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Long time, no report....

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The Course Report

Back after two weeks away caddying in Korea . Very enjoyable Sunday afternoon at SK Telecom Open with K J Choi and his caddy Andy Prodger...

Since being back, have had a few rounds at Niseko Golf Course and two at Niseko Village Golf Course. Conditions have been great but the greens have been a little slow.


Driving range and practice holes now open at Niseko Village...

Also had one round at Niseko Tokyu Golf Course with Makabe san and Toshi ( local golfing icons) and had a good (slow) Sunday. Mak drove to Sapporo directly to buy a new driver. he bought the Taylormade Burner - white of course....


I have been trying the same driver this week with a Fukikura Speeder shaft..Going good so far but still within the first two weeks...

The new BoomStick......

Apologies to all for the lack of scores and pics. Will get the camera out this week and get some good video onto the blog...