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Why Not Try Creative Writing?

Posted | Views: 793
By Jade Perry
     From writing essays about the symbolism in The Good Earth, to picking Shakespeare apart to the very last syllable, English class is not exactly the favorite among some students. As a result, writing is something that many students have come to find boring and tedious; 
     They tend to see it as nothing more than long-winded essays about books they don’t have much interest in. The truth is that writing is so much more than that. Writing is an art, an expression of oneself and a vessel to communicate your thoughts and feelings on paper. If you don’t necessarily enjoy writing essays, that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy other forms of writing. Creative writing is the form of writing where instead of analysis of an existing work, you form your own with your imagination. Fiction novels, poetry, screenwriting, and even music are considered creative writing.       Anyone can get into creative writing, it isn’t all about technical skill, there are no limits except your own creativity. Creative writing starts with thinking outside of already existing ideas, and branching out to create something new. Believe it or not, most famous authors are famous because their work broke the bounds of writing conventions. So yes, writing is more than just Shakespeare analysis. 
     Why not try creative writing yourself? You might like it!
Writing Is More than analysis