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Abuela's be like...Don't mess with my coffee!

Posted | Views: 2,722
Cafe Cubano sin Azucar? 
vamos a tener un problema! 

She is Cuba - Andy Garcia

Posted | Views: 3,374
"She is Cuba. If you want to love her, you have to be with her, but you can't be with her in her current state. It's the point of view of all exiles - you have to leave the thing you cherish most." 

- Andy Garcia 

Malik Whitaker the artist

Posted | Views: 89
Malik Withaker is a young and talented Newark resident.
In the inner city art has a different meaning, maybe art is concept only seen in a book or in a local museum. Art is to be shared, art is to be talked about and learned in a non­traditional way. Malik Whitaker is an artist, born and raised in Newark giving him a connection to the community where his art can be viewed. The city Newark, Essex County College and East Orange High School share his work. Whitaker’s art reflects the history of African­Americans, telling a story through his art. The Jazz mural, the hands chained in East Orange H.S. with a great message to boost self respect and the beautiful mural at Lincoln Park, “The Emancipation Mural” a celebration to freedom and achievement. Not only does Malik tell the history of African­Americans, but through his painting, “Invoke Africa,” he reflects the root, the beginning and the remembrance of heritage forgotten. “Invoke Africa,” is painted with watercolors and paper, which is no easy task in achieving such a smooth work without looking like a first grader painted the picture. Whitaker’s newest project “Brick City”, celebrates the diversity in a city consider to be the most dangerous in the country. This young man is creating from the rubble, art and a storyline that envision the history of Newark rich diversity and culture.

Post title...

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Mango News
История одного уникального продукта 
Николай Бабкин и Святослав Павловский окунулись в воспоминания, как создавали наш любимый ЦОВ.
Шаг 1. Где взять идею?
В 2011 году мы приняли стратегию регионального развития и поставили перед собой цель: увеличивать объем продаж на 50% ежегодно. Нам нужен был инструмент, который бы в реальном времени показывал, как звонки поступают в нашу компанию и что с ними происходит.
Шаг 2. Определите, для кого вы разрабатываете продукт и что он должен делать
Поскольку нам надо было обеспечить совместную работу людей в разных отделах, появились 3 основные роли – топ-менеджер, руководитель отдела, оператор. 
Шаг 3. Сделайте прототип
Мы максимально серьезно отнеслись к этому этапу. Привлекли одного из лидеров по юзабилити на тот момент, прошли через бесконечное количество итераций. 
Шаг 4. Не забудьте про дизайн
И тут оказалось, что пользователям важно, как выглядит продукт. То есть он должен быть не только удобным, но и визуально привлекательным. 
Шаг 5. Проверка в боевых условиях
В августе 2012 года мы начали использовать новый продукт сразу в 4-х отделах: клиентском, отделе продаж, техподдержки и в аутсорсинговом колл-центре. И нас сразу просто засыпали советами, «хотелками» и пожеланиями. 
Шаг 6. Не стойте на месте
Знаешь, как сделать компанию лучше?

Александр Губа о банках
У нас есть клиент — банк с федеральной сетью филиалов. Сначала они сделали пилотный проект — внед­рили нашу телефонию в новом филиале. И первым положительным результатом стала экономия на оборудовании. Второй результат — сокращение трудозатрат и расходов на обслуживание. Затем банк начал переводить на нашу телефонию другие филиалы и здорово сэкономил на внутренней связи. 

Новая версия M.TALKER
–добавлен новый атрибут в истории – «Принято на другом устройстве»
–добавлено уведомление о доступности новой версии
–добавлена возможность самостоятельной отправки отчета о работе программы из меню в трее
–повышены стабильность и удобство работы в модулях Настройки, Экран авторизации и Адресная книга

22-23 марта, Москва
Международный бизнес-форум Call Center World
Святослав Павловский выступит с докладом «Облачные технологии - от трендов к реальному опыту»

24 марта, Москва
Клуб молодых предпринимателей
Мастер-класс Святослава Павловского «Рост продаж за счет «умной» телефонии»

25-26 марта, Нижний Новгород
«Продажи и маркетинг в B2B»
Спикер: Михаил Пекерский
Рекомендации экспертов + Х = суперпродажи. Чему равен Х? Найдем неизвестное!
Привет, друзья! 
В этом выпуске Mango News: Дмитрий Бызов о планах на 2016 год, интервью Александра Губы, анонс событий на эту неделю и M.TALKER версия И самое вкусное — история о том, как мы создавали ЦОВ. 
Клиенты говорят
Зачем «Керамик Холлу» красивый номер
Красивый номер для «Керамик Холла» выбрали потому, что он легко запоминается – его удобно использовать в рекламе. Кроме того, по словам генерального директора Евгения Клюшина, такой номер подчеркивает высокий класс компании, вызывает доверие потенциального покупателя еще до звонка.
Набрав этот номер, клиент попадает в центральный салон-магазин. Если менеджеры заняты, звонок автоматически переводится в другие салоны – клиенту всегда отвечают. Поприветствовав покупателя, менеджер выясняет, в какой магазин ему удобнее приехать. Если нужно, переводит вызов в этот магазин, чтобы клиент обсудил детали с сотрудником на месте. Таким образом вопрос решается за один звонок. 

Чек-лист для переезда
В связи с кризисом бизнес задумался о сокращении затрат. Многие решают этот вопрос с помощью переезда в более дешевые офисы.
По оценке менеджеров по продажам «Манго Телеком», каждый десятый входящий звонок поступает от компании, которая задумалась о смене офиса или уже переезжает.
Андрей Вашуркин составил чек-лист из 8 пунктов: что рекомендовать клиенту, если у него есть телефонный номер, а переезд в новый офис уже не за горами.
Дмитрий Бызов о планах 
В марте для ЦОВ мы выпускаем модуль «Исходящий обзвон», предназначенный для того, чтобы увеличить количество совершаемых нашими клиентами звонков и конверсию по ним. В ближайшее время мы предложим пользователям наших сервисов возможность подключения любых номеров других операторов.
В соответствии с запросами клиентов меняется и наша тарифная политика. Например, теперь сервисы Центра обработки вызовов продаются по лицензиям, а значит, масштабировать бизнес стало еще проще.
Точки роста, которые обеспечат клиентам наши продукты, остаются теми же: это конверсия входящих и исходящих звонков, повышение качества обслуживания клиентов, оптимизация расходов, повышение эффективности работы сотрудников. 

Que Bola, Asere?

Posted | Views: 2,726
    cubans be like 
  Que bola? 

Ingredients for a Political Cuban Sandwich

Posted | Views: 3,642

Cuban Sandwich 
     how to stack a 
   pan cubano 
el jamon 
pan cubano 

Pitbull Still Believes in a Free Cuba

Posted | Views: 2,942
"I won't perform in Cuba until there's no more Castro and there's a free Cuba. To me, Cuba's the biggest prison in the world, and I would be very hypocritical were I to perform there."
   - Pitbull

Cuban Name for Swimming Trunks

Posted | Views: 3,033
agarra los "chores" 
vamos pa la playa 

Did your Cuban Parents do this too?

Posted | Views: 3,135
When you were a kid and your Cuban parents made you wear this. 

Did you know Bates Motel Actor is Cuban American?

Posted | Views: 2,665

"I was born in New York, but I'm of Cuban heritage. Maybe there's a little island in my blood."
  - Nestor Carbonell 

Abuela Mami March Instagram Giveaway

Posted | Views: 2,615
Win March’s box of Cuban goodies! To enter: 1. Like this post. 2. Follow @abuelamamimiami. 3. Tag 3 friends to this post. We'll announce the winner on March 21st. This contest is not endorsed or affiliated with Instagram. Must be 18 to enter and live in the continental USA.

Check us out on to enter and win. 

Cuban Coffee is Very Powerful & Dangerous

Posted | Views: 4,234
"Cuban coffee is very powerful, very sweet, and a little dangerous - just like the people who drink it."
- Gloria Estefan 

Diverse Author Study- Linda Sue Park

Posted | Views: 3,260
Linda Sue Park

The Basics

Born: March 25, 1960  Urbana, IL

Age: 55

Ethnicity: Korean American

Education: M.A. English

Genre: Young Adult Fiction,Poetry  Historical Fiction,Biography, Picture Books

Personal Info: Husband; Ben Dobbin and 2 children; Anna and Sean

Other Occupations: Public relations for an oil firm, food journalism, teaching English as a second language to college students

Interesting Fact:  Park did not begin writing children's books until after her own children were born.

Parks' first published piece was a haiku she wrote at the age of 9.

       In the green forest

     A sparkling, bright blue pond hides,

     And animals drink.

                                 -Trailblazer magazine, Winter 1969


Parks was given a $1 check for this haiku and that check was framed and hung above her father's desk for many years. Through elementary and high school, she continued to publish poems in magazines for children and young people. 

Park has written the following titles:


       A Long Walk to Water

     Archers Quest

     A Single Shard


     Keeping Score

     Project Mulberry

     Seesaw Girl

     The 39 Clues: Storm Warning

     The 39 Clues: Trust No One

     The Kite Fighters

     When My Name Was Keoko

     Wing and Claw: Forest of Wonders    

Picture Books:

        Bee-bim Bop!

     Mung-Mung:  A Fold-Out Book of Animal Sounds

     Tap Dancing Roof

     What Does Bunny See

     Xander's Panda Party

     Yaks Yak:  Animal word Pairs

     Yum! Yuck!:  A Fold-Out Book of People Sounds


by Linda Sue Park

I chose to highlight the following 3 texts as they represent a pre-k picture book, a mid elementary grade picture book, and a YA novel. The videos to the left each have a segment of the texts read as an example.   

Mung-Mung is a pre k book that uses animal sound words in a variety of different languages.  Ex: "What kind of animal says GAV-GAV in Russian, BO-BO in Hindi, and WOW-WOW in Spanish?" Then children lift the flap to find out, "It's a dog!"

The Firekeeper's Son is set in early 19th century Korea, after Sang-hee's father injures his ankle, Sang-hee attempts to take over the task of lighting the evening fire, which signals to the palace that all is well. Sang-hee, just once, hoped to see the soldiers who would come if the fire wasn't lit. 

"Do not forget, my son, that we are a part of the king's guard just as the soldiers are.  We are the very first part." Sang-hee's father smiled.  "The village will be pleased to hear that another trustworthy firekeeper has been born to our family."  Suddenly, Sang-hee was glad he had lit the fire.  The gladness felt as warm as a glowing coal."

New York Times best seller, A Long Walk to Water begins as two stories, told in alternating sections about two eleven-year-olds in Sudan, a girl in 2008 and a boy in 1985.  The girl, Nya, is fetching water from a pond that is  a two hour walk from her home. She makes two trips to the pond every day.  The boy, Salva, becomes one of the "lost boys" of Sudan, refugees who cover the African continent on foot in search for the families and for a safe place to stay.  Enduring every hardship from loneliness, to attack by armed rebels. to contact with killer lions and crocodiles, Salva is a survivor.  The story ends in Nya's life intersecting with Salva's when he, as an adult, comes to build a well in her village.  My favorite quote is one by Salva, himself, to the reader of the book.  He says, "Stay calm when things are hard or not going right with you.  You will get through them if you stay calm instead of quitting." 

     When I first started researching authors, I was torn between many.  However, I kept coming back to Linda Sue Park again and again.  I was attracted to her for many reasons.  First of all, she writes books from pre-k to young adult.  I am always impressed with authors who are able to hold the interest of both a toddler and a teenager.  Next, I love the fact that she extensively researches before beginning her books. Being that she was raised in the United States her entire life, she depended on her parents (who were immigrants) and her extended family members back in Korea to help her understand her Korean history.  She didn't stop there, however, she did the research to back up her culturally authentic texts.  Also, I really like that she writes books set both in modern day, and in the past. She seems to seamlessly navigate between genres, interest levels, and topics.  This is no small feat.  Finally, I was drawn to the fact that she wrote A Long Walk to Water. This text is outside the box of her Korean or American heritage and focuses on the biographical account of Salva, a lost boy of Sudan, as well as Nya, a character from today's world.  This is not her culture.  This is not her heritage. This is not her story.  Yet, her talent allowed her to weave the story of Salva and Nya into a beautiful piece which alternates between the two. 

     I also like the fact that she has won a variety of different awards, (please click on the below link for her author's page which lists these in detail) but none more meaningful to this study than Asian Pacific American Librarians Association and the Asian/Pacific American Award for Literature.  These awards said, to me, that not only are her books enjoyable to read, but they are approved by those who would be most in touch with the stereotypes or single story view of a given culture or group.  Their stamp of approval prompted me to further look into her works. Her works are diverse racially, culturally, ethnically, linguistically, and in genre.  For a diverse author study, I don't know that one could get any more diverse than that. 

    Since Parks writes such a variety of texts, almost anyone is able to find a mirror text to connect with.  For example, I am obviously not Korean, yet I can find a connection with Sang-hee in The Firekeeper's Son.  Although he knew he had a responsibility to light the fire, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to see the soldiers protect the land he has always known to be peaceful.  Who of us hasn't secretly wished something not so good would happen to bring some possible excitement to our lives?  However, few if any of us, here in the US have any idea what it is like not to have sanitary drinking water.  A Long Walk to Water is definitely a window text into the lives of others and the every day luxuries we take so often for granted. Parks' texts are constantly switching between the two, mirrors for today's middle school students in Project Mayberry to windows to Korean history in A Single Shard.  Often, Parks' texts includes both mirrors and windows together when focusing on language in Yum! Yuk! and  Mung-Mung, and focusing on family relationships and preparation of food in Bee-bim Bop!   

   Finally, in the video above, Can a Children's Book Change the World, Park speaks to being picked on and singled out because she was different.  She goes on to say, "to the prom queen of 1977 who ignored me, I'm up here on stage giving a Ted Talk!" I always love a girl with a little sass!


The link below is Linda Sue Parks' website.  There is a wealth of information on this page including a more detailed biography, a listing of the many awards she has been given, (arranged by book title and including the prestigious Newberry) links with summaries of each of her books, links to other activities, and more. Take a few minutes to check it out.  I encourage you to include a few of Park's books on your classroom shelves, and it doesn't matter if you teach Pre-K or high school.  She really does have something for everyone.

Sherman Alexie

Posted | Views: 915
To learn more about Sherman Alexie, please visit
Sherman Alexie is a poet, short story writer, novelist, and performer. He has published 24 books including What I've Stolen, What I've Earned, poetry, Blasphemy: New and Selected Stories, and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, a novel for children.  He has also recently published the 20th Anniversary edition of his classic book of stories, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven.  Smoke Signals is the movie he wrote and co-produced, 

Alexie is a Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Indian.  He was born on October 7, 1966 and grew up in Wellpinit, Washington, on the Spokane Indian Reservation.  Alexie has been an urban Indian since 1994 and lives in Seattle with his family.
Sherman Alexie speaks to the single story and multicultural literature.  He also references stereotypes and cultural authenticity in literature.
Alexie's poetry, short stories and novels explore themes of despair, poverty, violence and alcoholism among the lives of Native American people, both on and off the reservation. They are lightened by wit and humor.  According to Sarah A. Quirk from the Dictionary of Library Biography, Alexie asks three questions across all of his works: "What does it mean to live as an Indian in this time? What does it mean to be an Indian man? Finally, what does it mean to live on an Indian reservation?"  The protagonists in most of his literary works exhibit a constant struggle with themselves and their own sense of powerlessness in white American society.

Alexie’s writings are meant to evoke sadness, but at the same time he uses humor and pop culture that leaves the readers with a sense of respect, understanding, and compassion.  Alexie’s influences for his literary works do not rely solely on traditional Indian forms. He “blends elements of popular culture, Indian spirituality, and the drudgery of poverty-ridden reservation life to create his characters and the world they inhabit,” according to Quirk.  Alexie's work is laced with often startling humor. According to Quirk, he does this as a "means of cultural survival for American Indians—survival in the face of the larger American culture's stereotypes of American Indians and their concomitant distillation of individual tribal characteristics into one pan-Indian consciousness."
National Endowment for the Arts Poetry Fellowship, PEN/Hemingway Award for Best First Book of Fiction, Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Writers' Award, American Book Award, Granta Magazine: Twenty Best American Novelists Under the Age of 40, New York Times Notable Book, People Magazine: Best of Pages
The New Yorker: 20 Writers for the 21st Century, PEN/Malamud Award, National Book Award, Young People's Literature, American Library Association Odyssey Award as the year's "best audiobook for children or young adults", PEN/Faulkner Award, Native Writers' Circle of the Americas Lifetime Achievement Award, Puterbaugh Award, the first American Puterbaugh fellow, California Young Reader Medal
In 2012, Arizona's HB 2281 banned the study of Alexie's works, among others', in Arizona schools. Alexie's response:
“He loved her, of course, but better than that, he chose her, day after day. Choice: that was the thing.” 
― The Toughest Indian in the World
Life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community.” 
―The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
“Poetry = Anger x Imagination” 
― Sherman Alexie, One Stick Song
Sherman Alexie speaks from his Native American background and brings cultural authenticity to his writings.  His writings challenge the notions of the status quo and this is made most evident by the history of banning his books in Arizona schools.  He writes with an honesty and experience that provides mirrors for Native Americans to find themselves in literature and windows so that those who are not Native American can have an insight into the Native American culture.  His writing provides the reader with a reference for life on a reservation and a look at the impact of the not so pretty parts of reservation life, from alcoholism to lack of education.  His move into children's literature has won awards but most importantly, it provides young adults with an opportunity to read culturally relevant and authentic Native American literature. 

Kadir Nelson

Posted | Views: 1,089
Kadir Nelson 
Books written by
Kadir Nelson
Books illustrated by
Kadir Nelson
    Book Awards

Nelson is a two-time Caldecott Honor Award winner. He received an NAACP Image Award for the book Just the Two of Us. For his book, We Are The Ship: The Story of Negro League Baseball, he received the 2008 CASEY Award for best baseball book, the 2009 Coretta Scott King Author Award, and the 2009 Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award. His book, Nelson Mandela, was a Coretta Scott King honor book in 2014.
Interviews with Kadir 
All About Kadir
Nelson began drawing at the age of three, displaying artistic acumen before he could write or spell. "I have always been an artist," Nelson explains. "It's part of my DNA." At age eleven, he was apprenticed by his uncle, an artist and art teacher. Later, he began entering his paintings in art competitions and ultimately won an art scholarship to study at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. Upon graduating with honors, Nelson began his professional career as an artist, publishing his work and receiving commissions from publishers and production studios such as Dreamworks, Sports Illustrated, Coca-Cola, The New York Times and Major League Baseball, among others.
Nelson started his career in children's books when an editor asked him to illustrate Big Jabe, written by Jerdine Nolen, as a result of winning an award from the New York Society of Illustrators. Around the same time, actress Debbie Allen asked if he would be interested in illustrating a book based on one of her stage productions, Brothers of the Knight.
Nelson won a 2008 Caldecott Honor for Henry's Freedom Box, written by Ellen Levine. In this stirring, dramatic story of a slave who mails himself to freedom, Nelson combined his own style of painting with a cross-hatched style of illustration he found used in a historial lithograph from 1850 that documented Henry's arrival to Philadelphia. "The challenge that comes with illustrating historical picture books is finding accurate references," states Nelson. "Deciphering between what is accurate, and what is not." 
What I Like About Kadir 
During my search for authentic African American children’s literature, I stubble upon the author Kadir Nelson and found myself intrigued by the artist’s unique illustrations. I found it very refreshing that Kadir was so adamant on incorporating historic facts into the publications of his works. The softness and tone of Kadir’s illustrations speak to the ideals of hope and perseverance, both to African Americans and Americans in general. The fact that this author comes from an architectural background gives you the sense that he is interested in establishing a solid foundation in every aspect of his work.   


Posted | Views: 699
Laila Lalami

Learn more about Laila at

Authentic novelist who grew up in Morocco and wants others to look into the lives of Muslims and uses her essays and short stories to write her perspective.

Recently she has responded to the presidential debates and fueled the fire against Islam and Muslims, trying to educate others.

Her books are award winners and she is very culturally authentic.

Over 20 honors and award combinations from 2006-present day! She is a spectacular novelist and takes action to educate others.


Posted | Views: 101

Joseph Bruchac

Posted | Views: 830
Joseph Bruchac
Author, Storyteller, Musician
Growing Up… 
Born October 16, 1942
He was raised by his maternal grandparents.
His grandfather was barely literate, but his grandmother had a law degree and filled their homes with books.
American Indian, Slovak, and English roots

Why write Native American Literature?
Education and Accomplishments
*B.A. from Cornell University 
*M.A. in Literature and Creative Writing from Syracuse 
*Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the Union Institute of Ohio 
*Rockefeller Humanities fellowship 
*National Endowment for the Arts Writing Fellowship for Poetry 
*Cherokee Nation Prose Award 
*Knickerbocker Award 
*Hope S. Dean Award for Notable Achievement in Children's Literature 
*1998 Writer of the Year and Storyteller of the Year from the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers 
*1999 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Native Writers Circle of the Americas 
*Keta Secondary School, Ghana West Africa, Teacher of English and Literature 1966-69
*Skidmore College, Sarasota Springs, instructor of creative writing and African and black literatures, 1969-73
*University without Walls, 1974-1981
*writer and storyteller 1981-present
*writer and editor of Greenfield Review, 1969-1987
*Greenfield Review Literacy Center director, 1981-present
*musician with Dawn Land Singers, recording stories and music on Abenaki Cultural Heritage and Alnobak, Good Mind Records.
*Member of adjunct faculty at Hamilton College, 1983, 1985, 1987, and State University of New York—Albany, 1987-88
*storyteller-in-residence at CRC Institute for Arts in Education, 1989-90, and at other institutions, including Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute, St. Regis Mohawk Indian School, Seneca Nation School, Onondaga Indian School, Institute of Alaska Native Arts, and Annsville Youth Facility  
A Boy Called Slow
Between Earth and Sky
Buffalo Song
Crazy Horse's Vision
The Earth Under Sky Bear's Feet
The First Strawberries
The Great Ball Game
How Chipmunk Got His Stripes
Many Nations
The Maple Thanksgiving
Navajo Long Walk
Rabbit's Snow Dance
Raccoon's Last Race
and many more...120 titles total!
Native American Children's Literature
Titles by Bruchac
*Still lives in the house he was raised in, in Greenfield Center, New York .
*He works alongside his sister Margaret, and his sons James and Jesse, to preserve Abenaki culture, language, and native skills.
*Performs traditional and contemporary Abenaki music with the Dawnland Singers.
*Visits elementary and secondary schools to share his storytelling and discusses Native culture.
Where is he now?
Teaching Tips
**Use the book Codetalkers during a study on World War II to offer a Native American perspective.
**Compare the experiences and stories from the the Native American perspective of Thanksgiving using Squanto's Journey (Bruchac) with Encounter (Jane Yolen).
**Use How Chipmunk Got Its Stripes to illustrate Native American mythology and as an explanation of an event in nature.