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All about... Cocoa Butter

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Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter is simply adorable and the stuff that we use, is organic and also sourced from Fair Trade Farmers in Ghana. We buy it in bulk and it looks like the block in the photograph. Hard, decadent - and simply wonderful for your mind, body & spirit.


Cocoa butter is a stable and dry butter. It can be used in combination with other natural butters to create rich blends. We use it as our main base for our Miracle Lotion, Massage Bars, & bath melts - cocoa butter works with the other natural ingredients, reacts to the temperature of the body and melts over the skin, making it supple and smooth.


The butter is a natural emulsifier and softening for the skin. It is said to effectively relieve itchy, dry skin when applied topically. We use it across our entire range of products for its softening, moisturising and conditioning properties. It is great for preventing (and reversing!) stretch marks, ageing, dehydrated skin, dry, chapped or burnt skin - an all round first class performer, even suitable for children and sensitive skins!


We could not think of  a better ingredient to base our decadent range upon - not only does it leave your skin feeling like you have been on a spa break, it also smells divine! Yep, Cooca Butter (Cacao) is the raw ingredient used to make what we know better as chocolate!


And the scent is said to work in just the same way as chocolate, boosting your mood and raising your levels of the happy chemical, serotonin. So - our products truly DO work on your mind, body & spirit and are so pure, raw and fresh, that you could almost eat them!


Random Fact: Each bottle of Miracle Lotion is pure cocoa butter with organic coconut oil and your desired scent added to it. Nothhing more and nothing less! Those big bottles of 'cocoa butter body lotion' that you can buy in the 99p store contain a miniscule amount of cocoa butter. Why put that onto your skin when you can afford the real deal? Our lotion is more like a butter in a bottle. You will need to take a gloop out and then melt it in the palm of your hands...... a little goes a long way! You will see the difference when you try this for the very first time!