Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. - John 8:12
I used to find the presence of power lines or any other sort of infrastructure in photos I was taking irritating. Thou now I realzie the importance of including them. Removing such elements from an image would amount to dishonesty in a way. It's not a genuine representation of the world.
Unless I need to crop out something for the sake of focus I'll embrace it.
Check out the store bought wrapped in plastic bread above.
I then baked my own bread. They look very alike but cheaper. Also much better tasting!
I cut my homemade bread in half and topped it with olive oil, mozzarella, and vine-ripened tomatoes. A sprinkle of salt and pepper added the final touch.
I took these photos in late 2004. These are digital photos but are also analog photos. These are analog film photos of digital photos. I shot these with my digital Nikon D70 camera in 2004. I then shot them on my monitor with my Nikon FM2n film camera in 2023. I used Kodak Vision3 250D movie film but as stills.
Photography on opposite sides of the country, Seattle then Miami. Shot in opposite photography formats, digital then analog film.
How to Remain Focused at the End of the School Year
By Sam Ortiz
It’s springtime. The year is coming to a close and it’s easy to fall behind. Here are some ways you can refocus yourself
1. Make to-do lists for yourself. It’s a good way of keeping track of the tasks you need to accomplish. Whether it’s schoolwork or daily tasks, writing a to-do list ensures you won’t forget anything you need to do.
2. Schedule your day. If to-do lists don’t work for you, and you need something a bit more precise, you could schedule your day by designating specific tasks to specific times. Whenever I do this for myself, I find that it helps me more easily motivate myself to get up and do things.
3. Take breaks every once in a while. It’s easy to fall into the mindset that breaks can do more harm than good. Letting yourself relax every once in a while will improve your productivity and quality of work in the long run. But also remember- too much of a good thing can turn out to be bad, so balance your working and resting sessions evenly.
Hopefully these tips will help you.
Do your best and remember that summer is not too far away!