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Chiropractic Bozeman

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Chiropractic Bozeman

Back and Rehab Clinic and Dr. Litle offer full-service Chiropractic care in both Bozeman and Townsend, Montana locations. Please feel free to call our office with any questions.

Tree Service Removal

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Tree Service Removal

Whenever possible, we use our boom truck to help remove trees. It cuts down on labor, makes the job go faster (less cost to our clients), and in many cases, is much safer than removing the tree by hand.

Dust Extraction Systems

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Dust Extraction Systems

Engart Solutions For Difficult Dust Control Problems Dust generated in process operations at power plants, mining companies, steel mills and other heavy industrial facilities is often a problem requiring attention.


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Auto Shipping Company

Metti International has networked with over 5,000 carrier companies across the country, and they have access to over 40,000 drivers. Metti International also has a solid A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and many repeat customers who have been more than pleased with their service.

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January 2015

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January 2015

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I grew up in Philadelphia. It's an American city with lots of people from around the world living there. I always knew that I was gay.
I liked to hang out with girls and stayed away from playing sports with the boys. Before I became a teen, my cousin Peter from Thailand came to live with my family in Philadelphia. He was about 16 when he came so he went to high school. My cousin is also gay. He was the first person who was like me...but at the time I didn't realize it. I didn't realize it because my cousin was very feminine at the time. I was not...and I did not think that gay people had to be feminine. I found out that he was gay because one day when he was at school I was in his room looking through his things and found some gay porno magazines. When he came home...i got the courage to talk to him about it and he made every thing more clear to me. "It is ok to be gay" he told me...and with that I never looked back.
I didn't come out to my friends in high school...only after graduation. Most of them knew so it didn't matter. I didn't come out to my family until
I deiced to move to Hanoi. I told my mom. I remember that day because of her reaction to my saying to her that I am gay. She said
"I'm going to hang myself" in Thai! I said to her "No you're not!" and she said to me "Don't tell your dad!" My family has a lot of secrets
that we kept from each other. But the point is...You Are Not Alone. There are others just like you in your city, country,
and the world. Don't be afraid to live your life!

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Hanoi Panic!
Issue 2
Issue 2
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Việt Nam


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Hackers Newspaper

Computers can control your mind!

Featured Article

A mom was devastated  last night when she found 17 year old Fargas Waters dead in his room from a gaming accident. Police haven't released what killed him in his gaming accident, but we will let you know as soon as possible.

Movie Review

The movie Brain Jack is about a 17 year old bot Sam and his best friend also 17 Fargas. They hack into a huge company to get there latest product Nero-headsets and computers. Soon after the Teleamerica stuff came in the mail Fargas got addicted to the games and soon passed away.


Sam-Lee Pace                                    Fargas-Evan Peters 

Dodge-Charlie Hunnam                            Gummy-Olivia Munn  

Gordon-Dave Bautista                              Kiwi- Christian Bale

Agent Tyler-Matthew Mclonaoghey

Zombie-Josh Hutcherson

Swamp witch-Carrie Fisher

Vienna-Shailene Woodley                  Jagared-Nicholas Hault


Wordon-Dylan o' Brien

Sams mom- Jessica Chastsain

Ratface-Bereaict Cumberbatch



Advice Column

Dear Carilon,

How do you avoid a guy you are around everyday?

SIncerely worried teen

Dear Worried,

If you need to avoid the guy then ignore him. When he walks in the room you walk out, when he talks to you just walk away, When he calls you over ignorehim,ect. hopfully he will get the idea, but you never know because guys are pretty clueless.

sincerily Carilon

Classified ad:

we are looking for someone that has experience with computers and actually knows what they are doing. If you are interested in the job offering please contact us to set up a interview @ 1800-962-8576 or at my email [email protected]


Get your nero-headset today you can use your mind to control your computer. every mom has a lot of things going on papers for work, homework for the kids, cooking, ect. With these Nero-headsets you can do everything at once. Call now to get your for only $318.95 + processing and handling $6.99 call us @ 1800-986-8899 or you get it online @

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The Wild Times

 Maine, Portland

We'll go wild if you read this!!!                 

Advise Colum
Q. I have a friend who isnt aloud to love. she has fallen in love with this guy who loves her but she going aginst all rules. She has gotten cought and i need to help her as best i can. Her "boyfrieind" is also in trouble. I don't know what to do. HELP!!!!!
  ~Concerned Friend~
A. Well first of all you need to worry about yourself and not interferre with there life. Second,if your so conserrned about your friend why dont you go to her house and see if she needs anything any thing i would try and help her out of her mess that she is in but she might be hard headed and wont listen to you(i dont know how she is). If you help her she will know that you care but then at the same time she might not want you to interferre with her problems. i hope i helped you!

 Delirium movie review 

Delirium was a strange yet entertaining movie it wasn't anything like the book. The movie left out a lot of important details and characters. It was frustrating and quite horrible to see things like the directors leaving Lena's mother in the story. I thought it was wrong and didn't do a lot of good for the movie. the actors in the movie did and excellent job portraying the movie but it wasn't good enough to fill in the left out scenes from the book. 

      The movie Delirium is known from the book Delirium written by Lauren Oliver. this movie is about a young lady named Lena Haloway , played by Emma Roberts, lives in a world where love is a dieses and a crime. Lena meets a guy named Alex, played by Brenton Thwaites. Lena, after a while falls in love with Alex, which is a dieses. Lena's aunt Carroll finds out  


$0.50 Portland's best selling News paper

Help Wanted!!!!!

If your interested in helping people get cured from deliria then your in luck. We have many open jobs and are more than happy to interview you!

contact us at or call us at 999-888-help

Brent Thwaites (Alex)       Emma Roberts (Lena)


Romeo and Juliet this

book is on SALE!!! One 

of the original books

right at your finger tips

for ONLY $19.99 you 

can get this book and

and a movie with no

extra fee!!

shipping and handling

is only $7.99plus tax.

                   Invalid girl

Last night a girl that goes by the name Lena Haloway was found with a boy in THE WILDS. she is 18 years old and should have been cured by now. "Lena is Falling in love" her aunt carol said while we had interviewed her this morning. Lena's aunt is very concerned about her and said that she would do anything to get her cured and back home safe and sound. Lena hasn't been seen since last night. Her "boyfriend" Alex is an invalid and says he is cured. Alex is also a guard on the government's property. Lena has a friend named Hana and is also concerned about Lena. Hana is the girl who made the government a ware of Lena and Alex. " I feel bad for rating her out but I thought it was best for her to be safe and sound back at home where she can live a happy life." Hana had stated in her interview last night.

               Help wanted!!

Help wanted for finding Lena Haloway!! she has disappeared and we need to find her.

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Posted | Views: 383
SSH Daily
All Day Every Day
Last night during the raid, an illegal party was was found. They immediately took action and seized the 

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Posted | Views: 698
This fun action-packed trilogy is full of adventure and young love. One of the main characters, Lena, ends up falling in love with a boy she had just then met. Love is a forbidden disease in this trilogy. This director has directed many movies such as Hunger Games and the Divergent series but this one really has been proven to be the best one yet! Delirium is a dystopian young adult movie directed by Lauren Oliver. Lauren has had much experience and has been trusted to make this movie the best it can be! Parents should know this film is rated pg-13 for a reason and should take in consideration that this movie might include such hings such as violence and foul language. Over all, this movie has been rated almost perfect scores with a few exceptions. This movie is defiantly a must see for young adults and also adults. Coming to theaters near you soon!  
The Delirium Tribune
Chloe Moretz-Hana
Joely Richardson- Aunt Caroll
Karsen Skinner- Grace
Teri Wyble- Lena
Movie Reviews: Delirium 
Woman Killed For love 
26 year old Amber Perkins was recently killed for refusing to take the cure of the horrible deleria. She was found with 28 year old Richard Brown outside of city limits holding hands. The other people call them the "invalids". After the reinforcements found out about the incident they rushed to hurry and try to get the couple cured but it was too late Richard had run away and Amber was found trying to escape but was captured and murdered. We recently found out that they have been seeing each other for the past 10 years. These invalids families will not be happy about this situation and we will have more news tomorrow on the families reactions and how they are going to handle this. 
Just recently Alex Sheathes, an invalid, was killed in a accident and will truly be missed. Lena Haloway, a girl he is "in love with" will probably miss him the most.
She tells us, "I really will miss Alex, even though it is forbidden i will forever love him." Lena is taken away and will be cured soon. 
Dear Carroll
Dear Carroll, my mother has ran away and died and it has been years since any of my family have seen her. My friend has told me that he thinks that he has found my mom. I'm not sure if i want to see her or if i just want to leave my life the way it is. I mean if she really loved us she would have stayed, but then again maybe she didn't have a choice, maybe she was forced to leave. I just dont know what to do anymore Carroll, please help. 
-Worried Daughter

Dear Worried Daughter, stop worrying so much! Go see your mom, you're crazy! You have nothing to worry about unless your mom turned into some freak, lol. No way that could happen! Go see your mother, if you truly loved her you would.
"Where love is deadly."

Delerium Newspaper

Posted | Views: 1,302
Sunday, June 20, 2094
The Wilds Recorder
The Best Newspaper Out There
Carolyn's Corner

Dear Carolyn, 

I am having love life problems. I know this girl, and she is beautiful in every single way. I truly love her. We danced last night, and it was wonderful, but it didn't end well. I decided to open up the can, and explain I was an Invalid. She seemed upset, scared of me even. I feel lost and alone, and I have no idea what to do! Please help me!

Pouting in Portland

Dear Pouting,
What a brave soul you are to tell a girl something this serious! If I were you, I wouldn't have let her know that news so early in a relationship, but I can tell you care about her. Don't worry, for I can get you out of this mess! You must follow these steps exactly because this process could easily be messed up. 

1. Slowly gain back this special girl's trust by dropping her sweet little notes. Think about a place she frequently walks by or looks at. An example could be:"I'm truly sorry, and I truly love you." She will have the breath knocked out of her! Any girl loves a humble apology. It might take a few tries, but she will forgive you.

2. Show her you want to protect her. After all, that's what I believe true love is, the willingness to give your life for someone. Think about situations where she might be in danger. Some examples are illegal parties, out past curfew etc. Be there to save her. Show her what you are willing to do for her. Besides, there is nothing more romantic than being saved by someone you just might love.

This is a picture of an illegal party that took place in Portland. Teenagers, boys and girls alike, get together and listen to forbidden music. 

3. Lastly, and I mean lastly, after the other two steps have been completed successfully, complete this step. Bring her the Wilds. I know it is frightening, but it will most certainly seal the deal. Show her what it's like to fall in love without the constraints of society. 

I wish you the best of luck in carrying out this process. I was touched by your letter, and you sound like a fine young man who can do this correctly.

Our Biannual Protest = A Success

As they are trying to cover up what happened, here in the Wilds, we are celebrating!

As many of you know, just yesterday many Invalids jumped the border fence on the search for COWS! They cleverly dressed the cows in gowns identical to the children being evaluated that day. Some of the cows had been gussied up in wigs. Most importantly, on the cows had been written NOT CURE. DEATH. What a statement!

We can see from this that out here in the Wilds, we strongly believe that love ISN'T a disease, and every two years we come up with a way to get that across to the people of Portland.

What a sight it must have been. A very well known young man here in the Wilds, Alex, caught a front row seat to all of the excitement. He was there, in an evaluation room. He is brave, good-humored, and sly. He works as a guard in Portland, and in this case, he is an excellent source of information.

"I was standing there, up on the observation deck, and I could do nothing but laugh. Cows everywhere made this experience great, but the BEST part was the peoples' reactions. The evaluators were screaming and holding on to each other like they were going to die.The girl being evaluated quickly hid herself behind the surgical table. I really do hope we stirred something up in their hearts and minds."

He went on to further explain the girl being evaluated. Lena was her name. She was quiet, gentle, and nervous. Apparently, she had been screwing up her evaluation pretty badly. She said her favorite book was Romeo and Juliet, and that she thought it was beautiful. She stated her favorite color as gray. This shows that humans have natural tendencies to LOVE and we hope that these cows ignited that human tendency. 

Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare. This book is commonly used in schools in Portland to show the effects and dangers of falling in love. Here in the Wilds, we believe just what Lena said. It is a story that shows the true beauty of love.

It is important that the other side of the story is explained so that we know what we're up against. Portland news reporters are covering up the case by saying that cows intended for the slaughterhouse got mixed up with a shipment of pharmaceuticals. Our spies have declared that we aren't in any huge danger with the Portland Regulators, as long as they stay undercover and are extra careful not to get caught. 

This was a very risky protest to undertake, but it is very easy to say that it was a HUGE success! The evaluations have been pushed to a later date. We can only hope that those DON'T go well.

Bye for now!
New Movie Receives Great Reviews

Lauren Oliver published a book last year titled Delirium, and it shocked us all. It is extremely exciting that this heart-warming story has come to the big screen, and I have to say that it does the book justice. Although, I was disappointed that they left out certain details. Some examples are Lena's graduation, her bad dreams, and her preparation for the evaluation. However, the overall plot stayed the same which was very important.

The movie is creatively started in the evaluation room and after Lena (Anne Hathaway) says her favorite color is gray, the shot cuts to Lena running. She explains her life and sets up the story for us. For 64 years love has been considered a disease, and she can't wait to be cured.

This is a snapshot of the panel of evaluators that Lena goes before in the movie. This is quite realistic. The teenagers that go before them are asked many questions. With that information, the evaluators do things like match them up with a husband or wife and decide how many children they will have.

This idea changes as Lena falls in love with a boy named Alex (Charlie McDermott) who is an Invalid. He goes against society and hasn't been cured. Lena's whole view of the world is altered as she gets infected with this "disease". She struggles with her feelings as her best friend Hana (Hilary Duff) grow apart, she thinks of her dead mother, and she is bounded by the constraints of society.

I am quite honest in saying that I thought the cast was a bit quirky, but I was proven wrong. Anne Hathaway and Charlie McDermott did a beautiful job of showing the audience what true love is. I was quite surprised at McDermott. In his current television series, he is a college boy who has a bad attitude. He has proven he can be a mature actor. Megan Follows fulfilled her character as Aunt Carol. I am so glad to see her back on the stage. Jim Carrey as Uncle William provided the comic relief flawlessly. The cast worked together like nothing I could have ever imagined. 

The director, Anne James, had great style in her very first film. My favorite thing she did was highlight the change in mood so vividly. Her use of color in the beginning was dark and gloomy. When Lena truly fell in love, everything turned bright and joyful. That is the mark of a fabulous director.

The themes of love and sacrifice made this movie amazing. I strongly encourage you to watch it and see why we protest the cure.
Cast List

Take a look at this wonderful cast! The actor's name, the character they play in Delirium, and previous acting jobs they have had, will all be stated next to their picture.
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What Happened 
Over the Fence 
last night?
Find out in the
 feature article!

This is a portion of the border that wraps around the USA. They decided to close their borders  years ago. The citizens are told that it is electrical, but we all know that that's not true!
Anne Hathaway
Fantine in Les Miserables

Charlie McDermott
Axl Heck in The Middle

Hillary Duff
Lizzie McGuire in Lizzie McGuire

Megan Follows
Aunt Carol
Anne in Anne of Green Gables

Kaitlyn Maher
President's Daughter (voice) in Freebirds

Toby McGuire
Brian Scharff
Spider Man in Spider Man

Candace Cameron Bure
DJ in Full House

Daryl Sabara
June Cortez in Spy Kids

Hector Elizondo
Guard at Wilds Fence
Joe in Princess Diaries

Kate Fleetwood
Lena's Mom
Factory Woman #1 in Les Miserables

Lilliana Mumy
Lucy in Santa Clause

Jim Carrey
Uncle William
Bruce in Bruce Almighty

 Chris Pine
Regulator 1
Nicholas Devereaus in Princess Diaries 2

Jerry Trainor
Regulator 2
Spencer in iCarly

Patrick Stewart
Regulator 3
Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation

                           COMING TO 
                      THIS THURSDAY!

Love Gossip? 
Read the latest 
love story in our 
advice column!

A new movie 
receives great 
reviews! It's a 
must see!

WE WANT YOU............................................URGENT

Even though we all enjoy joking around about it, to relieve our stress and anxiety; the cure is a very real thing that is consuming society as we know it. It is terrible that we watch person after person go under the knife only to come out unable to love. 

BUT NEVER FEAR! The Wilds have created a resistance. THAT'S WHERE YOU COME IN! WE NEED EVERYONE!

Men, women, teens, adults, cured and uncured, WE NEED YOU to take positions in Portland as regulators, police officers, government officials, scientists, and students. All we need is a willing attitude. We will give you instruction on what to do. If interested, call 972-888-9126 toll free. 

Help us spread the resistance across the US. Help us end the cure once and for all. 
Wild Willie's Comics

This is a home is Deering Highlands. This is an area in Portland where the government discovered Invalids and sympathizers living. They executed 42 and threw 100 of them in jail. It is an abandoned area now.
                 Crazy Puzzles                                                                                               

in next 
week's paper!

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Posted | Views: 889
"Don't post about infection, go see a doctor"
Are People Fighting Deliria?
Local people are thought to be fighting Deliria. More and more people have been seen out with companions. We have two people in specific. Locals named Lena and Alex have been seen out together. It has been said that Lena was never completly cured. We all know that those types of behaviors are frowned upon. As of right now the only information we have is from an inside source. They say that Lena has been caught sneaking out of the house at night to go see Alex. Of course along with that she has been lying to go out. " I just miss the old Lena." Our insider says. At this moment this is all of the information we have to give. There will be more to come on this subject.
Dear Carolyn,
I have an evaluation coming up. I'm a little nervous about it. This has never happened to me. I don't know how to feel. How should I react?
Sincerely, Nervous Girl

Dear Nervous,
I understand how you feel. This isn't an easy process. What you need to do is maybe ask an older sibling or adult how their's was for them. That way you can get a real life example of what to expect. Another thing you could do is maybe read about it. You can get great feedback from that. The last thing you could do is prepare yourself. Know what you're going to say and how it will be said. Work on it. Do some practice runs with a family member. These are all things you could do to make your evaluation less of a worry and hassle.

Directed by: Josh Boone
Cast and Crew:
Lena- Madison Pettis              Wild's Guard- Leonardo DiCaprio
Alex- Ansel Elgort                  Lena's Mom- Mandy Moore
Hana- Emma Watson              Uncle William- Matthew M.
Carol- Jennifer Aniston           Jenny- Demi Lovato
Grace- Sophie Wilcox             Regulator 1- Tom Cruise
Brian Scharff-                        Regulator 2- Channing Tatum
Rachel- Bridgit Mendler         Regulator 3- Ryan Gosling
Drew- Dylan O'Brein

Get a review!
I feel that Delirium is an upcoming classic. It was very suspenseful and entertaining. If you compare this too "The Maze Runner" it is similar  in a few way. They are both set in an alternate world. The story begins with Lena preparing for her evaluation. It goes on with her meeting and losing people. The ending is truly shocking. With stars like Ansel Elgort and Madison Pettis this is a great movie to see! OUT IN LOCAL THEATERS DECEMBER 2015!
Ansel Elgort at the premire of "Delirium"
Madison Pettis at the set of "Delirium"
Across:                              Down:
3   What labs techs do                1 The frowned upon disease 
5   Lena's aunt/ caregiver           2 What you are considered after evaluations 
7   Lena's Best Friend                  4 What Lena and Alex want to do
8   Who Lena falls for                  6 Big part of deliria       
10 Where evaluations are held     9 Main character 
{Evaluation LAb Tech}
WE need evaluators at our lab. this job has great pay. it also helps keep young adults from falling under deliria's spell. 
~ Field background
~ 25 and older
              For More Info:
Contact: 555-999-1234

RIP Alex
Alex was know as a great young man. his mom wasn't brought up in many conversations and his father passed away. he was a great friend to many. a very close friend of his was Lena.
she was the last person seen with him the day he passed. the cause of his death was jumping over an electric fence with lena. lena however is okay. alex will be remembered by many for his kindness.
Alex will forever be remembered


Posted | Views: 536
Deliria Forever
Whats in it for you?
Feature Article
Movie Review
Delirium is an emotional and awesome book. One moment it will be happy and joyful and the next its depressing. Although the book is emotional it is a awesome book. See what it seeks in the movie.

Characters:                  Drew-
Lena-                           Guard at Fence-
Alex- Theo James         Brian Scharff-   
Hana-Emma Roberts     Uncle William-
Carol-Gwyneth Paltrow  Jenny-Liana Liberato
Regulator #1-

Advise Column

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Posted | Views: 455
Phantom Hacker News
In To The Darkness
Featured Article:
There was a teenage boy named Sam and he had a computer and started to hack into a high security net work.He had a friend named Roger he helped Sam hack into the network.Then they found a code for a hacking convention and hacked into it and found out where it is. Then they went.Then they found there a hacker named skull face and tolled Sam that the real convention is online he just need to hack into the white house network.