What Changes Need To Be Made In CCHS?
By: Collin Reed
This is a question the Cannon County Board of Education faces year after year. A poll, conducted by the newspaper staff, asked 111 students and a number of teachers this very question. When asked, many said they were happy at CCHS, but most had their own take on how to improve our school. Many common answers included sanitary conditions in the bathrooms, more room to eat at lunch, less homework, longer lunch, and to be able to take our backpacks through classes. These are definitely not the only responses we got, but most feedback received were of those.
7.2% of those asked felt that the restrooms weren’t as clean as they should be. Many of us can relate to this and you could safely say that everyone agrees with this statement. Though some of it may be, it is not just the custodians’ fault, or anyone in particular. If this problem is properly recognized, we can all find some way to help. There seems to always be some type of trash on the floor to pick up, if everyone does a little bit here and there, we could make a world of a difference.
Of those questioned, 15.3% wanted more room to eat during lunch. This is one that most everyone who didn’t get to sit with their friends or sit where they would have liked at lunch can agree with. The main reason for the restriction of the lower halls is the excessive trash which is left. This goes right back to the idea of keeping the school picked up. Yes, it is not everyone who leaves trash, but leaving it there does not make teachers and staff want to leave the lower halls open. With that aside, it would be much more convenient and smooth to not have to be crammed in a loud, crowded lunch room.
It is not surprising that 7.2% of the people interviewed said they wanted less homework. Nearly every student, sometime or another, has wished for no more homework. Of course, some homework is needed for practice and some homework is needed for a grade to benefit us and the teacher. Despite these positive aspects, many students feel overwhelmed at times; for many, it seems like there is no break from it through the school week. Homework does not need to be totally abolished, but there definitely needs to be a strong reduction in how much is given. Many teachers may not realize that the teacher on the other end of the hall also gave 5 workbook pages.
A whole 17% of those asked said they wanted a longer lunch. This is really one that many of us wish for but know how hard it would be for the school board to work 5 or 10 more minutes of lunch time into the schedule. There is however, a good argument to be made for an extended lunch. Many students wait in line for a considerable amount of time before they get their food, so some of these may not get finished before the bell rings. This could be part of an argument, but the school board would need a much better reason to lengthen lunch.
The suggestion that has the best argument just so happens to have the most votes. 19.8% of students questioned said they wanted to be able to carry their backpacks throughout the school day. Many of us have had the experience of dropping our books because they slipped or fell out of our hand. Backpacks are have said to be able to house drugs, alcohol, firearms, and bombs. This rule of no backpacks has a loophole, if a student wanted to take any of those things to school all they would have to do is take said item into school with the backpack and hide the item in their locker. If a student wanted to bring drugs to school, it could easily fit in their pocket. If a person wanted to bring a bomb or firearm to school, they will find a way, backpacks banned or not.
There were multiple other good suggestions, but these make up the most popular. To conclude, everyone is going to have something to complain about or critique, but if you really think about it, CCHS is actually a really decent, smooth running school.