Yesterday's evaluations have been invalidated and students will be required to reschedule another evaluation date before they can receive their rating, approved matches, and schedule a date for their cure. Portland experienced an unprecedented event when a truck full of cattle intended for the slaughterhouse was mixed up with a shipment of pharmaceuticals. A stampede of cows flooded the evaluation building right in the middle of evaluations causing momentary fear and confusion in students and evaluators alike. Nobody was injured in this incident, but the cattle did create sufficient chaos to render any testing that had been done invalid. Anyone who was evaluated on the day of the stampede will need to repeat these evaluations. Investigations are being conducted to see how a mix-up like this was able to happen, and to prevent future incidents of this nature from occurring again. Portland is fortunate that the only consequences of this unfortunate mishap will be a day of repeated testing.
1/10 Worst movie I've ever seen. Never seen anything not follow its book this much. Who is Bob and Amanda, and why were they jumping off buildings trying to kill each other? What do they have anything to do with this book? Would not watch again.
Don't get run over by a herd of cows!
Need two Cureds for Evaluation Invalid watch. No Danger involved! *
*May get stampeded by cows and children.
I'm almost 18 and have had my first evaluation. I accidentally answered questions wrong, but something invalidated my first evaluation. I will get another chance at the evaluations and was wondering what i should do and say to get the best possible rating on the evaluations.
-Almost 18
Dear Almost 18, When you answer the questions choose things that will favor the evaluators and not point you to being infected. Ask another cured person for any further advice.