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Season 2 - INSANITY

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100 Ways To Ensure

You Will Never Go Crazy



Time To Smile


& VIBES Begin



Doing The Same Thing

Over & Over Expecting

A Different Result

CREATIVE VIBES : 71/40 - July 2012


When ever I get overwhelmed or just need to relax. I listen to music. During this time when you are running in circles and fighting the fight, I suggest listening to the lyrics in the songs below. 

Adelle sings about transition and making change. Following a path the leads nowhere is just the beginning. Her chorus says "should I give up OR should I just keep chasing pavements... even if it leads nowhere"  Often we choose to fear the unknown and are resistant to change, but that is part of the struggle.

I'm sure that you can take this song in many directions but in focusing on the 2nd season called INSANITY. I think it works in well. We have to decide when enough is enough. If you are unhappy you have to choose to be happy. If you are hurt you have to want to heal.  But the hardest part of moving forward is letting go.

I love so many of India Arie's songs but this on tells you just what to do. GET IT TOGETHER 


Check out this month's issue of INSANITY. Yep! that's me. Smiling and feeling good. But on the inside what you don't see is the fear and the consistent need of approval that I battle everyday. But what do we do. Put on a happy face and smile through the pain.  What I like to say is "Laugh to keep from crying".

Perhaps you are featured in an article or two. Pages and pages of never ending tales of how you have so much potential and just need to be patient. Well the truth is we are all in an issue of INSANITY every now and then.  Then the light bulb goes off and you decide to make a change. Changing your everyday habits and cycle is easier said than done. But you have to take that chance. Regardless is others believe in you or your dreams It's ultimately just that. YOUR DREAM. So guess what? YOU have to stop the insanity and let go.

please share this blog with friends or family that may just need to know that they are NOT alone.