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Choosing the Right Metal for Your Engagement Ring

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Choosing the Right Metal for Your Engagement Ring
You've found the person you want to spend your life with, so it's time to find the perfect engagement ring to symbolize your love (and give her something to brag about to her friends). You've probably already done quite a bit of research on what type of diamond to get, but your choice of metal is just as important. The right metal gives the diamond a beautiful backdrop and ensures the ring will last a lifetime. Arthur Jewelers Engagement Rings offers you the best designer engagement rings, but we also want to be your source from information. Here's what you need to know.

Yellow Gold

Gold was humankind's first currency, and has been valued as a jewelry metal since ancient times. One look at a well-crafted piece of gold jewelry and it's easy to see why. Traditional yellow gold has a sheen and luster that's unlike anything else. You will, of course, want to ensure your sweetheart likes gold jewelry. One clue is the jewelry she already has; if she already owns gold jewelry, especially rings, you can be reasonably assured she'll love a yellow gold engagement ring. If she has warmer skin tones (usually present when a woman looks great in fire engine red, coral, and golden yellow, or if the veins in her wrist look green under natural light), the color of her ring will also make the skin of her hand look wonderful in your wedding ring photos.

White Gold

If your lady prefers silver jewelry, consider white gold. White gold engagement rings give you the elegance of gold, and like other forms of gold, white gold will not tarnish. White gold is also a great choice for ladies with cool skin tones, such as those who look great in berry reds, blues, purples, and true pinks. Take a look at your future bride's wrist under sunlight; she has cool skin tones if her veins look blue. White gold is also a great choice for those on a limited budget, as it has about the same gold content as 24 karat yellow gold. Finally, white gold engagement rings are a great choice if your lady wears a lot of different kinds of jewelry, as its neutral color matches well with other items. 
Rose Gold

Rose gold, which has a pinkish hue that comes from the inclusion of copper, is one of the least common jewelry metals, but is one that's well worth considering. A rose gold ring is a great choice for a woman who prides herself on her individuality, or who wants an engagement ring that won't look like anything her friends have. We also offer mixed metal engagement rings, which include both rose gold and white gold. These are a fantastic choice for women who like to mix their metals or want a ring that can go well with both gold and silver-colored jewelry. 

If you need a more durable engagement ring (a good choice for active women or those who work in high activity fields such as medicine). Platinum resembles white gold but is far more dense. It is highly resistant to damage, will not fade in color over time, and will feel slightly heavier than a gold ring of similar size. Because platinum is more rare than gold, and because it is used in almost it's pure form, it tends to be more costly, making it a good choice for those with flexible budgets or who simply want to go all out. It can also, however, be a great choice women who like understated jewelry, such as a simple band. What you save by not having a fancy ring you can then spend on one that will really last.
Final Thoughts .

At Arthur's Jewelers, we're proud to be Minnesota's bridal jewelry experts. We're here to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect engagement ring for the special lady in your life. You can make an appointment to view our selection, or speak with a jewelry expert online. We look forward to serving you!

April 17th, 2015

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Volume One, Number 14
April 17th, 2015
13 Going on 30 
Story by: Jarod Burks

The curtain opens. The blinding lights go up. The music starts and suddenly you’re transported back to your first year as a teenager. 13 - the age of pimples, ridiculous drama, bad makeup, and cracking voices. Unreal. But in reality, 13 is just another number; which is exactly what this show is about. The preparation for this musical consisted of many hours of constant practice and badgering by the team of directors, especially Mr. Keith. The actors put one foot in front of the other to perfect the art of singing and dancing while staying in character. Senior Taylor Thacker conveys the true struggle of the performing arts:
 “The beginning of every theatre experience starts with the audition. Auditions are such a nerve wracking thing. You are asked to stand up in front of many people who are specifically there to judge you, and all the other people waiting to audition are secretly hoping you fail so that they can look better. However, once you finish your audition and you know there’s nothing you can do, it’s up to the directors.
 “It’s all worth it when the best feeling arises as the directors cast you in a part that they know only you could do best out of all the applicants. Next comes the countless hours of practice and hard work. Practice consists of a lot of physical activity, taking criticism, and stretching your diaphragm. This year, I played the main antagonist in the musical so I was a very mean girl. I would go home with bruised feet from dancing so much and a headache from belting out notes or from wrinkling my brow in disgust too many times. All of these tiring, difficult tasks all lead up to one thing: opening night.
 “This night is so important because it sets the tone for all the other shows to follow it. The nerves are high and the voices shaky, but every actor tries their hardest to impress the audience. This year, we had a cast that was predominantly new to the theatre experience, and describing how it all felt - to be on stage, to hear the laughs, hear the applause - is next to impossible. But as I prepared myself to step on stage, I knew that soon they would realize it was all worth it. The countless hours of practice, the tears shed from mistakes, parts taken away, stress added, it would all be worth it to see the pleasure on the audiences faces when they see high school students perform.
 “There aren’t words in the English language capable of describing the love of theatre I possess and the absolute love I have of sharing my passion with others. As a senior and theatre veteran, I want to say thank you to my entire cast and crew for everything and allowing me to share my passion one last time on the Twentynine Palms High School stage.”

When the Clock Strikes Twelve Story By: Rachael Lemon

Every gal needs a gown for the special night of Prom. The girls on campus have luck from the fairy godmother Mrs. Wilson! Cinderella’s Closet came into existence a few years ago to help those who were in need of a dress; with the help from generous donors and community leaders, the variety of dresses and gowns has grown tremendously!
Originally put on through the National Honor Society, this great opportunity has helped girls avoid the heavy cost of buying a prom dress. Girls who were worried that they would not be able to go can now rest assured, because they can spend that money on a ticket instead! Another perk of shopping at Cinderella’s Closet is a complimentary photo from Frasher’s Photography, accompanied by any other girls that took advantage of the opportunity and found a dress.
The Closet runs for two weeks before May second, and is currently open for any students that are in need of a gorgeous dress and shoes to match.

Getting to Know All About You
Story By: Madeline Quinn

 In today’s society, being able to express yourself without being judged by others - especially by your peers - is next to impossible. But as the famous Audrey Hepburn stated, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible.’”
 Last weekend, on April 10th through the 12th, some of our own Wildcats learned the importance of doing what others believe to be impossible. Breanna Panzarella, Mark Clinkscales and Justin Perez all learned how to be true to themselves, and to not judge others based on what they see.
 These three Wildcats all went to RYLA, a camp standing for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, sponsored by the Rotary Club and held up in Crestline, Thousand Pines. There, they learned how to be strong leaders, and encourage others to learn about a person before they judge them and to accept that person’s own opinions. An activity they did to help with this was called the Culture Walk. This activity allowed participants to stand up and speak about what’s going on in their life. “It really encouraged us to come out of our comfort zone and talk about things going on in our lives that we really wouldn’t talk about. It felt nice knowing I could talk about those things without being judged,” recalled Panzarella.
This camp was full of different things that helped improve leadership skills; from games to build trust and teamwork skills to speeches given by multiple motivational speakers, the campers were kept busy for the weekend. On top of helping each other, campers were encouraged to help out with other things. For instance, one major event they helped with was a community project called “End World Hunger.” During their stay, campers helped make and distribute over 10,000 meals for the homeless. Events like these helped open the eyes of many campers.
The only downside to this camp that sounds so fun? You have to be recommended. Not everyone can go. Our three Wildcats were recommended by the Interact advisor, Mrs. Cosgriff, who informed them of the camp. On top of that, only juniors are allowed to attend. However, if you do get a chance to go, it’s definitely worth it. When asked if they would encourage others to attend, all three of them said an affirmative “Yes,” with Panzarella already telling people of her experience and how beneficial it can be.
In the end, all three of them had the same opinion about the camp: that it helped them learn not only about how to see others, but how they see themselves. This camp helped them achieve what many believe to be hopeless. As Mark stated: “It’s a good experience in a whole different world.”

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Celebrate with bridal gowns from AmorModa and your winter wedding will be a dream

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If outside , the snow is illuminated by warm lights , you will be moved into your ballroom of the beautiful dresses from AmorModa in the right light . Celebrate with couture wedding dressess from AmorModa and your winter wedding will be a dream  White in its perfect form : snow, over frozen lakes , crystal clear skies and crisp white wedding dresses : This is the most beautiful backdrop for any winter wedding . AmorModa supplies the wedding dresses that support this setting on beautifully taken .

Among the more than 1500 wedding dresses wedding dresses many are finding that represent the dream of every winter wedding perfect and can be a true Ice Princess Bride . Especially the romantic and ornate wedding dresses emphasize the romance of such a winter wedding as well as the knot that will give the bride and groom in a scenic , snow- chapel or the sleigh takes you through the winter landscape . Revel in the overwhelming selection of fairytale wedding dresses that will make you the choice certainly not easy.  Of course, bridesmaid dresses and prom dresses are presented for the winter wedding in a great range .

Find romantic bridesmaid dresses and prom dresses that will provide you with a lavish wealth of material in the center of each winter wedding . Let yourself be enchanted by ball gowns in Princess -line or bridesmaid dresses in beautiful Mermaid Line . All prom dresses are custom-made and thus guarantee a perfect fit both the bridesmaids dresses as well as prom dresses are characterized by their excellent workmanship , without thereby therefore get overpriced. Let us convince you in the Online Boutique of the dream dresses from the collection of AmorModa and discover how many others before you , the glamorous world of AmorModa .  In AmorModa you will find a large collection of high quality and cheap evening gowns, cocktail , bridal and other formal dresses. The massgeschneidete production is a particular feature . From the quality of materials and manufacture to mention . In a word : AmorModa is the best choice for every woman.

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His heart does not beat like another man's. His pulse does not go with the flow. If he were a lyric he would try to slither away from a rhyme. He cannot be trusted. 


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I don't know why I do the things I do. but i like to put pretty faces on things. i want a reaction.


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Latest Pop up counter

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nullThere are many holders, specifically in prime area who charge overwhelming charges for hoardings which so makes it unthinkable for a little or white collar class entrepreneur to get. Among the best answers for this issue is using the Pop up counter. By and large, these stands are characterized as a gadget on which you can show commercial of their organization. Producer of storing appears offer different sorts of stands.

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