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Despite what the women go through to earn less money than they can live on, they are very proud and have the most gentle spirits. I went to tour one of these women's homes, which was about 4 feet by 4 feet, with just a mattress on the dirt ground. She lived there with her children. When we stepped inside her home, my instinct was to feel bad for her. But when I looked over at her, standing in the doorway smiling from ear to ear so proud of her home, instead of feeling bad I told her, "your home is beautiful." She smiled even bigger and thanked me. To me, what looked to be a tragic living situation was actually a roof over her and her childrens' heads; a home that was a result of her hard work and courage. The women of Kechene inspire me every day to be thankful for my circumstances, to work hard and strive to have a spirit of strength like they all did.