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Bad Times

Posted | Views: 502

Portland Times

Posted | Views: 869
Portland Times
Portland's Newest News. Sunday February 17, 2025
Carolyn Hax: Suspicious Big Sis

Dear Carolyn:
    My older sister is acting very strange. She is always gone to her friends house. I think she is infected. I like her, I just don’t want her gone. She is always going to her friends house late at night. I looked out my window and saw her walking out past curfew. What should I do? Should I tell my aunt, tell the authorities or not say anything?
                     ~Confused Sis (Grace)
Dear Confused Sis:
    I see what you are dealing with, this is not the first time this has happen. Your sister is doing something but you don't know. What if she is going to her friends, you don't want to harm her or tun her in for no reason. I would talk to her. If you see it again tell you aunt                                   ~ Carolyn Hax

Get Hooked on Delirium
 The award winning book, Delirium, is now a major motion picture. This fast paced love story will leave you wanting more. Lena Haloway is just a normally girl to everyone. She obeys the rules and does everything right. But that all changed when she failed her evaluation. She has met Alex Sheathes and is madly in love. Find out what happens next see the movie in theaters now! Link to trailer
Emma Roberts       Josh Hutcherson      Chloe Mortez

            As Lena Haloway     As Alex Sheaths    As Hana Tate               
(Hunger Games)
(We're The Millers)
Are They Real?

We have all heard about the "Invalids" and how they live in a place called the "Wilds". We have evidence that this place may be real. We have had multiple sightings of people running to and over the fence to escape our beloved home. One day Billy Walker and Joe Walker were playing truth or dare. Joe dared Billy to touch the electrified fence, or so they think. Joe touched the fence and said," I is not hurting it is not turned on." Maybe the Wilds are real. Maybe crazy lovers have escaped to be with each other. The infected are among us!!!

Be Safe Stay Protected!
Our new product " EPP/ The Evaluation Passing Pill" will guarantee you to pass the evaluation. This helps you take out all fear, anxiety, and other emotions. Just ask some of our valued customers, such as Robert O'Conner. He said " Thanks EPP for helping me pass the evaluation. I recommend this to everyone. EPP worked for me!" This product is only $5.99
Help Wanted!!!
Help is needed to test out new product "EPP/Evaluation Passing Pill." We need people age approperate for the evaluation. We will run many different trials. You will be paid $3 a hour. 

Portland Times Contact and Information

Editor in Chief: Peyton o'neill






Posted | Views: 443

Sweety Freezy franchise ice cream

Posted | Views: 1,754
Parvez Ghomann yang terkenal di sinetron remaja Ganteng-Ganteng Serigala kini sedang konsentrasi di bisnis barunya, yaitu Franchise Es Krim dengan Judul Sweety Freezy. Nah berikut informasi dari dia tentang sweety freezy ini

Berikut saya informasikan & harap di perhatikan mengenai prosedur Franchise Sweety Freezy. Apabila ada pertanyaan, jangan segan untuk menghubungi kami.
Sweety Freezy (The Signature of One Dollar Singapore Ice Cream)
Rp 35.000.000
Sudah Termasuk :
- booth dagang
- freezer ( 328 Liter, Daimitsu )
- banner esklusif
- talenan
- pisau golok
- 2 baju karyawan
- 1 topi karyawan
- plastik ice cream
- sarung tangan plastik
- 3 Lap
- stock awal ice cream 105 balok
( 250 porsi standard = 25 balok )
( 360 porsi recomended = 30 balok )
( 600 porsi premium = 50 balok )
Total 1.210 porsi
Rasa Ice Cream kita :
1. Standard : (min 25 box/order)
•Rp 60.000 / box isi 10
- Nangka
- Taro
- Mocha
- Orange
2. Recommended : (min 10 box/order)
•Rp. 70.000 / box isi 12
- Avocado
- Red bean
- Coffee
- Ciokies n cream
- Strawberry
- Chocolate
- Rum raisin
- Vanilla
- Durian
- Matcha green tea
- Coconut
3. Premium : ( min 10 box / flavors ) •Rp 90.000 / box isi 12
- Mint
- Wheat grass
- Blueberry
- Tutti Fruitti
- Baileys
• Kami juga menyediakan aneka macam roti (Rp 15.000 / bungkus isi 10) minimal order 15 bungkus
- Rainbow
- Coklat
- Gandum
- Pandan
- Strawberry
Hari order: minggu. Selasa. Kamis
Produksi: senin. Rabu. Jumat.
Kirim: selasa.kamis.sabtu.
Contact Person:
0878 81363187 / Bp. Roy Saputra
Follow us on your instagram @sweetyfreezy
*Nb : Next order min. Pemesanan 25 balok standard 25 balok ,
recommended 10 balok , premium min 10 balok / rasa.

Audio by Videoguys

Posted | Views: 848
Videoguys Australia has been serving the video markets for more than 14 years. 

VideoGuys Australia

Posted | Views: 897
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Posted | Views: 560

D&I Caravan Maintenance

Posted | Views: 571
D&I Caravan Maintenance is one of oldest company since 1965. We are to there to repairing and maintaining caravans. We cover all aspects of Caravan repairs in Melbourne and surrounding areas. We also provide Caravan Insurance Repairs. If you are looking for top quality Caravan Repairs in Melbourne. For Further Details Visit our website.

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Posted | Views: 542
D&I Caravan Maintenance is one of oldest company since 1965. We are to there to repairing and maintaining caravans. We cover all aspects of Caravan repairs in Melbourne and surrounding areas. We also provide Caravan Insurance Repairs. If you are looking for top quality Caravan Repairs in Melbourne. For Further Details Visit our website.

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Posted | Views: 476
Hello I am david working as an executive in 4U Services Garden Maintenance, few services done in one go at very reasonable prices such as    Lawn Mowing,    Edging,    Hedge Trimming,    Weeding,    Rubbish Removal,    Grass Removal,    Mulching,    All Round Garden Care. Cheap Lawn Mowing Services  ,maintain clean &healthy environment for customers with excellent services at resonable price


Posted | Views: 411


Posted | Views: 543
Check out HKCSmack Bros on Youtube. It is run by Haiden and CHristopher. We are a pair of gamers that go to Highland Elementary School. We play a bunch of video games.

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Posted | Views: 410
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The Hack Planet

Posted | Views: 689



Dear Carolyn:

   My friend is forcing me to do something I don't want to do. For some stupid game, and I can get in big trouble if I do what do what he says. I feel like if I don't do what he says I would disappoint him. Then he wouldn't be my friend no more. He is my best friend what should I do. ( Fargas) Friend

Dear Friend:

   I think you should tell this person how you don't want to do this. You should talk to him about how you felt about doing this. If he does not listen to you should stop being his friend. You should find a better friend than him.


Brain Jack is the best movie you'll see this year. writers give it four stars. Based on the same book, Brain Jack, by Brian Falkner, Sam is a teenage boy hacker playing video games his whole life until he decided to hack a secure place just so he and his friend can get a Nero headset. The Nero headset it a virtual game player, but it is also bad brain washing everyone and Sam and a few of his friends have to stop it before it too late. ( “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”) Mae West  













Word Bank: Memories, Fargas, Sam, Ursula, Virus, Dodge, Vienna, Computer, Nero headsets, Brain Jack   


Dave Freanco            Selena Gomez            Noah Munch

as Sam                        as Vienna                 as Dodge

In what seems to be a mutation is actually a boy brain washed to make him think he has been mutated. A few weeks ago a boy named Chris had got his very own Nero head set for his birthday. The first he put it on, all seemed to be normal but then four days past and 
He was different. His mom noticed something different about her son
when he started telling everyone he was mutated. The next week he
started to forget fragments of his life yet still thinks he is a
mutant. Now doctors are looking for a treatment for his unusual
beaver. hopefully they fine one fast before its too late.
Its a hack world
Help wanted call 
Open spot at the hack planet as a photographer. 
 Be in the best newspaper building in
 the world and meet some of our best 
reporters. More information in the websites 
in the box or call us now.

Dauntless Magazine (Journalism)

Posted | Views: 599

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Phantom Express Novel Newspaper

Posted | Views: 1,332
Phantom Express
Bringing you news from the shadows

Featured Article:
Here you will write an article about one of the events in the paper.  You get to decide if you paper is one of great credibility or if yours is more like those Celebrity Tabloids and Magazines.  You will have totally different articles depending on which you choose.  

Make sure you are writing like it JUST are there to cover it first!


You will need the deceased characters name.  You can use the picture of the actor that you chose to play them or you can find a picture that reminds you of the character...just make sure the picture fits the character's description.

You must tell a little about their background and life.  What have they done; what did they accomplish?  What were their favorite things to do and past-times?

Who are they leaving here on earth?  

You will need to write your review and list your characters.  

You will write everything from your Review Rough Draft.  Your review must sound like a critics review.

You will then list your CASTING of characters.  The Actors names, the character he/she plays, and how we know that actor.

You will need to post pictures of the top 4 characters or actors.  If there is an actor that people will want to come watch the movie to see, make sure they are posted with a picture.  Otherwise, you will need to post pics of the MAIN 4 characters.

You can add pictures by clicking on the Picture buttone at the top ofthis page on your device.
You will need to have 5 pictures in this newspaper that lead me and the readers to better understand the society and times of the novel.  You MUST have a caption for each picture.
Advice Column: 
Dear Carolyn,

I am very concerned about our safety and future, as individuals and families.  I am having to run from technology because it can think for itself and make other people think differently about their lives.  The warnings were true, and I do not know if people were listening to them and taking them seriously. Are the people okay?  Did they listen?  What should I do now?

Worried Teen

Dear Worried,

It is clear that you are right to worry about our safety and future; it is unclear right now what is going to happen because we are not even sure what is happening right now.

I am glad that you have escaped, and I hope that it is enough to keep you safe.  

Some people have listened to the warning and they too are fleeing.  There were thousands upon thousands of people who didn't think twice about it, and now they are sick and acting irrationally.  They are being left behind to play on their neuro-headsets as family members seek refuge.

Your situation seems dire, still.  I hope you can read this.  You need to stay hidden right now, especially if you are running from "technology".  I don't know that you can hide, but I hope you can and that you will find a way to stop it once and for all.

Be careful.

THis is where I would put an advertsiement or a classified Ad.
Classified Ads



Posted | Views: 833
Por Daniela Custodio
Mexico, D.F. El primer libro Balance y perspectiva de la política exterior de México 2006-2012, es una evaluación general (jurídica, metodológica, de opinión pública) a la política exterior por periodos presidenciales. Es considerado un clásico por los internacionalistas. Se manejan los temas de acuerdo a las áreas de las relaciones exteriores, e incluye temas centrales de la agenda internacional. El segundo libro, Teoría de las relaciones internacionales en el siglo XXI: interpretaciones críticas desde México, se describe como un libro útil tanto para los alumnos como para los profesores. Es el libro fundamental para el estudio de las teorías de las relaciones internacionales, ya que incluye desde las teorías clásicas hasta las postmodernas. Maneja un programa de desarrollo de conocimiento más habilidades y competencias.

Además contiene dos capítulos de evaluación cultural y medioambiental en México, todo esto desde un punto de vista homogéneo. 
El segundo libro, Teoría de las relaciones internacionales en el siglo XXI: interpretaciones críticas desde México, se describe como un libro útil tanto para los alumnos como para los profesores. Es el libro fundamental para el estudio de las teorías de las relaciones 
internacionales, ya que incluye desde las teorías clásicas hasta las postmodernas. Maneja un programa de desarrollo de conocimiento más habilidades y competencias.Durante esta conferencia se presentaron dos libros de suma importancia para los internacionalistas: Balance y perspectiva de la política exterior de México 2006-2012 y Teoría de las relaciones internacionales en el siglo XXI: interpretaciones crític


Posted | Views: 969
lA verdad detrAS DE 
Ano V   -   No. 143   -   Mexico, 3 de octubre de 1968   -   Precio: $5 pesos


Posted | Views: 489
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