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actin' BRAND new...

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new day

Everyday is a NEW opportunity for you to get it right. Life that is... we all want to be able to say we "GOT OUR SH*T TOGETHER". That's what you tell people as soon as they seem to be off their game. And you will never "get it together" if you feed into the negativity. If you wake up and tell yourself, "I'm exhausted... I don't want to get up, it's going to be a long day... I hate my life...blah blah blah" You've already set the tone for the day.


Wake up and speak the positive " Today I will make a difference.. TODAY will be a success! It;s a brand NEW DAY" Recognize the challenges that your encountered yesterday, then set you mind to make this NEW DAY better than the last. You have to believe in your worth and make the most of the time you have & let your light SHINE. Nothing is guaranteed and you will make mistakes all the time, but learn from them. Acknowledge  your weakness and try to change your habits and continue to grow. Every day you must feel confident that you will be a blessing to all that you interact with and CHOOSE to LIVE, LOVE & SHINE!


thanks for reading :) your support is greatly appreciated.. Please LIKE and SHARE with someone who needs a smile.


Nina B~