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Don't Say Sorry (Too Soon!!)

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Don't Say Sorry Too Soon 

Let's keep it simple, when it comes to beautiful women men are fuckin' stupid. We do almost everything wrong that we aren't supposed to on a date or whatever. One of the most common mistakes is saying sorry for things you shouldn't be sorry for, yet you still say sorry because you think her beauty is like...the holy grail or something. She isn't...and she takes a shit just like you and if she doesn't shower in 1 day she will smell like you too...or worse. Treat her like a person, if she's awesome...great...if she sucks, let her know and keep moving along. Do you spend your life telling an old friend how much of an asshole they are? NO! You don't. Don't give your attention to a woman that doesn't deserve it either, and never, ever say sorry when you did nothing wrong. Be a fuckin' man. 

In my scientific study, I find that you are a fucking pu$$y if you say sorry too much.