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8SEASONS of J. Windsor

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CV~What is your talent/brand? When did you identify your dream?

JW~My talent is singing &  I identified my dream at the age of 13.


CV~Are you ready to stop your past habits and let go of people that are not supporting and how?

jw~I have had some leave on their own and others I'm weeding out by process of elimination through much prayer.


CV~How will you handle your transition? Can you breathe in your success and blow off the doubters?
 jw~through much prayer and wisdom I will be able to handle the transition . I've dealt with doubters my entire life, however with each doubter came more revealing of what I was called to do in the earth.


CV~Can you Say yes not can't everyday? Even if it hurts?

jw~that one I might need some work on, however I'm saying yes to those things that will be a positive seed towards others.


 cv~Are you ready to dedicate your time? Are you prepared to start working through the setbacks and distractions?

JW~ i'm totally dedicated to fulfilling my career in music, the distractions are part of the process it's how you deal with the distractions that will push you closer to your goal.


CV~What steps do you take to tell yourself that you are successful and that you deserve it?

jW~Each day I declare and decree that I'm successful and that the promises of God on my life will manifest so I can leave an inheritance for my kids and their kids and beyond.


cv~When will you get it started and get prepared to live life to the fullest?

jw~I have already begun working towards my goal, I have been working as a professional artist for 6 years now and counting.


               cv~How will YOUR dream effect you And change your life forever? 

jw~my dream will effect not only me personally but also my family. This dream will place my family in a better financial situation which will us to do more for others...which is the primary goal of sharing my gift of music to the masses.                       

Everyone goes through their own Season at their own pace. The 8SEASONS are my way of sharing the achievement in everyday people. It's not about WHEN you start it's about STARTING!






thank you for reading and getting to know J. Windsor. You can keep up to date with him in his growing story on his official fanpage on facebook. I hope that his story inspires you to look deep in your heart and let your soul shine and live your dreams.


Nina B~


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