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Adult stem cells

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Stem cells are one of the most argued subjects, and many people are completely wrong if they think embryonic stem cells are the only kind of stem cells
From the moffat county
7th grade
research department

The main point I need to get across is that not all stem cells come from embryos. Stem cells are also found in adults and children. You have stem cells in your brain, your bones, your muscles, your skin, your digestive system, your blood vessels, your umbilical cord, your spinal cord, your liver, and in your reproductive system. What are stem cells? Well, they're an undifferentiated cell of a eukaryote that can lotta lotta more cells of the same type. Stem cell information is mislead and bent for the media for the destruction of our business. The stem cells that are cruel and terrible that are commonly thought of as the only type of stem cells are embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research destroys babies and perfectly good embryos, but our research facility is dedicated to curing certain diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, with the one and only, adult stem cell. Adult stem cell research can cure Parkinson's disease with new ways to withdraw stem cells from other people to give new nervous stem cells to the people that have a lack of them. Stem cell research provides jobs,  and adult stem cells can change the world!

Pandora...Page 25

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-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Austin,TX 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz 
Off 6th st Austin,TX
SXSW 2014
Pandora Discovery Den

I Have to Visualize My Success before I can Really See my Dreams

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Posted | Views: 398
What are stem cells? Stem cells are cells that can become anything else. For example they can become liver cells, heart cells,etc. There are 2 types of stem cells there are adult stem cells and embryonic cells. People think that stem cells are bad. Mostly because they only now what embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are bad because they destroy other cells. But they don't know about adult stem cells which are very helpful. They can cure diseases and can be used for medicine. They are actually really helpful. At least adult stem cells are! Embryonic stem cells come from an embryo which is 3-5 days old. Adult stem cells come from many things such as bone marrow blood vessels ,etc.Stem cells can treat burns, parkinson, etc...  Well thats all.

History...Page 24

Posted | Views: 1,126
-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Austin ,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz 
Off 11th st. Austin,Tx 
SXSW 2014
African American Cultural & Heritage Facility
Because History Matters...

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Posted | Views: 819
Realizing he can not sleep anytime soon Josh decides to pass the time by rolling a joint and passing it among his peers. As he and his groupmates inhale the thick, off-white, smoke each and everyone of them has a coughing fit. The sounds of after parties everywhere fill the air and soon drown out the heavy coughing. Josh’s eyes have now upgraded to a deep shade of red, not unlike that of a strawberry. Incredibly stoned he leaves his tent to find one of the many after parties, but before he even takes 10 steps he finds himself under the ambient light cast by the neons up in the trees. He finally gets it, electronic music in a forest filled with electric trees; an electric forest. The epiphany only distracts him from his task for a short time. Spotting the unmistakable signs of a party he rushes over. Shots are being passed around like a communicable disease and Josh is drunk before he realizes it.
 Marijuana and alcohol leave Josh feeling uneasy and throws up the contents of his stomach, which is nothing but bile and water. Purging is the catalyst for sleep, as afterward Josh can barely keep his eyes open. Drunkenly stumbling back to his own tent, he decides to urinate on a nearby one. An enraged man who looks straight out of a fitness advertisement steps out. Josh, finishing up in record time, runs with his pants still around his ankles. Barely escaping the otherwise definite ass-whooping, he makes it to his sleeping chamber. He lazily plops his body weight on his cot which squeaks from the unexpected dead-weight. 

 As he wakes from his not-so-good sleep, Josh feels restless and sore. Cramming pop-tarts in his mouth as if they were going out of style he aids his grumbling stomach. Taking an aspirin for the ache in his brain from the alcohol, he prepares for another day of Electric Forest. He can never know what the day will bring, but he does know that. Josh grabs a water and a cigarette then steps outside into the organised chaos that is Music Festivals. Josh’s experience is typical in the sense that it was unlike anything experienced by anyone else. 
 Electric forest continues to grow in popularity, as well as EDM itself. The genre can be heard on the radio and even in advertisements. Josh chooses not to let this phase him, he tells me he plans to continue attending Electric Forest for the remainder of his years. Thus creating equally bizarre and intriguing memories to come.


Posted | Views: 789
Electronic music festivals are becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon, with gatherings all over the world in many diverse locations. Tomorrowland in Germany is arguably the largest and most well known globally, yet here in the states EDC, or Electric Daisy Carnival has an almost cult-like following. Not all festivals are created equal however. Electric Forest (A festival in Rothbury, Michigan) is one of the most original, with sights and sounds that are unrivaled in aesthetic quality. Josh Clemmons had the opportunity to experience this grand spectacle of EDM culture.
Josh is your average festival-goer; if there even is such a thing. Sporting a thick mane of midnight-black dreadlocks, and in contrast an arsenal of neon themed clothing, he enters the gate into Electric Forest with anticipation building in his core. The first sight upon entry immediately bewilders him, a group of ladies boldly wearing nothing besides the bottom half of bikinis and glowsticks somehow secured to their chest.
“That’s the thing at music festivals...” Josh claims excitedly “...whatever concerns society places on modesty are entirely void once you step through that gate.”
After gawking in awe for a little too long, Josh continues onward. His first goal is to find some MDMA, or molly, before the nights first headliner; Zed’s Dead. It is 10 p.m. this gives josh only a two hour window to secure some ecstasy. Nevertheless, Josh is an experienced user and knows what to look for. Quickly spotting a man with no iris to be seen, he makes his move. The operation was a success, and Josh comes into possession of three contraband-filled capsules. A glance at his wristwatch tells him it is now 11:03, “Perfect” Josh thinks to himself, with his experience he knows it will take 45-50 minutes for the drug to take effect. Grabbing a free water bottle from a nearby booth that promotes safe and responsible drug use, he swallows two of the capsules, saving the last one to “boost” his high in a few hours. Away he goes on his way to the show.

The walk to the Ranch Arena where all the headliners perform is a small country away it seems, taking an abnormally prolonged time, due to having to make it through a mob of over 30,000 attendees. 
Josh is given a stroke of luck, and makes it before the majority of people. Allowing him to get a spectacular spot within a few yards of the stage. The clock strikes 12 and all hell breaks loose, Josh is experiencing waves of euphoria unrivaled by anything else. Lights, lasers, and love, these are the universal attractions bringing everyone together all serenaded by Zed’s Dead’s tantalizing show.
EDM light shows are completely out of this world, with intricate and colorful displays all simultaneously playing along the thumping bass. This display is what brings many festival goers in. Combined with the sensory enhancement brought on my MDMA it creates a symbiotic relationship between DJ and fan. Lights look brighter and more breathtaking, the bass vibrates to the user’s core, and the euphoria is unlike anything else. Josh tells me, “MDMA is not something you can imagine, it is only something you can experienced. If I had to describe it though I’d say it is like christmas morning as a kid multiplied by 100.” 
 Quoting Newton, what goes up must come down; however, and as the show nears it’s last song Josh is beginning to come down. He stumbles through the dispersing crowd in a daze, exhausted from hours of dancing. Arriving back at his tent he is starting to feel the “crash” or after effects of his substance. Being a safe user, Josh takes many supplements vital for serotonin production as the majority of his serotonin has been sacrificed for the unexcelled empathy he felt only hours earlier. Laying his head down on his memory foam pillow he contemplates tonights events.

A Day In The Life: Electric Forest

Child Marriage: The Future of Young GIrls in Third World Nations

Posted | Views: 2,101
Child Marriage:
The Future of Young Girls in Third World Nations
     Do you remember when you were a kid and people would ask you: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Did you reply enthusiastically back with: “Astronaut!” “Doctor!” or “President!”? In third world countries, like Niger or Bangladesh, no one asks that question to young girls. Their futures are decided by their families, and they are never given a say.

     On a global scale, 51 million girls below the age of eighteen are child brides (Ten Facts). The girls are usually married to middle-aged men, but some of the husbands are children as well. They can be from 3 years old to 45 years old; neither the bride’s nor the husband’s age is a factor that their family considers when making the decision to marry them. The head of the family, usually the parents, arrange the marriages for their daughter, without giving the young girl a voice in that decision. Child marriages are generally the result of poverty; in many cultures, husbands pay a dowry for their future wives to their wives’ family, making the marriage profitable for the parents. The cultural discrimination toward women, and the desire to ensure the girl’s virginity before marriage are also some of the causes behind these unions. Some countries in Africa and Southern Asia consider child marriage a tradition, and the best option for the young girls.

     A child bride is expected to fulfill every responsibility of a wife, including becoming a mother. Still a child herself, she is forced by their new husband, their husbands’ family, and their own family, to satisfy this part of the marriage agreement. Many girls are too young to become pregnant and give birth without life-threatening complications. “An estimated 14 million girls between the ages of 15 and 19 give birth each year. They are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth as women in their 20s. Girls who marry between the ages of 10 and 14 are five times as likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth as women in their early 20s” (Child Marriage). This is just one of the consequences of arranged child marriage.

     Domestic abuse is a common household occurrence in many child marriages, including but not limited to physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. Child brides have a greater risk of contracting AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and the girls are generally denied access or are too poor for hospital care. The children that the child brides have lead no better lives (Child Marriage).
     Child marriage strips away fundamental rights of the children involved. “Rights undermined or lost by children forced to marry early are: The right to an education. The right to be protected from physical and mental violence... The right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health. The right to rest and leisure, and to participate freely in cultural life. The right to not be separated from parents against the child's will. The right to protection against all forms of exploitation affecting any aspect of the child’s welfare. The right to eventual employment” (Child Marriages). All of these rights that we take for granted are considered unattainable dreams to the victims of child marriage.

    The life of a young girl trapped in a child marriage can never be fully understood. Those with the right of choice and liberty can’t completely comprehend the pain, stress, violence, and the overall nightmare of being a child bride. We can only listen to the stories of the girls who lived through it. The following, provided by ‘Child Marriages: Facts, Causes, and Consequences,’ is a truthful testimonial from a woman who was a child bride:

     I was married to a nine-year-old boy when I was three. At that point of time, I was unaware of marriages. I don't even remember my marriage event. I just remember that as I was too young, and was unable to walk, they had to carry me and bring me over to their place. Getting married at an early age, I was destined to suffer a lot of hardships. I had to carry water in a small clay-pot in the mornings. I had to sweep and swap the floor everyday.
      Those were the days when I wanted to eat good food and wear pretty clothes. I used to feel very hungry, but I had to be satisfied with the amount of food that I was provided. I never got to eat enough. I sometimes secretly ate corns, soybeans, etc. that used to grow in the field. And if I was caught eating, my in-laws and husband would beat me up accusing me of stealing from the field and eating. Sometimes the villagers used to give me food and if my husband and in-laws found out, they used to beat me up accusing me of stealing food from the house. They used to give me one black blouse and a cotton sari1 torn into two pieces. I had to wear these for two years.
     Never did I get other accessories like petticoats, belts etc. When my saris got torn, I used to patch them up and continue wearing them. My husband married three times after me. At present, he lives with his youngest wife. Since I married at an early age, early child-delivery was inevitable. As a result, I now have severe back problems. I used to weep a lot and consequently, I faced problems with my eyes and had to undergo an eye operation. I often think that if I had the power to think like I do now, I would never go to that house.
     I also wish I had not given birth to any children. Retrospective sufferings make me wish not to see my husband again. Nevertheless, I do not want him to die because I don't want to lose my marital status.
     Girls Not Brides, a dedicated organization, has developed a unique perspective and plan for ending child marriage permanently throughout the world. Called the Theory of Change, their plan is four-fold: empowering the young girls in child marriages or at risk of becoming a child bride, engaging families and communities to change this tragic tradition, providing services and protecting the girls, and lastly, implementing effective and rigid laws against child marriage. Girls Not Brides suggests many ways for people to get involved, from donating to volunteering, but mainly they suggest raising your voice against child marriage.
     If you ask anyone, most likely they’d be adamant about how horrible child marriage is. “That’s terrible,” they’ll probably say, before falling silent or changing the subject. Child marriage is not a topic people are comfortable with for obvious reasons, but being quiet about this issue won’t resolve anything. Raise your voice loud against child marriage because those girls need much more than politically correct silence.

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Posted | Views: 475
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system 

Anatomy (structure) : Myelin sheaths on your nerves are fine and in good shape 

 Physiology (function)  :Complete feeling or control, able to walk and do activates, can see perfectly unless you have glasses, the body and brain work together and do well

Anatomy (structure): Multiple Sclerosis Myelin sheaths on your nerves deteriorate

Physiology (function): May lose the ability to walk  
Numbness or weakness in the limbs, flow of information from brain to body is disrupted

because there is no cure that has yet to be found the treatment is mostly to handle the pain and reduce some of the attacks on the body. 
Medications most are experimental, Medical Marijuana, possibly surgery, comprehensive care which is where you meet with health professionals that discuss your case of MS and look for ways to help you, there are also many more ways to help that are being developed by health care professionals and researchers 
No, sadly a cure has not been found yet but health care professionals and researchers are looking for more ways to help people with this autoimmune disease and are discovering more ways than we would have many of years ago. 
it effects the Brain and the Spinal cord 

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sports magic
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SOL CRM Haberleri
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El Segundo Dental Implants

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El Segundo Dental Implants

Dental implants attach artificial teeth below the gum line using an anchor. The anchor holds the implant in place, allowing excess bone to fuse with it and the healthy gums to grow around it. The result is that of a strong, secure tooth that is virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Infrastructure Project Financing

Posted | Views: 509
Infrastructure Project Financing
Universal Business Structured Solution is a premier provider of out of the box creative financial solutions. With over sixty years of combined investment and lending experience, management team brings a high level of expertise to the market. UB Solution’s goal is to offer unequaled service, accessibility, and professionalism to our clients.

Gpib Cables

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Gpib Cables

GPIB Cables (IEEE-488 Cables) by Amphenol -- Buy Directly from the Inventor of GPIB Connector Technology. Cables on Demand provides a selection of IEEE-488 GPIB cables and cable adapters in lengths up to 18m for precision instrumentation, test equipment and real-time data acquisition. Amphenol GPIB cables exceed IEEE-488 specifications and are fully compatible with legacy HPIB equipment. Please choose a GPIB cable or adapter product below:


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Her Light

I am bathed in her brilliance
the moon, the shining one.

Nothing can stop her light -
        not street lights
        not concrete or brick or wood
        not tree branches.
Nothing can stop her light.

She reaches me,
         illuminating me,
my cracks outlined in moonsilver -
         the pain
         the addiction
         the patterns of suffering.

Nothing can stop her light
reaching me.

She illuminates me,
bathing my soul in the renewal of change,
every moment a chance to try again.

Andrea Huckleberry Iannone

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Posted | Views: 806

 Can they be? Will they be? Who will be stopping the Cavilers this years? The answer to these questions are a little tricky on the spot, especially given its just preseason so far, but just look at the talent, and the depth this team has. The upfront “wow” of this rosters is young star guard Kyrie Irving, who has been in the league 3 years (all with Cavs), three time All-Star Kevin Love (acquired in 3 team trade with Minnesota and Philadelphia), and of course the returning, face of the NBA, nine time All-Star, LeBron James (free agent). But that’s not all of the weapons the Cavilers will have at their disposal for the 2015-2105 season. The Cavs’ bench also compliments their power house of a starting line up with players like Tristen Thompson (started last season for Cavs, Kevin Love projected to start over him, 11.7 pts. per game, 9.2 reb. per game), Shawon Marion (played for Dallas last season, 10.4 pts. per game, 6.5 reb. per game) and Mike Miller (played for Miami last season, 7.1 pts. per game). Making the Cavs own one of the strongest benches in the league. Also in their starting line up above average talent Anderson Varejao (8.4 pts. per game, 9.7 reb. per game) at center and Dion Waiters (15.9 pts. per game) at shooting guard makes the Cleveland Cavilers a well-rounded team with talent at every position on the court.

 The Cavs’ strengths clearly outweigh there weaknesses by a large amount. With a projected starting lineup (can change during season) in Kyrie Irving at the one, Dion Waiters at the two, LeBron James at the three, Kevin Love at the four, and Anderson Varejao at the five, makes the starting lineup of the Cavs one of the best, if not the best in the league. Throwing in a “just as flawless bench” in Tristen Thompson, Shawon Marion, and Mike Miller (just to name a few) makes the opportunities and the tactics of taking down the Cavilers minimal. The Cavs’ strengths are everywhere on the floor, at every position, not a single “below” average player to NBA standards. Probably their weakest link (in the Cavilers starting lineup) in Anderson Varejao at center, averaged close to a double-double last season in 8.4 points per game and 9.7 rebounds per game. What a weak a weak link right?

To question the Cavs stellar starting line-up, who is their go to player in crunch time? They don’t have one. One simply cannot single out a go to player in this starting lineup, they are simply to go. For example, Cleveland’s go to player was Kyrie Irving for the past three years (20.8 points per game, 6.1 ast. per game), with incredible ball handling skills, quick feet, and a great jumper made him easily the face of the Cavilers franchise for those three years. Minnesota’s go to player was the big man, Kevin Love, (26.1 pts. per game, 12.5 reb. per game) with great post moves, a knock down mid-range and three point shot, and an outstanding rebounder, K-Love was also deserving of the role “Mr. go to”. And of course, Miami’s go to player was King James (27.1 pts. per game, 6.9 reb. per game), with above average range and shooting ability, athleticism, and strength with quickness, made the King himself the only one for the job in Miami. That should answer the question, they are simply too good to single out just one of their three All-Stars to be the go to player on the court. With other starting talent on the court, and a great bench, they are simply to too good to single out
Who Will Stop the Cavs?


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Posted | Views: 827
Yet another, maybe even a bigger gamble, was acquiring forward Anthony Bennett in the trade. Though Bennett too only played one year of college ball at UNLV with constant “All American numbers” putting up 16.1 points per game, 8.1 rebounds per game, and along with a 53.3% shooting percentage, (Sports Reference, Anthony) he is still in the same boat as Wiggins. The worst part of the deal is Bennett was drafted in 2013, playing one year with the Cavilers. Actually, not really playing. His playing time was limited all season due to shoulder and knee injuries along with asthma and conditioning problemYs. When Bennett would play he simply just could not perform on the court, in fact, the Cavilers sent there number 1 overall draft pick down to the D-League to develop and get some playing time. Later in the year, Bennett started to improve and got back up to the Cavilers and stayed at that level for the rest of the year, showing big signs of improvement. But if Bennett can return to the 2014-2015 season with the T-Wolves healthy and ready to work, the 6 foot 7 inch, 240 lbs. forward could be an immense help to the T-Wolves offense this year, also with a big strong body with some physical play, averaging 1.2 blocks per game at UNLV (Sports Reference, Anthony), could add to the defensive side as well. 

Now that the three-time All-Star Kevin Love is no longer Minnesota is there any hope? Absolutely. K-Love leaving obviously takes a franchise player out of the picture, but that is not as nearly as bad as it sounds. With K-Love gone that opens up a huge amount of cap space to pick up free agents like Mo Williams and others along the way of the season, also with young talent waiting to shine on the court in Wiggins and Bennett (acquired in three-team trade), veteran like talent in Thaddeus Young (also acquired in three-team trade) and Mo Williams (free agent), along with the already known players to the T-Wolf community in Rubio, Pekovic, Kevin Martin (19.1 pts per game), Cory Brewer (12.3 pts per game), and recently drafted young athletic talent Zach LaVine (9.4 pts per game, 46 inch vertical) from UCLA, makes the T-Wolves’ diverse roster consisting of young and veteran like talent. The T-Wolves don’t have NBA champions in their minds, but a long playoff run with an exciting regular season at the Target Center is inevitable (Cory Brewer, Kevin Martin, Zach LaVine Sports Reference).

What to Expect?