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Piles and Piles of Snow! by matthew

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Have you ever heard of a blizzard?Blizzards are very dangerous they are not just snow falling from the sky.Blizzards have strong winds and snow that could freeze you.By the end of this article you will be a expert on blizzards.
                                                 BLIZZARDS!                                                    HAVE you  ever thought "what is a blizzard?"Well,from researching I found out a blizzard is, myraid of snow falling from the sky and getting blown by wind.The wind could  go as fast as 30 mph.The blizzard starts when 50 degrees or higher degree drops in a hour.
                                  BLIZZARDS WARNING
   Do you think blizzards are dangrous?Well blizzards re very dangrous because it could give you frost bites and you could freeze.A storm called superstorm killed 270 pepole.Now do you belive that blizzards are dangerous?                                                                 
                                  Stop snow
   Have you ever been in a blizzard for a long time.Well a blizzard could go for one week or two.A blizzard called Nemo lasted about a week.Also in canda and north central there blizzard lasted for a week.
           Frost bites-Its when you are very cold and your skin frezzes
           Mph-miles pure and hour
           Myraid-a very great number

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