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A Real Snow Castle (Finland)

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a real snow castle

The SnowCastle of Kemi by the Gulf of Bothnia in Finland is the source of great pride as well as a true showcase of architectonic snow-work of the local constructors. Every winter the SnowCastle offers wonderful experiences for both children and adults alike. Great light-effects will add to the charm of the snow- and ice-sculpting as well as to the structures about the SnowCastle. 

Building of the SnowCastle 2011 started on December 3rd. Natural snow is too soft, for that reason we make the snow out of the sea water by using snow pipes. Air temperature should be at least - 7 degrees for making snow. The colder the weather is, the better the snow will be.

Whoa, next time I'm in Finland I'm gonna check this out!

A restaurant at the Kemi Snow Castle (Kemi, Finland)

A suite at the Kemi Snow Castle (Kemi, Finland)

Shot of the tables at the restaurant at Kemi Snow Castle.

Images: Toinen Linja