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Axes of Feedback
From the beginning of this course, I committed to dropping traditional Western discourse on rhetorical practices. Instead, I decided to take on a more Eastern approach. This involved adopting a ritual of mindfulness, of coming to observe a piece of writing in a space of empathy; to meet people, to meet myself, where they are, and where I am, in any given moment, without judgement, and without constructs. I found that by seeing the world through this lens, I went deeper -- while becoming freer in practices which I was raised so rigidly. My calculation came in a form of re-calibration; to constantly realign my inner compass, yet to allow for spaces of difficulty, and to let the classic rhetoric with which I was built upon, slip away. Sift is the process of that upheaval paralleled with metastasis.
"The problem is that when you set up your world in dualistic terms of good and bad, right and wrong, being in control and being out of control, you are going to exclude a lot of perspectives, people, and legitimate spiritual activities." -Dream Yoga