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Akiuk Memorial School Class Newspaper

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     Carl Twitchell and Troy White got lost on February thirteenth, near the south end of Big Lake while coming from Bethel in their Suburban during a blizzard.
      A duo of four Snowmobiles went to get them. They brought them back by Snowmobile, deserting their vehicle. “They left around six, six thirty am when the weather was good, but at two o’clock the weather started getting bad,” mentioned Wilson Twitchell, a member of the search and rescue team.
     The two men had been in one Suburban, and had dropped off Moses White, who was supposed to be departing on Alaska Airlines. “They said the couldn’t see fifteen feet ahead of the car,” remarked Esai Twitchell, Carl Twitchell’s father.
     Troy White and Carl Twitchell got stuck near Napakiak around one thirty. They telephoned Napakiak for help and two men on Snowmachines came and helped them. Troy White and Carl Twitchell kept going until they got lodged at the south end of Big Lake and contacted Kasigluk and Search and Rescue to get them. If you’re ever lost in a blizzard, keep in mind that we are on your side and will rescue you. 
     Troy White and Carl Twitchell got stuck near Napakiak around one thirty. They telephoned Napakiak for help and two men on Snowmachines came and helped them. Troy White and Carl Twitchell kept going until they got lodged at the south end of Big Lake and contacted Kasigluk and Search and Rescue to get them. If you’re ever lost in a blizzard, keep in mind that we are on your side and will rescue you. 
Men Lost in Blizzard
    Infinite Warfare, made by Activision Headquarters (CEO: Eric Hirshberg), was released on November 4, 2016. It was sketched by code makers and created with magnetic materials.   

    Many students in Kasigluk own the game. Montel Waska explained, “It is better than the old game because it has better graphics.” Nikolai Charles said, “The part that is boring is multiplayer.” 

    The new COD includes specialists. (Specialists are features that protect you, like boosting shields, adding more powerful weapons, and phantom activation--by pressing R1 and L1 at the same time).
Infinite Warfare: the New Call of Duty
     Kasigluk recreation put on a bonfire with fireworks on January 14, 2017, (Russian Orthodox New year's) Down by the airport on the river using woods and a big torch with the fire started.
     The bonfire was about 15 feet around it. When asked how they organized the event, Wilson Twitchell, a member of the Kasigluk recreation committee, said, “Just ask for volunteers for young boys to gather woods. Kasigluk Inc had half and half for hot dogs and buns with fireworks and support for bonfire.” 
     Kasigluk recreation, including Wilson Twitchell made a pyramid shape and then used a torch to turn on the bonfire, “starting it and gathering woods,” said Twitchell. 
     One person got burned, but she is good now. “Enjoying the fire” was the best part of the fire, said Keisha. Others agreed, saying: “Standing by the fire to warm up in a cold weather,” (Annie Kassel). The second and third graders had a different favorite part: “Only fireworks and lantern.”
    Like a lake with no waves during a bad storm, the HS boys ball team learned to be calm instead of getting mad during tough games. The High School Boys were getting ready to leave for the District Championships on March 1, 2017, so their minds were on basketball. In the hall at Akiuk before catching their ride to Bethel, some of the teammates (Clinton Pavilla, Henry Charles, Yago Andrew, Nickolai Charles, Elia Slim, Jaden Andrew) shared their thoughts on how to teamwork and winning.
How did you get into basketball?
By dad (Justin Kassel/Clinton Pavilla)
   Dad taught (Henry Charles)
How do you guys teamwork?
Pass the ball, communicate, move the ball, move around without the ball
Do you like basketball? Why?
Yes. Because basketball clears the mind, and we get to travel.
Which team was fun playing against?
What do you think you improved this season?
Winning, teamwork, and angermanagement

What did you feel was the high point of the season?
Slaughter in almost all games
What advice has the coach given you that you’ll always remember? Why?
Motivating teammates to go to school and teamwork because our team can travel
How did you became a athlete? Why?
It’s a village thing because everyone likes sports
What is your hope for Districts?
Leading, having fun, and championship      
Are you looking forward for basketball? Why?
Yes. Because we never went to Districts yet.
What do you do when losing?
Get improved and knowing (learning) what to do next
HS Basketball Boys
    Do you know Jaden Andrew? Jaden Andrew is age 17 and a junior at Akiuk school. He is a hero at Akiuk because he went to districts. He is good at basketball and is also gamer.

    Jaden is thinking about basketball a lot these days. Jaden explains, “I like basketball because they get to work together as a team.” Some things he doesn’t like about bball is the attitude and when anger messes up the game.

    He stopped playing xbox and started playing ps4, but he still thinks xbox is better. He likes to play games because it kills weariness energy. He also thinks games are fun to play. His most liked games are NBA 2K games and the thing he likes about it is the mycareer.

    Jaden’s brother is Jed, and his friends are Justin, Henry, Elia, and me. He use to school at Akula but decided to try schooling at Akiuk.
Jaden Andrew: Basketball and Gaming Hero
                     By Ethan Kassel
By Marie Twitchell
By Marie Twitchell
By Claire Schneidler
    (Kasigluk) “The greatest gift I have ever had came from God. I call her Mom.” Bertha Twitchell is a mother of 7 children/kids. Bertha is a great mother no matter what happens to her family in her life.
         Bertha had a great life back in the early 1980’s with no techno, kids playing out playing bat with other people who wanted to play bat out between housings. Bertha was mostly playing outside of her house in Kasigluk, AK.
         The rules (Yupik traditions Bertha followed) were sharing food with her siblings, her friends, and others that her mother, father, siblings told her to share with. Bertha is still observing the tradition of sharing some of her food to one of her kids: if she is full, she will give it to one of her kids.
         “My mother raised me.” Bertha’s memory was when her mother raised her and the siblings at the same time since they were born in 1960’s-1976. Bertha’s second memory was when her siblings brought her skating and other things that was fun to her and the siblings back then in their young lives. They were “skating and playing bat most days,” she said.
         Bertha loved her life back then, trying to learn new things like trying to have fun making or learning things without getting bored or trying not to be bored. Bertha wants to learn new things just like today during the day. In the past, she had “fun trying to learn new things like today too.”
         Bertha still looks up to “her mother and older siblings.” Bertha is happy to look up to her mother and her older siblings, even though she and the siblings are older than 40. She is still looking up to her mother and her older siblings even today.
Bertha Twitchell Tells About Her Life
By: William Twitchell
   Who is your hero? Peter Schneidler is one of mine. He was born to Jon and Linda Schneidler, on June 5, 1974.
   His two main heroes were Steve Largent (a football player) and his big brother, Andrew. Growing up, Pete’s two best friends were Toby and Derek Butcher, and they were pretty much the only family close by, because they lived in a forest near the ocean.
    His favorite things to do were to read, play a board game called axis and allies, play on the nearby beach, play war, and to hang out with friends.
    Pete wanted to be like his big brother: “I really liked my big brother Andrew,” said Pete Schneidler.
    Peter is now married and has two kids. Him and his wife moved to Kasigluk, Alaska, in 2003 and he started teaching band in 2015 and occasionally coaches basketball. 
Peter Schneidler: Growing Up
by Claire Schneidler

    Who is your hero? My hero is Tammy Schneidler. She was born to Donna and Mickey Mclavey in a German hospital, in Spangdahlem, on March 13, 1973.
     Growing up, Tammy’s heroes were Crystal Gayle (a singer) and Cassie (her swim teacher). Tammy’s best friend was Lisa. They went to the same kindergarden, but Tammy moved. Later, they moved back but in sixth grade, the two friends moved, only seeing each other once after that.
      Tammy Schneidler’s favorite things to do when she was young were to read, dress up her pets, and to go to the race track with her dad and maybe mom. woah
     “I really liked my swim teacher, Cassie,” said Tammy. She wanted to be a swim teacher like Cassie. Tammy became a lifeguard at age fifteen and kept going until she reached 24 then quit.
 Tammy moved to Kasigluk, Alaska, and started teaching in 2003, and now is married and has two kids. She teaches language arts and likes school: “I like kids, and I like hanging out with kids,” she explained. Tammy is one of my heroes. Who is your hero?
Tammy Schneidler Growing Up
By Claire Schneidler
    “First, we lived at Nunapitchuk, then we moved to Bethel for my mothers surgery. Couple years after we moved back to Nunapitchuk, we moved to Kasigluk & remained here.”

    Dora Wassillie is my grandma. I like her as a grandma because she helps me with my chores. She even tells us to be home before curfew when we go playout or if we go to a friends house. My grandma is the best. I learned lots from my grandma. I learned how to cut moose meat when I was old enough to hold an uluaq. I didn’t just learn about cutting meat. I learned how to cut fish too, it was really hard the first time I started cutting fish. My grandma also tries her best to keep us in school. Even if we’re hurt, she lets us go to school. If we are going to be late she lets us get up early, and even if we’re tired, she’ll wake us up and tell us to go to school. My grandma tries to bring me to church in Nunapitchuk and Kasigluk. I like how my grandma sings the songs she likes to sing. I learned how to sing some of the songs she knows.
     How was it like living in the past?
“We had no electricity, no TV, no alcohol & drugs. We only hunt for food by dog sleds when there was no snow-go’s, when there was no support for family needs.”

    Was there electronics in the past?
“There was none. Only when the school buildings were built in each villages.”
    What was your favorite memory when you were young?
“Going camping, fishing & picking berries.”

    Did you ever Yuraq? 
“Yes… I did in a group. Kalila Slim, Alexie Nicholas, Wassillie Nicholas, Paul Brink, & Paul Nicholas taught me how. Drummers & singers /Yuraq songs/dancers: Anisha Hoover and Martha Keene.”
Dora Wassillie
By Chenelle Wassillie
    (Kasigluk) Who is a hero that AKiuk and Kasigluk can look up to? Aqualena is a hero because she’s never negative she always stay joyful and she always have a smile on her face. She works at the store, she has high spirits, she’s very friendly and she’s a baller she plays forward. 
    What inerquuteqs (rules) did you follow when you grew up? 
    The rules I followed were what our elders taught us, to live with love and to never accept hatred.

    How was your life back then?
    My life back then was better than my life today, because growing up I was more into subsistence and everyday outing with my uncle. 

    What was it like when you grew up?
    Growing up was fabulous because the people outside of my house and my family never gave up on me even though I pushed their buttons.

    Who did you look up to when you were young? Are you still looking up to that person?
    When I was young she looked up to our elders because they taught us so much that we can’t teach ourselves. Yes I still look up to them.

    How were you raised?
   I was raised with strict rules. Mostly on week days where we can’t stay out [past] curfew. 

    Who you looking up to today?
    The person I looks up to today is God because even if I fails he’s there, when I need somebody he’s there, and when I struggle there is no other person I look up to but God.
Being MY HERO: Aqualena Nicholas
By Shaylene Nicholas
    Have you seen Jennifer Nicholas coach before? Jennifer Nicholas is a woman from Kasigluk, Alaska. She coaches JR High Basketball for Akula Tundra Foxes Jennifer started coaching JR High ball in the year of 2015. She pushes them difficult along practice, Last year Jennifer, pushed her players and they got first place. Also, this year they got first place again. Jennifer loves to coach and she dreams to coach this year. Akula is another school in our village You could tell that it also has students from preK-12th grade, and that we have two schools because our village is on two sides of a river, with each side 1.5 miles apart.

    When did you start coaching? Jennifer started instructing in the year of 2015. “Starting coaching in 2015” Jennifer explained.

    How is it like being a coach? “Being a coach… I’ve always wanted to have the experience and learn importantly to ensure the youth it’s not an easy job a lot of responsibility and have confidence in every player” is what Jennifer said.

    Do you like being a coach? Why? Jennifer enjoys being a coach because all her junior high and high school year basketball was her life. She wants to pass down her skills and knowledge and teach….

    How did you hear about basketball? Basketball was introduced to Jennifer when she was about 5,6 or 7 years old. The only sport they knew when they were young.

   Do you like teaching your players new things? “Yes I worked the new players I teach the beginners drill…. Like dribble switching by using both hands, and teach them respect their teammates respect the opponent. At youth level I try let everyone have a chance to try out and switch around, give each other a chance to experience.”

   Do you like playing against other villages? Why?
“Love playing other villages this way we achieve and learn every villages has their own ways and it’s a learning process what areas need to be worked on..”

    What advice do you have for a new player? “New players I always give leaders of the team more responsibilities on the field allow them to tell the other players what to do as long as they do it in a respectful positive manner..”

    What new things do you teach your players? “New things we make new players but I always make sure that we practice the drill couple of times before a game. I also teach them that mistakes are okay that it happens every level…. Learning process to work as a team. (Like I always say TALENT wins game BUT teamwork and intelligence makes a dream work).

    What is the hard part about coaching? “Hardest part is your first communication with the parent of the team must include your expectations for the season avoid problem during the season trying to keep simple. Haven’t really face anything yet.. But letting parents and players know if 1 can travel or not. That’s the hardest part.” Jennifer added: The “best part is working as a team.”
Jennifer's Interview
By Katie Demientieff
    ( Kasigluk) “The greatest gift I have ever had came from God. I call him Dad.” I have a great Dad and I love him. I interviewed Wilson Twitchell on February 26, 2017. Wilson Twitchell is a man who had a great life back then and is still having a good life right now. He believes respect is very important. Wilson hardly disrespected people back then in his life, but he was bullied in his younger years in elementary school in Akula. Wilson also thinks education is more important the playing on electronics. He never played on any electronics back then, but Wilson and his friends played out and did other things in his younger years. Wilson was always curious, planning something to do the “Easy” way, inventing new ways to do things even now. 
       What was it like when you grew up?
    “We played out most of the time. We only watched one channel, Channel 4 KYUK, and it was with an antenna pointed towards Bethel that we were able to watch that channel. ‘Akutaq on Rye’ is a show I always remember. lol. Ukvvertarluta, when we were told by our parents. There was a lot of respect. Hardly heard of people disrespecting people’s stuff, each other. Helped each other.” 

What rules (Yupik traditions) did you follow?
     “Helping others when they needed help, ’sometimes’ to be honest. Sometimes, I didn’t want to and excused myself and talked myself into not following rules.”

What is your best memory of being a kid?
    “Not having to worry about ‘Adulting’. Being carefree. One of my most favorite is kissing my dad when I got home from having communion at the church on a Sunday morning. Another is when we would pour, all over the floor, the toy cars in the cloth bags that we played with on our free time in Kindergarten.”

What were you like as a kid?
     “I want to believe I was a well behaved, but sometimes, I was mischief. Naughty sometimes. Always took apart my dad’s things that intrigued me as to how they worked, so I took them apart to see and find out how they worked. I was scolded when my dad would find out. Even when I lied, my parents seemed to know I was lying.
Wilson Twitchell tells About his Life
                                      By William Twitchell
     Want to learn how to hunt?
(Kasigluk) Dennis Demientieff is an awesome hunter who goes hunting for his 11 kids. He goes 5-10 miles anywhere out of Kasigluk to go hunting for birds and moose.
Dennis hunts to feed his kids, he acknowledged that he learned how to go hunting from his dad Gerald Demientieff Jr. when he was 10-12 years old. He also grew up with his older brother Glenn Demientieff. Dennis said they were always with each other and used to argue and fight in a funny way.
      When he first gets to his hunting area, he searches for a good hunting spot. Dennis has advice about how to be a good hunter, he says that “you always have to be patient so you can catch the animal.” That’s all Dennis has to say about how to be a good hunter.
Dennis Demientieff; describing how to hunt
By Cyrus Demientieff
Dennis had twins in August 2014, and he takes care of them by going hunting for moose or birds.
Wilson is kind and nice father of 7 kids. Wilson is always there for who he cares about and who cares about him.
She is super BEAUTIFUL! She never gives up, she’s never negative to other people. She is always happy. She’s a ball player, and a yuraqer. She is Aqualena Nicholas.
Dora Wassillie loves to spend time with her grandchildren. She tells us to get our chores done so we don’t have to do them the next day. 
Photo taken by: Sally Wassillie
Bertha is a kind and nice mother of 7 kids. Bertha is always happy to be around and be with her family.
When Tammy Schneidler was enjoying the outdoors on the tundra.
Jaden, or Apaurlu, Andrew describes himself as a music junkie.
This is the high School boys before they were going to Districts wearing their jerseys. On the two bottom is the Captain and the Co-Captain. The rest are the players.
On Russian Orthodox New Year Kasigluk Recreation did a bonfire with the help of Wilson Twitchell. The bonfire was about 15 feet around and it was not huge only like 3 feet. Some kids were playing around it and throwing sticks/wood to it.
Pete, Pete’s mom, Linda, Pete’s two kids, Claire and Jonathan, and his wife, Tammy, after sledding, shortly before we left Linda’s house.
A view of the blizzard from inside the school.
The Grizzly Times
by Ethan Kassel
Written by: 
Charted and recorded by: Chenelle Wassillie
Drawn and colored by: Claire Schneidler
Do you know all the bad effects of smoking? You shouldn’t smoke for many reasons, including lung damage, IQ damage, and perhaps even death.
 Firstly, smoking can cause diseases in lungs such as pneumonia, emphysema, and lung cancer. Smoking can also cause a rise in blood pressure. It even damages lung tissue. Lung tissue helps deliver blood in your blood. If you’ve been smoking a long time, some damage to your lung is irreversible. Because smoking can cause so many lung problems, people shouldn’t do it.
 Also, if you smoke a lot, your IQ (brain) will be damaged. Your memory won’t be as strong as it was prior to and you won’t be quick to solve problems. When people take IQ tests, most smokers get a lower IQ than non-smokers, so people should protect their brains and stay away from tobacco.
 Lastly, if you keep smoking, you’ll die. More than one billion people smoke around the world every year, and five million people die every year due to the effects of smoking. That means that by the time you end this sentence another person has lost their life on account of smoking. Because so many people die every year, it is not worth it to smoke.
 It all starts with one little white cigarette. You smoke it, you’re addicted, and you die at a young age. All because of that little stick. Is smoking really worth it?
Is Smoking Worth It?
By Claire Schneidler
Most students in Kasigluk, Alaska, stayed home all day because of the early dismissal from February 13th to February 14, 2017, due to weather.

Students were mostly doing the same thing, like Yago Andrew stayed home all day. But, teachers were being busy; Tammy Schneidler was writing her letter, made supper early, and made cookies (she found it necessary to make cookies and finally made some). Also, Annie Kassel was putting grades in until 5pm. 

Most LKSD schools have had a few early dismissals or late starts this year. For example, BRHS had 2 early releases and no late starts, Akula had 2 late starts and no dismissals, and Atmautluak had 1 late start and 1 early release.
School late starts and releases
By Cyrus Demientieff
These schools had early and late starts because of the weather.
“Quitting alcohol is tough and rough, but it is worth enough!” (Aliyah Arsiton). Alcohol causes lots of problems, so adults shouldn’t drink in villages.
First of all, drinking in villages should stop because adults are modeling how to drink to kids/teenagers. When parents drink in front of kids, their kids are watching them and learning how to drink like them. Two people I know drank with their parents when those two people’s parents were drinking. It’s bad for kids to learn to drink from their parents because adults are teaching kids how to drink, and in the future those kids might be addicted to drinking. That’s why drinking should be put to an end.

 Secondly, Alcohol is destroying families.This person I know is hating on his parents because his parents drink too much. When kids have to watch their parents drink, they might drink with or they might start hating on them, which is another reason why adults shouldn’t drink in villages.

 Thirdly, More crimes happen because of drinking and that is ruining the whole village. When one person I know drank, they beat up a girl and gave her bruises. A lot of domestic violence happens when people are drinking. The scary drinkers are ruining the village with crime from beating up people, so adults shouldn’t drink in villages.

 In conclusion, adults shouldn’t drink in the village or in front of their kids or teenagers. Adults are teaching kids/teens how to drink. They ruin the whole village with crime and they’ll ruin their family. I hope adults will stop drinking in the village and in front of their kids/teens.
Adults shouldn’t drink in villages  
                         By: Shaylene Nicholas
Do you respect your parents? It seems like not very many kids are respecting their parents these days. Instead of treating them badly, kids should respect their parents.   

First of all, our parents raised us, they wanted us, plus they spend a lot of time with all of us. playout, games and anything we want. Our parents spend time with us and teach us because they love us, so we should respect our parents.

Second of all, they assist us with homework, clean up for us and labor hard for us to have good lives. They help us do lots of things, so we should respect them.

Lastly,they also cook foods like fish. They cook for us because they have to take care of us and because they love us. Therefore we should respect them a lot.

If they do things for us maybe that is because they love us, and we should show them that we love them back by treating them with respect.
Kids Should Respect Their Parents
                       By Mariah Tinker
(Kasigluk) Timothy Nicholas is a hard worker picking up litter in Akula, but everyday he goes to his mom’s to go take a break, then get back to work. He takes/throws away trash from all the housings, and then he goes to burn them at the dump, half way between Kasigluk and Nunapitchuk (with all the vehicles) everyday with his trash buddies.

When Timothy used to play basketball, his knee got bad and he had surgery, so from that time he quit playing ball. He tried playing again, but got hurt & quit playing basketball ever since.

 In spring and fall time, he/we get to go hunting and fishing for our winter storage, for our Yup’ik food. Timothy’s parents, and all the other adults’ parents, taught their kids how to stack up on food for before winter season, so he follows what he was taught and stores up food for the winter.

 Apparently all the dads like to do men stuff, so that dads can teach their kids to do dad stuff when they get older, and it will keep going, Timothy Nicholas is a dad in our house, the man of the house. He has good advice for dads: “Every father should remember that one day, his son will follow his illustration instead of his advice”. 

 I am really proud of him, as a result of he takes us to go hunting for food, save it through winter time, and he helps us do some of our homework. I like the way he behaves and loves us in his heart, but he usually gets mad at us all the time, because we always bother our siblings. I love you Timothy like what you said to me, “I’m really sorry my son…[when] I don’t show love to you guys, but in my heart, I adore you.” 
Best/Coolest Dad Ever
By: Andrew Nicholas
Timothy Nicholas always mostly has coffee in the morning, really likes his job, adores us in his heart, and likes to do dad stuff.
Have you ever had rumors spread about you? It’s not fun to be talked about by other people. People that make rumors should stop gossiping about other people for many reasons.

First of all, rumors hurt people’s feeling and emotions. I can see it on their faces, they also talk about them. One time, my friend was shedding tears because some people were making rumors about her. People’s feelings change and they get gloomy and think about suicide. People should stop gossiping about people so they won’t be hurt and they won’t think about self-murder.

 Second of all, people who make rumors have less friends. One person I know who makes a lot of rumors has less friends and the friends she used to have are discouraged about wanting to be with her. She lost a lot of friends because of spreading gossips. That person had a lot of friends, but then she started gossiping, and now she has less friends. If she stops gossiping about other people, she will get more friends. 

 Thirdly, elders tell us to respect each other and rumors do the opposite of that. Rumors hurt people. One elder, Frankie Brink, observed, “People who make rumors should stop because it hurts people.” An elder tells us to be respectful and not make rumors or gossip about other people. Gossiping hurts people, that’s why people should stop.
 In conclusion, people who make rumors should stop because it injures other people. I hope they stop and other people will won’t be depressed and they won’t think of suicide. That person who makes rumors can make a lot of friends if they put an end to gossiping.
People Who Make Rumors
Should Stop Gossiping 
By Katie Demientieff
“The liquor store(s) could be open if people were to drink responsibly, but, in my opinion, it should be closed due to higher crime rates and jail times,” one Kasigluk resident states. The Bethel liquor store shouldn’t sell alcohol anymore for many reasons.

One reason that they should stop selling alcohol at the liquor store is people are drinking more because of it. Adults are going to Bethel just to drink go to one of their friends’ houses letting them drink. Many kids see adults drinking more than they used to. If adults drink at home is that kids can see them and learn from them. Because people are drinking more, they should close the liquor store.

Another reason is that drinking more is causing parents to neglect their kids and leave them to their grandparents. Kids and younger siblings are asking where their parents are. Kids are getting mad that their parents are going to Bethel to drink. The liquor store shouldn’t sell alcohol anymore because it’s making more parents drink and neglect their kids. 

A third reason is that kids are starting to be scared of their parents and other people. Adults are fighting and other people who are drunk are going to their houses. Adults should stop drinking and. selling alcohol If they close the liquor store it will help there be less drinking in Kasigluk.

In conclusion, the Bethel Liquor Store shouldn’t sell alcohol anymore because people are drinking more, it is causing parents to neglect their kids, and kids are becoming fearful of their parents. I wish people would stop drinking and selling drugs. Closing that liquor store would help.
The Bethel Liquor Store Shouldn't Sell Alcohol Anymore
By Marie Twitchell
(Kasigluk) Agnes Charles is an Akiuk hero. She passed away a few months ago on January 7,2017. She passed away because she was very sick, almost more than a week. Agnes is an Akiuk Hero because she is kind, helpful and always caring.
 Agnes was always busy in summer. She used to like doing mostly chores in summer like cutting fish, picking berries for her family, and taking care of her younger siblings. When she was younger, getting water and picking berries for her family was her hobby. According to her sister Margaret, Agnes’s favorite colors were pink and blue, but, “I don’t know why it was her favorite color.”
 Agnes was a very helpful, caring, loving older sister. Born on August 28,1940, in her parent’s Bethel fish camp, she was 76 years old when she passed away. Agnes was in Kasigluk all her life, not moving anywhere.
Agnes Charles is my Akiuk Hero because she is kind, helpful, and always caring. She use to take care of her younger siblings and pick berries for them to make Akutaq. Who is your hero?
Remembering an Akiuk Hero
by:Mariah Tinker
N.Y.O. Beasts by Shaylene Nicholas
Two amazing Athletes from the coast are both good at N.Y.O events. One athlete is Walter Snyder in One-Foot; Walter would always get first in one-foot. The second athlete is Jason Nicholas. In the Seal Hop Jason would always get first. They’re both friendly, nice, and athletic. I would want to be like them in N.Y.O.
Volume 1, Issue 1                                                                                                                                         Spring 2017

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Python Post
Abby Power
_Comic Corner_
_Spotlight On..._
SPJH celebrated Pride day on April 5, 2017. 
Meet the Team!
 I am one of the enthusiastic info-bringers for The Python Post. My jokes are based on Mr. Christopher's winter jokes. My favorite section of our newspaper is G’s World! I hope that students are reading the school newspaper. I have a dog named alligator.
Hey there. I’m Abby Power, and I give the newspaper recipes, and… that’s it. I also provide much moral support while I play “monkey go happy escape” or “plants vs zombies” (while providing walnut related commentary) with Eva. I’m also very funny (and by funny I mean so bad at puns they’re hilarious).
Welcome back!
Vol. 1 Number 5
The Python Post team 
From top left Nathan, Victoria, Sam, Mr. Burton 

From the bottom left: Abby, Eva, Catherine 
Missing: Dylan
Sam Frew
Why, hello!
I’m what I’d like to call (even if it’s not entirely true), “The Head Of Artistic Design and Visual Editing” but most people just call me Sam, much less of a mouthful. I’ve drawn about half of our comics, and I also write the majority of “Poet’s Corner”. I’ve recently messed around with some ideas and created our official Python Post mascot, the Newspaper-Snake(I know, I know, but it’s funny). I’m in grade eight, French, and I was just told to add that by my superior, but I’d much rather tell you about how cool Anna Kendrick is, or artwork, or human rights, maybe even the stars... I’m often told that I get distracted too easily as well, but I think that’s what makes me so artistic... I always tell myself that inspiration often blooms from a beautiful distraction, and being a part of the newspaper has certainly been that and much more.
Eva Haas
Hey, I’m Eva Haas and I’m the Editor-in-Chief of the Python Post – or what I like to call the Big Kahuna, but everybody knows that it’s only me who says that. I’m in eighth grade and most of the time I’m laughing too loudly or inflicting my opinion on anyone who will listen. I absolutely adore writing and reading – I think that words are one of the most interesting things ever. I have a very loud voice and I like to talk so maybe that’s one of the reasons I like newspaper so much. I usually write the feature and always Something to Think About. I’m glad to have an outlet to talk to the school and not have anybody be like, “Oh my goodness, Eva’s talking again – no surprise!” P.S. I also have a bad habit of playing games (i.e. Monkey Go Happy Escape or Plants vs. Zombies with Abby) while I’m supposed to be doing work, but don’t tell Ms. Autexier...
Catherine Somerton
Nathan Edwards 
Sports Reporter extraordinaire
Do you have a sporting event? Nathan will cover it! 
Dylan Pittman 
Dylan Pittman is a French immersion student in grade 8. Him and Samantha create our monthly comic which make us laugh so much! Dylan is also known to write a book review now and again. Thank you for all your hard work! 
Ms. Autexier & Mr. Burton
(Teacher sponsors) 
Congratulations are extended to Mr. Christopher for being the recipient of the 2017 PHE Canada Dr. Andy Anderson Young Professional Award! Thank you for everything that you do. We are so lucky to have you as our gym teacher! Even when you dress up for retro day....
Mr. Christopher! 

MAY 5   - PD Day - No classes for students
MAY 12 - Grade 9 Orientation at O'Donel
MAY 15 - All tickets for fundraiser due back
MAY 16 - Grade 9 Junior Achievement
MAY 18 - Ticket draw for fundraiser
MAY 22 - Victoria Day holiday
MAY 25 - Volunteer Appreciation 5:30 - 6:30pm
MAY 25 - Open House 6:30 - 7:30
MAY 25 - Grade 6 Parent Orientation 7:30 - 8:30
MAY 26 - Public Health - Vaccinations
MAY 31 - Last Day to Submit Late Term Three Work
JUNE 1  - Grade 9 School Leaving Celebration 5:30pm
JUNE 8 - SPJH Spring Concern and Fine Arts Showcase!
JUNE 14-16 - EXAMS
JUNE  19-21 Sports Day activities will take place during the last week of school
JUNE 22 - Term ends 

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Posted | Views: 835
There is always hope. There is always a way to help someone you love.

There is always hope.
 There is always a way to help someone you love.
and discover the best way to help your friend or relative

If someone you love is living with mental illness or presenting signals, you may be experiencing any number of difficult emotions
SOS My Friend aims to guide people seeking to help their friends or relatives with any mental illness.

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Posted | Views: 779
Activities & Events
YOGA AND MEDITATION                                          RUNNING SESSIONS                                                          VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES 
MUSIC CLASSES / EVENTS                                       ART & CRAFTS CLASSES                                              CARE FOR A PET 

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Posted | Views: 712

Sono appena giunte le notizie dell’ultimo capolavoro della tecnologia architettonica romana. Le nostre legioni in Gallia sono riuscite a costruire un ponte di legno sul fiume Reno nel tempo record di appena dieci giorni. Il ponte, lungo poco più di due stadi e mezzo e largo due passi e mezzo, ha rappresentato una grande sfida ingegneristica sia per la larghezza del fiume e la forza della sua corrente sia per l’assenza di alcun ausilio tecnico già in partenza. I legionari hanno usato esclusivamente il legno della foresta circostante, non solo per la struttura ma anche per le gru necessarie al fine di completarlo in un tempo ragionevolmente breve. Certamente è un opera costruita per scopi bellici e non definitiva in opus caementitium ma si può ritenere l’ennesimo successo di ingegneria e architettura romana che i barbari non riusciranno mai a eguagliare.

Una nuova importante tappa nella guerra gallica: Di poche ore fa è la decisione del Proconsole G. G. Cesare di partire da Roma alla conquista dei territori britannici via mare. Come affermato dallo stesso Cesare la decisione è stata presa per "scoraggiare i britanni nel dare continuo 
supporto alle popolazioni galliche che già da tempo i nostri legionari combattono.
Data la mancanza di informazioni su questi luoghi era stato inviato qualche mese fa un tribuno -Gaio Voluseno- ad esplorare la costa. Con il suo ritorno è potuta iniziare la preparazione della campagna: La flotta è 
Data la mancanza di informazioni su quei luoghi era stato inviato qualche mese fa un tribuno -G. Voluseno- ad esplorare la costa. Con il suo ritorno si è potuto iniziare a preparare la campagna nei minimi dettagli: La flotta è stata radunata a Portus Itius, ottanta navi atte a trasportare 
le cinque legioni e una dozzina di navi da guerra per la cavalleria. Ieri le prime imbarcazioni hanno lasciato la Piccardia. L'obiettivo è di sbarcare a Kent in qualche settimana. Ovviamente Cesare è in testa alle sue legioni.
Sedicesimo giorno prima delle calende di Qvintilis
D: Gaio Giulio Cesare ha indetto una nuova campagna contro i Britanni. Che ne pensa di questa iniziativa del proconsole e del conflitto che dura da ormai tre anni in Gallia? 
MTC: Essendo stata la campagna in Gallia sino ad ora vittoriosa, poiché io nutro rispetto nei confronti della persona del proconsole Gaio Giulio Cesare, considerandolo un individuo ingegnoso, colto, previdente e diligente in battaglia tanto quanto in carattere, ritengo che egli abbia dimostrato una particolare brillantezza, per quanto io consideri ulteriori guerre e conflitti ai confini come all’interno della res publica nocivi allo Stato, dato che giudico di primaria importanza l’interesse di quest’ulimo, mentre al contrario condanno coloro che provvedono ad accrescere il proprio dominio, danneggiando quindi il bene comune dei civites e ponendo un grande pericolo per la res publica, in ambito militare. 
D: Perché, quali sono i suoi dubbi? 
MTC: Poiché vi sono condizioni purtroppo favorevoli per trasformare la libera res publica in regnum, sull’onda delle strabilianti vittorie in campo militare, e dal momento che Cesare, nel caso in cui vincesse la campagna, si troverebbe tra le mani un potere che potrebbe minacciare quello del Senato, considero importante fare attenzione e difendere quindi lo Stato repubblicano. 
D: Cosa si aspetta in futuro, della repubblica? 
MTC: Considerando gli eventi attuali, sottolineando la grande influenza che il proconsole Cesare e il console Pompeo stanno acquisendo, ritengo che potrebbero esservi dei tentativi di rovesciamento del Senato, dai quali mi dissocio e mi dissocerò fortemente, in quanto io giudico l’attuale forma di governo la migliore.

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Posted | Views: 920
WHAT MOVES ME?  my passions

           (and that includes my dog )
                 they are my reason of life
they remind me of who I am and where i came from
they inspire me 
and every step I take I think how it would affect them...
...however, here is another passion that in fact makes me stay away from the first one:
Ah! I highly recommend that you explore the world! the unknown really fascinates me 
AND the feeling that you are always about  to discover something completely different.
I’m now in my second exchange 
and I can’t wait for the next one.

<- three unforgettable months in California 
                      oNE YEAR IN Australia -> 

What’s next?
New cultures, new languages, new places, new drinks, new food, new beaches....
     MY third passion! 

wELL, FOR ME life is about salty hair, sun and sand.

When I was 18 years old I moved to the place THAT I really want to                           live for my entire lifE
           my magic island!

 Florianopolis, or Floripa, is a city in south Brazil composed of one main island, a continental part and surrounding small islands.
         The place I call home!                   THIS IS THE HERCILIO LUZ BRIDGE IN FLORIANOPOLIS
ALTHOUGH THE Story Bridge in Brisbane 
Floripa is also known BY its famous      parties   another passion
                             Night clubs everywhere!        
           Party, party again and be behind the scenes as well.
Organize parties and events is definitely one of my interests!   decide Theme, Tickets, Place, Public, Drinks, Music, Facilities, Promotion, Sales, and work hard for The Big Night !
 See people having fun *in* an event I helped to realise,       there is no price!
Not only parties...but also trips! Plan each detail, route, search flights, accommodation, find places unknown for tourists, do on my way. I would never buy a ready travel agency package, but I would love to suggest and help people that don’t like to plan by themselves with their trips, do my best so they could have the best experience ever!          maybe i’ll have a travel blog one day, who knows.
Blog, Facebook, WebSite, Linkedin, Instagram, Snapchat and the futures  social media  
             platforms that I will use, really matters to me. 
The majority of the companies need social media to grow, show your business, prospect new customers, stay connected with the world  
and I would love to work within this area, help to develop websites, blogs and even apps mental note: study hard!
I should have followed my brother and studied advertising...
however, I chose to study international relationsfirst because i really thought that i could change the world: stopping corruption, to end poverty, to achieve social equity for everyone, to build the ideal world.
it’s impossible turn on the tv and be indifferent to the situation in Syria, for example 

Today, I still believe that I can contribute for a better world, not as idealistic as the         United Nations,
but by giving my best in any kind of work, any company and anytime 
For me, Help changing the world starts with simple attitudes, result of our values!
my top 4 VALUES 

My judgement of what is important in life
 every relationship should be based on honesty, be honest with myself, with my friends, my family, my colleagues, my boss.
i strongly believe that dishonesty steps will not take us anywhere.
It is a daily exercise, place myself in another's position, trying to understand or feel what another person is experiencing. It’s hard, but extremely necessary. 
Empathy makes me more tolerant, comprehensive, makes me a better person.
To care about the other is part of our mission in life.
"Happiness is a journey, not a destination; happiness is to be found along the way not at the end of the road, for then the journey is over and it's too late. The time for happiness is today not tomorrow."
 Quoted by Paul H Dunn
find happiness in simple things, simple attitudes. I Train my mind to be grateful and happy for my health, my food, my home, my daily opportunity to make different and to make difference in someone’s life.
find a balance between mind, body and spirit to make everything work together is what brings me peace of mind! 

also it’s important to know how to balance work and leisure, friends and family, temporary desires and life goals
Finally, I'm going to talk about my strengths and abilities, or at least things that I consider as strengths
It's all about how much you want something.       If I really want, i'll have determination to get it.   It can be a job, a test, to study at qut, any challenge.
I don`t really like to do everything by myself and do believe that work on a team has many benefits. Share ideas, get feedbacks, suggestions, learn and teach at the same time and help each other.
Every day I realise how important it is to leave aside our preconceptions and have a mind receptive to new and different ideas. we can always learn a new point of view, change our mind or simply respect others opinion.
Everything and every relationship works better when people clearly communicate each other. Be communicative also helps in networking, making new friends, finding opportunities, or just to know more about the guy sitting next you on the bus.
Miscommunication is one of the reasons why people argue, get disappointed and, in fact,  a lot of issues could be solved by the simple act of communcation . 
organise,organise and organise. events are my passion, and an event will only work with a good promotion, marketing, advertising strategies, any innovative way to call public attention.
it`s good to have everything planned. however, for several times things didn`t work as i have planned and i had to find out solutions, be patient and adapt myself. there is always a different way to do or to solve things
Now you and I can know more about me, thanks for your time

In the Beginning...

Posted | Views: 627
What the hell is Hoodoo?: Hoodoo is an African American folk magic which incorporates African beliefs, Native American spirituality and good ol’ Catholicism. It’s a mish mash of magic involving prayers, oils, powders, jar spells, candle magic and ancestors, amongst other odds and ends I’ll get to before the run of this zine series is up.
Who the hell are you?: I’m a budding rootworker. “Rootwork” and “Conjure” are other names for Hoodoo. Voudon/Voodoo is NOT Hoodoo, by the way. Anyways, I started a few months ago. I’ve sucked up all the written material and some video material as well. I’ve got books hidden in my trunk and a journal with a lock on it. I’ve got recipes and rules and I spend time to study daily. My car is my alter for all things magic as I don’t live in a place I can practice freely, I spend many nights bundled up in jackets and blankets with a window crack so as not to suffocate while I light candles with petitions underneath.
Welcome, to my adventures in Hoodoo.
Topics that this zine will cover include:

Psalms, Candles, Oils, Herbs, Sachet Powders, How to use these tools, Laying tricks, mojos and gris gris, Petitioning Saints and honoring ancestors. Just to name a few.

Welcome to my Adventures in Hoodoo.
I have no one to share this sort of journey with, and that’s where YOU come in. I was burying some candle wax in my front yard and a neighbor saw me at 9 at night with a big shovel pressing all my weight into it to dig past the winter chill of the ground and flopping the dirt neatly into a pile. The lady was turning around on the street in her car and rolled up in the driveway next to me. I was a little stunned at the time, so I slammed the shovel down into the hole I was making and waved at my neighbors’ car. Then I went immediately back to digging because that’s the natural not-weird-thing-to-do in that situation, yeah?

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Posted | Views: 1,758
Python Post
Welcome back!
  Vol. 1 Number 4
  Monthly Feature
  Spotlight on...  
  Sports Section  
  Teacher Facts  
  Poetry Corner 
This recipe is made in a blender!
1 cup low-fat milk 
1 ⅓ cup flour
2 cups spinach
2 tbsp flaxseeds
3 large eggs
2 tbsp sugar
1 banana
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp baking powder

Add milk, flour, spinach and flax seeds to blender.
Blend on a high speed for 50 seconds. Add remaining ingredients and blend on medium-low speed for 30 seconds.
Allow batter to rest 5 minutes.
Heat pan over medium to medium high heat and grease.
Pour approximately ¼ cup of batter onto heated pan and cook approximately 1 minute or until bubbles break the surface of the pancake, and the underside is golden brown.
Flip and cook for approximately 30 seconds.
Repeat with remaining batter! Yum!
Python Athletes Congratulations to the Grade 7 Boys Basketball (Team Blue) who won the NLBA Provincial Basketball Championship. The boys went undefeated all weekend and defeated MacDonald Drive Junior High in the championship game! Awesome job boys!
Our Pythons Grade 8 Girls Basketball Team won the Python Cup in the month of February! The girls hosted an 8 team tournament and went undefeated! The girls played an awesome championship game vs Leary's Brook Junior High to win the trophy! Way to go girls!
Pythons Grade 7 Boys Volleyball Team who their third championship of the season. The boys went undefeated to win the Leary's Brook Invitational. The boys will be traveling to Clarenville in March to play their Provincial Championship! Good luck boys!
February Python Athletes of the Month:
Gabe Trickett- Grade 7 Boys Basketball
Karen Greek- Grade 7 Girls Basketball
                            Winged Thieves

Fluttering moth at our rec-room ceiling light Spinning round and round
And up and down. 

It steals into the house
As I try to escape
A summer night's Porch light clutter.

I swing at it with determined hands
Or maybe a rolled-up flyer
Or the flyswatter from under the sink.

Though swathed in light,
Their jagged, fluttery movements
Make them hard to see
Unless they land.

Maybe it is coloured like
Brazen night-time eyes,
Maybe a foul skull,
Or some non-descript pale wraith.

They are my wife's tender enemies,
Her icky anathema,
And though I owe them no personal grudge,
I am her tender soldier
Defending against the tainted taunt
Of their wings.

They are wiley
And fast,
And evade as good as any thief.

They enter and
Some small part of
Our wont comfort
Is stolen away.
In February our Physical Education classes celebrated the NLESD Dart Outside Week. Our students were bused to Paradise Park to enjoy a morning of sliding and hot chocolate. Everyone had a great time in the fresh air!

-During February and March our students are participating in badminton lunch time Intramurals. All students are welcome! Drop by the gymnasium any lunch time Monday- Thursday to have a game!
-French tutorials take place every Thursday afternoon after school. 
-Gaming Club every day 3 & 6 in the library at lunch.
-Social Action every day 4 in the library. 
-GSA every day 2 in the library
March 13th - 17th - Spirit Week
March 10th & 20th - Grade 9 Needles
March 17th - Report cards go home
March 20th - March 24th - Scholastic Book Fair
March 20th
- Dress as your favorite literary character day! Prizes will be given to the most creative costumes!
March 24thDeadline for Science Fair registration
March 30th - Heritage Fair

   Throughout the winter months, one thing on everybody’s mind is the sheer amount of SNOW. There’s so much, it’s everywhere and inescapable! Everybody has to ask before they go anywhere if the roads are okay, and most times they aren’t. This blocks us inside and drives us crazy and it’s rainy and snowy and everyone’s miserable for a block of at least three solid months of year. Of course, all us students adore our frequent snow days during these gloriously chilly months, but in all honesty, we’re driven mad with cabin fever very quickly. All that dirty snow, accumulating everywhere? Yeah, a lot of us would like to pass. And so, to kick away these winter blues, the school has of course been selling tickets for a warm vacation somewhere nice – but other than that, I want to share some tips on how to cope with feelings of being trapped by nasty Old Man Winter. So without further ado, here are my coping mechanisms so I don’t go snow-crazy:
1.    Hot drinks! They’re a welcome distraction from the chill.
2.    Some cozy you-time, reading or writing or drawing wrapped up in a nice blanket. Mmm…
3.    Taking a walk – I know most of you might be thinking, ‘yuck, exercise’ but here I am to tell you that a breath of fresh air can cure most any cabin fever. If it’s a snowstorm this obviously isn’t the best thing for you, but in the aftermath, in all that quietness, you can be alone with yourself. It’s really calming for a stressed student such as myself!
4.    Getting together with friends wherever possible. Go sliding! Make use of good company and snowy weather.
5.    Finally, I’ll say that though winter is pretty frozen and bums most all of us out, it really is a gorgeous time, and getting out is a really good cure for all of the feelings that come along with being snowed in.  So, good luck banishing those pesky blues, and if you’re not having luck, find solace in the fact that we’re all in this together! 
By: Mr. Burton 
By: Eva Haas
Mr. G. Williams!
Mr. G is The Python Post Teacher of the Month!
During the third week of March (13th- 17th) SPJH will show our school spirit by participating in numerous exciting activities organised by the one and only, Mr. G. Please watch the video below for more details about spirit week at SPJH.  
Interviewed by: Victoria Tuck
"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I wish you the BEST of luck today."

-Irish proverb 
A Month In Review 
Chase Away the Winter Blues and Positive Python winners!
The grade 8's visit The Rooms and remember those who fought for our freedom. 
The French club hosting their annual French carnival! 
Our Pythons hard at work during Skills NL.
Pythons stand up to bullying and show awesome support for Pink Shirt Day!
Quebec trip 2017!
Ms. Pearce jumped out of an air plane from 3500ft in the air! It was a single jump which means she did it all by herself!! 

Mr. Staple has beaten every Super Mario game ever invented! woo hoo!  
Why didn't the vampire bite Taylor Swift? 


Because she had BAD BLOOD!
Brought to you by: 
Victoria Tuck

Do you have any news you want to share?
Would you like to join our team?
Are you a parent or student with an idea?
We would love to hear from you! 

The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students!
We look forward to hearing from you!

Please tweet us your ideas on twitter: @ThePythonPost 

Or email us at: [email protected]

See you next time, Pythons! 

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What Changes Need To Be Made In CCHS? 
By: Collin Reed 

      This is a question the Cannon County Board of Education faces year after year. A poll, conducted by the newspaper staff, asked 111 students and a number of teachers this very question. When asked, many said they were happy at CCHS, but most had their own take on how to improve our school. Many common answers included sanitary conditions in the bathrooms, more room to eat at lunch, less homework, longer lunch, and to be able to take our backpacks through classes. These are definitely not the only responses we got, but most feedback received were of those. 
      7.2% of those asked felt that the restrooms weren’t as clean as they should be. Many of us can relate to this and you could safely say that everyone agrees with this statement. Though some of it may be, it is not just the custodians’ fault, or anyone in particular. If this problem is properly recognized, we can all find some way to help. There seems to always be some type of trash on the floor to pick up, if everyone does a little bit here and there, we could make a world of a difference. 
      Of those questioned, 15.3% wanted more room to eat during lunch. This is one that most everyone who didn’t get to sit with their friends or sit where they would have liked at lunch can agree with. The main reason for the restriction of the lower halls is the excessive trash which is left. This goes right back to the idea of keeping the school picked up. Yes, it is not everyone who leaves trash, but leaving it there does not make teachers and staff want to leave the lower halls open. With that aside, it would be much more convenient and smooth to not have to be crammed in a loud, crowded lunch room. 
      It is not surprising that 7.2% of the people interviewed said they wanted less homework. Nearly every student, sometime or another, has wished for no more homework. Of course, some homework is needed for practice and some homework is needed for a grade to benefit us and the teacher. Despite these positive aspects, many students feel overwhelmed at times; for many, it seems like there is no break from it through the school week. Homework does not need to be totally abolished, but there definitely needs to be a strong reduction in how much is given. Many teachers may not realize that the teacher on the other end of the hall also gave 5 workbook pages. 
     A whole 17% of those asked said they wanted a longer lunch. This is really one that many of us wish for but know how hard it would be for the school board to work 5 or 10 more minutes of lunch time into the schedule. There is however, a good argument to be made for an extended lunch. Many students wait in line for a considerable amount of time before they get their food, so some of these may not get finished before the bell rings. This could be part of an argument, but the school board would need a much better reason to lengthen lunch. 
    The suggestion that has the best argument just so happens to have the most votes. 19.8% of students questioned said they wanted to be able to carry their backpacks throughout the school day. Many of us have had the experience of dropping our books because they slipped or fell out of our hand. Backpacks are have said to be able to house drugs, alcohol, firearms, and bombs. This rule of no backpacks has a loophole, if a student wanted to take any of those things to school all they would have to do is take said item into school with the backpack and hide the item in their locker. If a student wanted to bring drugs to school, it could easily fit in their pocket. If a person wanted to bring a bomb or firearm to school, they will find a way, backpacks banned or not. 
       There were multiple other good suggestions, but these make up the most popular. To conclude, everyone is going to have something to complain about or critique, but if you really think about it, CCHS is actually a really decent, smooth running school.


Posted | Views: 2,678
It consulting - overall growth of business
Business environment is complex and also competitive. If you want to survive and prosper in long run, it must work efficiently. IT Consulting Service not only ensures the growth of small and medium size business, it also provides cost effective services. It addresses all issues and helps in maintaining positive image of business. Now-a-days when technology products are on full swing, the users need assistance to address their specific problem and answer their queries. Technical support may be given by live support software, by an e-mail, or by a call. It is a field of activity focuses on advising the organizations on how to use Information Technology in achieving their business goals. IT consulting San Diego provide services like – Staffing firms Professional services to command bills and maintain professional employees Security Advices and recommendations Temporary help in a project where hiring a permanent employee is not required Outsourcing Services provided by San Diego charge fees which are a fraction of salary of a full time employee. Before a small problem become disaster and costly to handle it provides solution. All the IT consultants are trained enough to assist each and every problems. An IT consultant possesses advisory skills, business development skills, technical skills, communication skills, language skills, management skills, and technical skills. If a business owner decides to expand their business, a decision making process is carried out by the IT consulting services. Find out more details at here you are planning technology changes for your business then sit back and relax. The burden can be transferred to consulting services team. They are highly qualified and have innovative ideas to shine. Planning, designing and implementing of new ideas can be done by the engineers keeping in mind the factor of cost. With the expanding of business the network will also grow and relocating office needs set up of network equipment to new office. The overall relocation and technology changes are being carried out by the qualified team.

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Posted | Views: 1,250
February-March Edition
Contest Winners!
January was a busy time for the students and teachers at Forest City. Getting back from a much deserved winter break, starting the New Year, and getting back to our studies. We also had BLACK OUT BULLYING WEEK and LITERACY WEEK. It just so happens that these two were in the same week! During Black Out Bullying week we participated in activities to promote kindness and anti-bullying. We also participated in reading activities for Literacy Week. For example, an older grade partnering with a younger grade to model good reading. 

Students were also able to participate in either a poster contest, essay contest, or a Public Service Announcement Video (PSA). Forest City is very proud to announce the winners on the district level.
2nd Place in the essay contest goes to Niarie D. in 4th grade.
1st Place in the PSA contest goes to Madeline, Mia, Alyssa, and Iana.
Honorable Mention: Elias V. 1st Place at Forest City in the Poster Contest. 

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Posted | Views: 1,159
Calendar Events
February 14: Valentine's Day 
Hootie Store Grades K-1
February 17: Hootie Grades 2-5
February 20: Presidents' Day-No School
March 7: Hootie Store Grades K-1
March 9: Report Cards go home 
March 10: Hootie Store Grade 2-5
March 12: Daylight Savings Time
March 14: Family STEM Night 6-8pm
March 17: No School/Teacher Work Day
March 20-24: Spring Break/No School

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Posted | Views: 1,202
Special Report
What are Hooties? 
Hooties are an incentive for positive behavior. You can receive Hooties for a variety of different reasons. For example, showing good manners in the cafeteria, wearing you TBK shirt or other black shirt on Tuesdays, walking quietly in line, picking up trash in the hallway or playground, or being prepare to learn for the day. 

Who gives out Hooties? 
All teachers and staff at Forest City can give out Hooties. You never know who is going to catch you doing the right thing. 

What do we do with the Hooties? 
GO SHOPPING! There is a Hootie store with a variety of different prizes to pick from like plush toys, books, posters, or keychains. The more Hooties you earn the more you can buy. So we find kids love to save.. save.. save! Check out the calendar to see what days you can visit the Hootie Store. 

Do the teachers and students like the Hooties? 
Yes, students love to know they have done something well and have made a difference and the teachers like to reward the students for their positive behavior. It’s a win-win for everyone.


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Manroop Takhar established one of the most highly revered animation studios in London - Spiel. The production house has crafted inspirational videos that generate great returns for clients, including enhanced brand identity and online shares. 

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