Posted by KikiValdes Views: 11,749

Presented by MDPLS' Permanent Art Collection
Artist talk and opening reception
Saturday, November 21, 3 ‑ 5 p.m. 
Main Library, Lobby Exhibition Space & Upstairs 
Miami-Dade Public Library System
101 W Flagler St, Miami, FL 33130

Imagine if in 2004 you invest into Facebook

Posted by bitcoin Views: 17,359
In 2004, Reid Hoffman invested into Facebook:
Now his 0.5% stake is worth
He cofounded PayPal, LinkedIn and now a partner at venture capital firm Greylock Partners
He's investing into Bitcoin and thinks it could be massive!

If you use Facebook you should own Bitcoin

Greatness is built with hard work and investment

Posted by bitcoin Views: 16,462
Has been invested into Bitcoin.
Investors include Goldman Sachs, American Express, Visa, MasterCard, the New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, Google Ventures, Citi Ventures, Capital One, Samsung Ventures, Bain Capital, TechStars, Mitsubishi UFJ Capital, USAA, Y Combinator and many more.

Greatness was built by hard work and investment. Buy your first Bitcoin

Why no one can stop Bitcoin

Posted by bitcoin Views: 16,804
JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon
Thinks Bitcoin should be stopped by the Government

JPMorgan Chase received 
in taxpayer money from the 2008 TARP Bailout

This would be impossible with Bitcoin

Filling in the White (a work in progress)

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 12,134

How to tell if someone is lying Ted Cruz style

Posted by Humby Views: 15,984
People intend to achieve the obvious results of their conduct.
-Ted Cruz

Kiki Valdes: Presented by MDPLS' Permanent Art Collection

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 11,374

November 21, 2015 ‑ January 20, 2016
Main Library, Lobby Exhibition Space

A succession of new paintings by Kiki Valdes created on site through the library's artist pop‑up studio program. The vitality of the large works on view will highlight the painter’s proficiency with materials and surface. Valdes uses a familiar cartoon sensibility in his mark making that is honest in its wistfulness with semi‑abstractions and metaphorical settings.

Kiki Valdes was born in Miami, FL in 1981. He attended The Maryland Institute College of Art where he majored in painting. He has his work in various collections around the country and abroad. Last year Valdes had a one man show at The National Arts Club in Gramercy Park, sharing the season exhibition catalog with such artists as Edvard Munch and Ilya & Emilia Kabakov.

Artist talk and opening reception
Saturday, November 21, 3 ‑ 5 p.m.
Main Library, Lobby Exhibition Space

Drawing workshop with Kiki Valdes
Saturday, December 12, 3 ‑ 5 p.m.
Main Library, Lobby Exhibition Space
 101 W Flagler St, Miami, FL 33130
(305) 375-2665
Presented by MDPLS' Permanent Art Collection
"Wall Street Firecracker" 2015

They start on the floor, then end up on the wall.

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 11,775

Limited Edition Shirt now on

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 12,195
Pre-orders for my limited edition shirt is done. But, you can now order one from my personal site. Order one today before they are all gone. (free shipping)

Shirts Now Available on 
Also, make sure to subscribe to Kiki Valdes Youtube Channel. 
I share all types of videos weekly of what's happening in my life. It's a fun way to share my experiences and make them appear a bit more surreal, enjoyable and weird. Make sure to check it out, like my videos, comment on them and subscribe! 
Subscribe here. 

I Want To Show You Something

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 12,338

New Kiki Valdes Teal on Black Tee.

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 13,018
For Men and Women / Sale ends Oct. 21st

New KIKI VALDES shirts pre-order begins week.

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 12,384
New KIKI VALDES shirts are coming! Pre-order goes live this week.