Sexy Riot

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Mandy Murphy

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Hey friends, welcome to another exclusive issue of Sexy Riot. We got to catch up with the classy, beautiful and petite model Mandy Murphy. She’s from Florida and she’s been modeling for 2 years now. We really enjoy the quality of her pictures. Totally different from any of the other girls we featured; then again each one is special for different reasons. :-)  If your on the ipad, welcome! It looks great doesn’t it? Without further a due, learn something new about our 8th issue model Mandy Murphy. – Sexy Riot

What's life like in Orlando, FL?

Never a dull moment, that's for sure. Where I live, I'm minutes away from the beach, downtown, museums, parks, beautiful nature and amazing weather - I love it.

How long have you been modeling?

A little over two years now!

Do you have a boyfriend?

Yes, and he's definitely my kind of man! We've been together for over a year now.

What kind of guys are you attracted to ? White, Black, Asian Hispanic? etc

I am not racist at all, but I prefer white males, I've never dated out of my own race mostly due to threats from my father and the way I was raised.

Who are some photographers you have worked with?

I've worked with a slew for sure, some of my favorite and most memorable with Lauren Steil, Victoria Zeoli, Lithium Picnic, Gage Young, Mojokiss, Michelle Star, Shelby Chan and gosh, so many others I'm leaving out that were also so amazing and spectacular at what they do. :X

Who's your favorite designer out today?

I can honestly say that I don't have one! As much as I love fashion, my style and love constantly evolves, I like such a range of designers that I could never narrow it down to just one!

Any models you look up to? Anyone you would like to work with?

Cindy Crawford & Claudia Schiffer are huge inspirations for me, as well as Dita Von Teese, who has such a glamourous, classy look.

Yes! ALKDDKctually going next week. :)

So, you like eating candy and smoking pot?

Two of my favorite things to do daily, all day.

What do you do on your free time?

Crafts! I love making cute artsy fartsy things, painting, gardening, flea markets, thrift shopping, hanging w/my friends.

Ever make it much down to Miami?

Yes! Actually going next week. : )


Any shoots coming up you can share with us?

I have a really exciting shoot coming up with Dangerously Dolly (Artraged) coming up that I'm really excited about! I've admired her work for awhile now & we've been wanting to shoot for some time now and FINALLY we'll be in the same place, same time soon. Cute stuff coming soon!


Ever had a one night stand?

Never in my life, everything about that phrase wants me to vomit. Sex is love, and love does not come & go overnight.

How many times have you been to Disney world?

 Over 20! It's one of my favorite theme parks, who doesn't love Minnie Mouse and magical lands?

What things model wise up to this point are you most proud of?

That's a toughie..I feel like I haven't even reached my full potential at all so it's hard to say.

Whats a big turn off and turn on for you?

Turn on - good smelling armpits. Turn off - teeth plaque.

Any pets?

A cat named Miss Kitty and a bunny name Herman (after Herman Munster)

Can we find you in print?

A few places, yes! Been in a few tattoo magazines, bunch of various advertisements, couple of covers, also just shot another cover for an international magazine last month.

Favorite sites?;!

Favorite magazines?

W, Another, Nylon, Playboy (Oooo) and Architecture's Digest

What do you think of the ipad?

I wouldn't mind having one, want to buy me one?

I see your an iphone user, if someone stole your phone what kind of texts would they find, and what kind of pictures?

1000 texts from my dude, few from my mom, bunch of missed calls, backed up on voicemails, maybe some nudes & pictures of Miss Kitty probably..hahah







Special thanks to Mandy for doing the interview. Stay tuned for more exclusive interviews with some of hottest models that are of 100% Value for people into tattoos, pin up, punk rock modelilng and more! Let us know what you want to see! Subscribe to our webzine and drop us a message with feedback and questions. Thanks for the love everyone! -Sexy Riot