Electronic music festivals are becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon, with gatherings all over the world in many diverse locations. Tomorrowland in Germany is arguably the largest and most well known globally, yet here in the states EDC, or Electric Daisy Carnival has an almost cult-like following. Not all festivals are created equal however. Electric Forest (A festival in Rothbury, Michigan) is one of the most original, with sights and sounds that are unrivaled in aesthetic quality. Josh Clemmons had the opportunity to experience this grand spectacle of EDM culture.Josh is your average festival-goer; if there even is such a thing. Sporting a thick mane of midnight-black dreadlocks, and in contrast an arsenal of neon themed clothing, he enters the gate into Electric Forest with anticipation building in his core. The first sight upon entry immediately bewilders him, a group of ladies boldly wearing nothing besides the bottom half of bikinis and glowsticks somehow secured to their chest.
“That’s the thing at music festivals...” Josh claims excitedly “...whatever concerns society places on modesty are entirely void once you step through that gate.”
After gawking in awe for a little too long, Josh continues onward. His first goal is to find some MDMA, or molly, before the nights first headliner; Zed’s Dead. It is 10 p.m. this gives josh only a two hour window to secure some ecstasy. Nevertheless, Josh is an experienced user and knows what to look for. Quickly spotting a man with no iris to be seen, he makes his move. The operation was a success, and Josh comes into possession of three contraband-filled capsules. A glance at his wristwatch tells him it is now 11:03, “Perfect” Josh thinks to himself, with his experience he knows it will take 45-50 minutes for the drug to take effect. Grabbing a free water bottle from a nearby booth that promotes safe and responsible drug use, he swallows two of the capsules, saving the last one to “boost” his high in a few hours. Away he goes on his way to the show.
The walk to the Ranch Arena where all the headliners perform is a small country away it seems, taking an abnormally prolonged time, due to having to make it through a mob of over 30,000 attendees. Josh is given a stroke of luck, and makes it before the majority of people. Allowing him to get a spectacular spot within a few yards of the stage. The clock strikes 12 and all hell breaks loose, Josh is experiencing waves of euphoria unrivaled by anything else. Lights, lasers, and love, these are the universal attractions bringing everyone together all serenaded by Zed’s Dead’s tantalizing show.
EDM light shows are completely out of this world, with intricate and colorful displays all simultaneously playing along the thumping bass. This display is what brings many festival goers in. Combined with the sensory enhancement brought on my MDMA it creates a symbiotic relationship between DJ and fan. Lights look brighter and more breathtaking, the bass vibrates to the user’s core, and the euphoria is unlike anything else. Josh tells me, “MDMA is not something you can imagine, it is only something you can experienced. If I had to describe it though I’d say it is like christmas morning as a kid multiplied by 100.”
Quoting Newton, what goes up must come down; however, and as the show nears it’s last song Josh is beginning to come down. He stumbles through the dispersing crowd in a daze, exhausted from hours of dancing. Arriving back at his tent he is starting to feel the “crash” or after effects of his substance. Being a safe user, Josh takes many supplements vital for serotonin production as the majority of his serotonin has been sacrificed for the unexcelled empathy he felt only hours earlier. Laying his head down on his memory foam pillow he contemplates tonights events.
A Day In The Life: Electric Forest