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No Left too

Posted | Views: 3,493
No right to Main Hwy & no left from Main HWY

See You Next Year!

Posted | Views: 1,067
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     Have a Relaxing and Safe                    Winter Break-
          See You Next Year!

Get some gas

Posted | Views: 3,827
Get some gas

This Time of Year Isn't Easy For Everyone

Posted | Views: 875
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      This Time of Year Isn't Easy For Everyone
         check-in on your friends and family

Holiday Fun Around the World!

Posted | Views: 626
International Holiday Traditions
By Sam Ortiz

     The winter months are an exciting time of the year for many people in the United States
      This particular season has a large amount of holidays jam packed into a small amount of time. Christmas in particular is celebrated by many people here, and with most holidays come traditions to go along with it. 
     New Years in the US has the famous ball drop in Times Square and Christmas in the US is well known for its garish sweaters, caroling, trees, and sparkly decoration used by many of those who celebrate it, but what is the holiday season like in other parts of the world?
     Like lots of other European countries, Hungary has Christmas, too. It’s a bit different from Christmas in the US, though. On December 6th, children set out their shoes for their version of Santa Claus to hopefully come fill with small treats. Though their version of Santa comes on the sixth, the most important day of Hungarian Christmas is December 24th. On the 24th, Hungarians put up and decorate the tree, prepare the holiday meal and exchange gifts.
      A common Christmas starting meal or lunch in Hungary is halászlé, a spicy fish soup, as they tend to abstain from meat on Christmas. A common dinner could be stuffed cabbage followed by a dessert called mákos guba, a sort of bread pudding.
     In the Seychelles, Christmas seems to be more of a religious holiday than in the US. As many people who live there are some sort of Christian, midnight church service on December 24th is very popular with another happening the next morning. Apart from the obvious difference in climate, as the Seychelles are in the southern hemisphere, Christmas is not much different than it is in the US. They put up trees and get together with family and friends all the same. Though, Christmas festivities continue into January and end on the 2nd.
     New Years is a very eventful time of the year in the Philippines. Filipinos celebrate New Years with a nice dinner, fireworks, and a long list of superstitions to keep in mind. These superstitions come into contact with all facets of the new year. Related to food, a noodle dish called pancit is made to represent a long life, and food made from sticky rice is made so good luck will stick around. 
     Foods that Filipinos avoid at new years are fish and chicken because they’re representations of food scarcity. Filipinos have more than just food to worry about in the new year, though. They also have to rush to pay off any debts they might have because it’s believed that any financial habits they have will continue into the next year. To attract more wealth in the new year, Filipinos also wear polka dots because round things are said to signify prosperity. Coins are also left about the house also to attract wealth. New Years in the Philippines is anything but a quiet event. Noise is important during the New Years because it’s said to drive away evil spirits.
     Every country has its own set of traditions during the holidays but the trend of spending time with loved ones during them seems to be consistent throughout. Happy holidays to everyone and the people they care about.

Love God

Posted | Views: 3,705
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 
1 Timothy 6:10
Seems simple but a lot of people don't get it.
Don't love money.

As a branch

Posted | Views: 3,480
He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch. 
Proverbs 11:28

Exposure on red

Posted | Views: 3,692
Short but long exposure - South Miami Florida

Hold my hand, Minnie.

Posted | Views: 3,027
Using Double exposure to bring Mickey and Minnie together

Wiggle Architecture

Posted | Views: 2,908
Highly Efficient & FAST

Tiny pretty weeds

Posted | Views: 3,813
Kodak TRI-X 400

Seek God first

Posted | Views: 2,892
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33

B&W Butterfly

Posted | Views: 3,406
I took this photo of a butterfly perched on a red flower, the colors came out vibrant and striking on Kodak Ektar 100 film. WOW!

Suburbia is nice

Posted | Views: 3,519
Orange roofs, white walls and green bushes.
FLA Suburbia

Huge Slurpee

Posted | Views: 3,362
I was amused to see a huge inflated Slurpee at a late night, empty gas station.

Full Moon December 2022

Posted | Views: 3,472
I have always been drawn to photographing the moon. On my iPhone forget about it. On my Digital Nikons I’ve gotten better shot but it’s not like film. 

Getting a sharp image is very hard if not impossible with my setup. My daughter got me a telescope a few years ago (Celestron Powerseeker 127EQ). It's awesome but shakes alot! Even the lightest touch causes 10 seconds of micro jitters. Its hard to get focused and not cause constant motion blur.

I tried first with my Nikon FM2n but focusing was near impossible. The next night I used my F6 but still the same result. I still love the photo thou, check it out!
Film Moon

Shake it!

Posted | Views: 3,989
Burger and fries
I loved eating this burger and fries, outside on the patio area at Aventura Mall. Shack Shack, Baby! The fresh air and outdoor setting make it taste even better.

Orange and Green and Yellow

Posted | Views: 3,316
Kodak Ektar 100

First Roll: Film Photography Project's Frankenstein 200

Posted | Views: 3,353
This is a very contrast style film. Despite overexposing most shot on purpose, the film's ability to crunch the shadows was impressive. It resulting in beautifully dramatic and moody images. I did notice I could pull out some detail on a DSLR scan but chose not to. SO it's possible I just wanted to make it look this way. :) I shot these on My Nikon FM2n.

The contrasty nature of the film gave a unique look, film noir-like aesthetic, and the dark tones added a sense of mystery and intrigue. Even thou it was a super sunny day. 

Overall, it has a very distinctive look. I don’t think I would use this film again thou. I don’t think I’d be in a situation were I’d want this look even more so in a sunny situation. I enjoyed FPP Wolfman 35 more.
Film Photography Project's
I recently tried out a roll of very dark and contrasty film, Film Photography Project’s Frankenstein 200 on 35mm film.
Developed with Cinestill Monobath B&W developer.
No faces!

Rainforest in Miami

Posted | Views: 3,392
In the early morning light

The tropical trees loomed tall and majestic, their verdant leaves shimmering. A thick mist hung in the air, wrapping the trees in a ghostly embrace. The light from the rising sun peeked through the mist, casting a golden glow over the landscape.

As the mist began to dissipate, the sound of chirping birds filled the air. The sweet, earthy scent of the trees mixed with the dampness of the mist, creating a surreal and peaceful atmosphere.

The ground beneath the trees was soft and spongy, covered in a carpet of fallen leaves and moss. The leaves of the trees rustled gently in the breeze, adding to the gentle symphony of sounds.

Overall, the scene was one of serene beauty, with the tropical trees and mist providing a picturesque and tranquil setting.