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Summer Reading Book Fair

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     First Annual Summer Reading Book Fair

By Jade Perry
       On Wednesday, June 8 and Thurday June 9,, all students 5-11 grades of Morrisville were given the opportunity to select their own book for this year’s summer reading assignment.
      A book fair was set up in the media center with various donated books for the students to pick from. While students are permitted to keep their book permanently, returning their summer reading book for future students will get them extra credit on the summer reading assignment next year, making a great way to start off the year with a head start!
       Many students had positive things to say about the book fair. 
       Haris Qazi said “The book fair is a very inspiring place.”. 
      “I think the book fair is very helpful because we get to pick what we read.” Casandra Ulysse said when asked her opinion on the book fair.
      While the book fair idea was generally well received by students, it was not without its critics. According to Amya Pathirana, “[The book fair] is the most ridiculous thing ever, we are too old for this.”
      Eric Sewell also had more to add, “The book fair was like rain: once you go in it doesn’t get better.”
     "It is a nice thing to do," said Kaylee Searle 
     Jon Gilkeson added that the book fair was very delicious. 
      The book fair offered students with a lot of freedom of choice over what they read for the summer, and the book fair assignment itself is even more open, giving the students several options as to what assignment they can complete about their chosen book. 
     From writing a rap about their book, to illustrating a comic of key scenes, the students of Morrisville Middle/Senior High School are given the choice to select the assignment that works best for them. Many students are sure to enjoy their newfound freedom of choice in this year’s summer reading project