Official Newsletter & eZine of the Swallowfield Chapel Women's Ministry. We are Jesus Christ's DIVAS!
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Welcome! Merry Christmas & Happy (Shalom) New Year.
DIVA Feedback

Ladies, stay strong in the Lord. Support each other in prayer, keeping in contact, whatever it takes. One way to support us is to give us your feedback. 
What do you want to see in the next issues? What burning questions do you have about the Bible, discipleship, anything really that you can't ask in public? 
Ask us and let us address it here. Email us at [email protected] or Inbox us at www.facebook.com/xyz. Feel free to post items to our wall too. We love to Connect, Grow & Serve!

Our Next Event is...
Friday, January 16th, 6pm @ #9...check out the Flyer below... HEY SISTAH, SOUL SISTAH! 

Lots of debate out there about what Christmas is, the reasons for it, what makes it good and on & on. We celebrate Christmas in December to honour and give thanks for the fact that our Saviour Jesus Christ chose to come to Earth in human form. He honoured His Father and obeyed Him even unto death so that we could become a part of His family if we believed Him for His salvation. 
So while we recover from the nice dinners, social events, gifts, sorrel, food and other Christmas and related activities, let us remember that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning" as James 1:17 says.
As Christ's DIVAS, we are His representatives to those around us. May His Holy Spirit enable us to do well for our King as we stay DIVA'd up in CHRIST and be a CHRISTmas DIVA all year long.
2014 Event Recap

We had so many events this past year but we hope to increase them in 2015. 
We met at Son Rise - Prayer in the Garden, the STK5 after intense training at DIVAS REFRESH, we shared at our Book Club and we learned so much from the different guest speakers who came and shared with us about all kinds of amazing topics.
Ladies, please share your photos with us, we want to publish them and relive the joyous moments.
Speaking of photos, enjoy some candid captures...
2015 Upcoming Events

This year we want to improve on 2014 so here's what we have planned so far...
1. Book Club 
2. Newsletter
4. Tuesday Morning Devotional
5. Monthly Gatherings
6. Other Events To Be Announced
If you need details on any of these items or want to make suggestions, contact us via email at [email protected]
Use this email address to send photos as well. Add us to your address book too so our emails get to your Inbox and not Spam/Junk Folder.