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STEP your GAME up...

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Be a role-model


My favorite person is my daughter. She is not afraid of being unique and standing out as an individual. She shows her personality through her style of fashion and creativity and, always keeps me smiling with her amazing sense of humor. She has friends of all backgrounds and is open to change. (We've moved a lot) Like most young people they aren't ready for the crazy life that will soon smack them in the face after college. So It is our responsibility as parents to talk to them daily and help them understand people and learn to communicate. Now talking to teenagers is definitely like getting dropped off in a forgien country. But truth is WE (as parents ) have all been in their shoes. So in the meantime we have to encourage our children so they can survive some of the mistakes WE made and then perhaps allow you help them through a few new ones. So until then WE must start stepping up our parental game and become

the ROLE- MODELS they need to be successful in life.




the newest craze is fashionable nail creatations with cool color nail polish and My daughter is superb at it. In the photo to the right she is showing off the desgin that she created for the summer holidays. PRETTY AWESOME RIGHT?! So instead of encourageing her to work in the mall (my personal mistake) or scoop ice cream, I have created marketing  for her and her buddies to set up shop,  do nails and talk fashion as a business.

 (and to make some money at it)


Well Will Smith has come along way from days of being the Fresh Prince, but his creativity shot him to the top. As parents we may not understand but we can defiantly relate. Love and encourage your children by setting the example.

{{Love  a good throwback!}}