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Brain Jack is exciting yet suspenseful book.
Sam just got thrown in jail for hacking into the 
White House. Will he stay in, or will he get out? We won't know tell next time on the Blackout Bulletin.
Blackout Bulletin 
Movie Cast & Crew
Sam- Zachery Gordon, Max (voice), Yellowbird
Dodge- Liam Hemsworth, Gale Hawthorne, Mockingjay 
Vienna- Mackenzie Lintz, Tribute Girl District 8, The Hunger Games 
Fargas- Nathan Gamble, Sawyer Nelson, Dolphin Tale 2 
Kiwi- Jake Short, Oliver, Mighty Med
Swamp Which- Reese Witherspoon, Carrie, The Good Lie
Agent Tyler- Chris Hemsworth, Thor, Thor: The Dark World
Ursula- Willow Shields, Primrose Everdeen, Mockingjay 
Security Guard Gordon- George Clooney, Frank Stokes, The Monuments Men
Jaggared- Alec Baldwin, Dr. John Howland, Still Alice  
Warden Brewer at Recton- Bradly Cooper, Rocket (voice), Guardians of The Galaxy  
Sam's Mom- Jennifer Love Hewitt, Kate Callahan, Criminal Minds 
Zombie & Gummi- Logan Lerman, Ham, Noah 
Ratface- Spencer List, AJ, A Wife's Nightmare


Advice Column
Dear, Carolyn
    There is this new electronic call a Nero-headset.
I think it is brain washing everyone and I don't known how to stop it. It all started with me. I was the first one to have it, then everyone else started getting  one to. Then one day everything changed, and  it was like I was the only one left on this planet.It was like everyone was dead, no one was moving, and all they could see was the images in their head. If you talked them they wouldn't respond.
-Lost Person- 

Dear, Lost
    This is hard one to answer. I say that you take the Nero-headset off here heads. If that doesn't work then move them and get them to come back. All I can tell you is things happen for a reason and if this was meant to work out then it well.
Movie Review 
Brian Jack is a movie you don't want to miss, I think it's a good family movie full of suspence and action.
The Nero-headset is a new electronic that lets people control the computer with there minds, and it's only $965

In loving memory of Fargas

Fargas loved to play games, I mean he was a teen so that enplanes a lot. All he did 24/7 to pass time was play games. Even thought his life was real short we all loved Nathan Gamble.