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Who are some of your biggest influences?
My biggest influences are mostly my contemporaries- musicians I play shows with, book shows for, see on a regular basis, etc. Bands like Hop Along, Mitski, Crying, Eskimeaux, The Island Of Misfit Toys, Told Slant, Brightside, One Hundred Year Ocean, Jordaan Mason, Run Forever, and lots more have had a huuuge impact on the way I write, perform, and navigate music/art. I've been so lucky to be surrounded by so many incredible artists.

What's the greatest moment you've experienced while touring? What's the greatest place you've played?
The best moment I've experienced on tour is probably any time someone comes up to me and tell me that they related to my music and that my set really affected them. Sometimes people cry while I play. It's weird that it happens, but it does mean a lot to me. A big part of why I do what I do is so that people going through similar things know that they're not alone and that they have support. It's always incredible to know that I'm doing something right. I know that's not a single moment but any time it happens, I can't really stress how good it is. It's also hard to pinpoint the greatest place I've played because everywhere I go has its ups and downs. Some shows are better than others, yes, but I can't really rank them. I could list great cities I've been to but it wouldn't be fair. I get something out of every show I play, even the really really terrible ones, and for me it's more about the overall experience of being able to tour and play music than any one particular show or town.
What made you get off your bed one day and into a touring van? Do you have any particularly life-changing touring experiences?
Existing as a trans musician has provided me with a mix of blessings and curses. Mostly curses, probably. I guess the worst is the sinking feeling in your heart when you've just spent your entire set singing about your experience as a trans woman, and then someone comes up to you afterwards and says "good set man" and calls you "he" and everything. It often feels like people haven't paid attention to a word you said. But often, they DID hear you, but they still don't bother trying to respect your (cont-)