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Jonathan Stein, Artist Interview Interview with Miami artist David 'LEBO' Le Batard

How did you get into photography? Was it always focused on fashion? 

I got into photography by accident. I started out wanting to be an actress actually. To break into the film business I did makeup on the side. I worked as a freelancer for a local production company out in Washington state. To build up my book I started networking with local photographers. Which then led to me doing some modeling…and then finally, I picked up a camera.  Nobody wanted to try the concepts I wanted to do, so I did them myself.  And yes, I guess fashion was always the goal--although it wasn't necessarily executed too well haha.

You are in Washington right now? What brought you to DC? 

I live near DC yes…I made the "young and in love" move and came out here for the wrong person.  Although, I don't see it as a mistake. I think as an artist I have been making the most out of the resources here. It took me a while to find them, but there are hidden gems in this city; like anywhere else.

          Oriana Layendecker
Fashion photographer Oriana Layendecker takes a few questions on a fine August afternoon. 
Most memorable experience while shooting? 

Ooo…that's a tough one haha. I was on a location shoot during the wintertime. We had been shooting non-stop for hours and one of the models was on her period. We were out in public and she was wearing a very expensive gown. To ensure nothing got on the dress I took her to the most private corner possible and held up her dress for her while she took care of business….that might be a little too graphic for your blog. So that, and having equipment fall and smack me in the face while shooting, leaving me with a black eye.

Your photos seem very atmospheric, is there a lot of prep work while setting up the backdrop for the shoots? 

I definitely tie in location with every shoot. It can make or break it! Some looks just don't work in certain places. Planning out the light, shadows, color, textures etc makes a huge difference.  Although, when it comes to planning, I do leave some open ends, it keeps things fresh.

Do you have a blog? 

I have a tumblr, a twitter, an instagram, but no blog.  I'm not much of a writer and I hate explaining things because half the time I am experimenting.

What other areas would you like to explore? 

Video. I would love to get back into it…it's something I explored very briefly years ago when I went to school for acting.  I love it, but I have to learn all the new editing programs and I just haven't had the time.

What's next?

I have a handful of editorials that I am very patiently waiting to share with the world. Magazines take forever as you know, and some things I shot almost a year ago are still on hold. As for what's in the future, I can't wait to find out.

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