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Ursula Union
You can't hide
Advise Column:
Dear Anna,
I don't know if I just made the worst mistake, or the best decision ever... I just kissed this guy I have had a crush on for awhile now but, we work together so I don't know how or what he thinks of me now. I always catch him looking at me but i don't know if that is just becuase we are partners? Do you think he thinks of me differently?
The Worried Girl
Dear Worried,
Of course he is going to think of you differently! Although the kiss was sudden and probably unsuspected, he probably liked it, It also shows you are compassionate and not afraid to show your real feelings... Honestly if you catch him looking at you nonstop there is a high chance he likes you. Also Ms. Worried, how about instead of worrying about it, just simply talk to him about what had happened. Start it like "Hey can we talk about the other night?" Then go on from there. If in the end things don't work out... do not worry about it. You have your whole life ahead of you and don't let one silly boy ruin it.
Hope everything goes well!
Featured Article:
BREAKING NEWS! A juvenile has now broke out of juive. He was recently put in due to breaking into White House's Network. The police were expecting him to make the break by spying inside of a hackers convention. Sure enough, he did it. The police took him away and placed him into a juvenile detention center. All the juives were allowed access to the computars held in the building and he definatly took advantage of it. He hacked it to where he got all the information the juvenile had including lunches, people's ID, and even the codes to all the cells the juvies were held in. He then took that as his escape. He waited till everybody was asleep and escaped. He is yet to be found but do not worry, he is unarmed and is harmless. We will find him and put him away.
Movie Review:
"This intensifying, thrilling future based novel brings to you high intense situations that you do not want to miss. It has enoug interest to go around and will keep you wondering and expecting more! With stars from "Mockingjay Part 1", "Into the Storm", and the "Amazing Spiderman" the director and author really help tie the book and film together. The movie, like the book... still offers all the action and emotions the book does. Yet, the movie will bring more intensity and will bring in new action every minute. You do not want to miss it..."
Jennifer Lawrence
Known for "Mockingjay Part 1"
Josh Hutcherson
Known for "Mockingjay Part 1"
Brad Pitt
Known for "12 Years a Slave"
Warden Brewer at Recton-
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Known for "Mockingjay Part 1"
Sam's Mom-
Julianne Moore
Known for "Mockingjay Part 1"
Mall Security Guard Gorden-
Christopher Walken
known for "Peterpan Live"
Sam Claflin
Known for "Mockingjay Part 1"
Agent Tyler-
Aaron Eckhart
Known for "Love Happens"
Max Beacon
Known for "Into the Storm"
Jeremy Sumpter
Known for "Into the Storm'
Swamp Witch-
Sally Field
Known for "The Amazing Spiderman"
Sigourney Weaver
Known for "Abduction"
Kevin G. Schmidt
Known for "Cheaper by the Dozen 2"
Here to you by the "Neuro" crew. NOW TO YOU IN STORES. The Neuro-headset is now being released at 12 am midnight on September 20th 2134. The first 5,000 people to come will get a Neuro-headset with an offer of a 75% off Neuro-cleaner! This new and improved headset allows you to multi-task with ease, program to where it learns everything about you, and even allows you to play games and much more stuff while you aren't even on your computer! You just simply close your eyes, think of what you want to do (sense it senses brain activity) and it will simply appear as a screen in your head with the voice over of Ursula. With this brain-sensed headset, anything is possible! Do not miss your chance to come and get it with a 75% off discount of a Neuro-cleaner! HURRY AND COME AT MIDNIGHT SEP. 20TH 2134!
Picture of Vegas after being in a terriost attack.
Don't worry where I get my information.
Dear Advice Column,
My son has been on the computer gaming a very dangerous amount in my opinion, and I am starting to worry for his health and safety. He hasn't come out of his room in four weeks and hasn't eaten. I have made his favorite food and gave it to him for him to just push to the side. I need advice on what to look for as in signs of how to tell of he has a gaming addiction, can you tell me what I should look for?
Signed Worried Mother
Dear Worried,
I understand your concern and these are the signs and tips I suggest you try and look for.
- Try and unplug the neuro headset or turn it off
- Call the doctor and ask questions from a professional
- Make him come out and move around
- If he is always using the headset I would conclude he as a gaming addiction, I would do something now to see if it is major or minor
If these help please write back so I can be updated. I hope everything is okay.
On April 29, 2062 a teen age of 14 was taken from his home in Salt Lake City, Utah to go to an insane asylum in Alanta, Georgia. He went to the asylum for going mentaly insane by using a neuro headset. His mother was terrifed fro her and her daughters life, so she called the asylum and asked if tyhey can pick he up ASAP. They cam and got him the very next morning on Tuesday April 29,2062 at 7:47am. They are saying he will be released in 2070.
Movie Review
Brain Jack is by far one of the best movies of the year. There are a few scenes where I would have asked for more, but other than that a very good movie. I wish the movie would have been more, or at least a little more similar to the book. Also there were a few parts where objects looked really fake while others looked real. Either way I highly recommend this movie.
Ansel Elgort as Sam
Austin Butler as Dodge
Chole Grace Mortez as Vienna
Dave Franco as Kiwi
Alice Martin passed away this Monday June 7, 2062 at 9:42am. She was known as Lamar Elementary's second grade teacher. She taught math, and will be very missed by her wonderful students. Her family is holding a private funeral, then will be having a public one on June 9, 2062. If you want to attend the public funeral please call: 905-732-7298
Our cities love will come to this family. Sorry for the Martin's loss.