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Advice Column.      

Carolyn hacks - confused girl

Dear Carolyn: 
                Im so confused so yesterday i kissed this guy who i work with and i thought i didn't like him but he asked me about the kiss and i stopped him before he finished his sentence. I told him that it was for his birthday but i dont know if that changes anything. What should i do?
-confused girl 

Confused girl: 
      Think about it, why did you kiss him in the first place. You said it was a birthday kiss but your doubting it. If you dont like him the most you would do is give him a hug at that. You have to like him a little if you kissed him my advice to you is to see what happens in the near future. Is it awkward? Is it normal? Just see how it is between you two. If he shows signs of interest go for it. If he does not then make sure he act like he normally does and try to let it go.  
"You may be able to implant an image even a taste or a smell but i dont hink you can implant the feelings that went with the experience that created the memory"- Vienna.  Brainjack

Brain jack is the high tech movie of the year  when the main character Sam Wilson (. ) - teenager hacker hacks in it a big network he gets thrown in jail or so he thinks. He gets thrown into a big world of technology. Along the way he meets Vienna ( ) dodge ( ) an others. Will he be able to overcome the struggles? Will there be romance?
Find out in BRAINJACK


Man started dancing in front of millions 

Big news, man was seen dancing the wobble with a beautiful headset on. Sources say that the neurons headset is killing us. That may be true. There have been recent musings of many people last seen wearing headsets. Is this the end or at least the most embarasimg thing.
           Emily abbott 


we live and see it

pretty little liars
the vampire diaries
the hunger games   josh hutcherson

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Hi im pyro wolf

Nirvosa Tribune: Roby

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Nirvosa Tribune
The Truth Compells
Est. 2000                        Friday, December 16, 2101                        Price: 4$
The Right Thing
Dear: Tim Greene

I know how dangerous the Deliria is. I have heard about allof the people it has affected and killed and I fear for my cousin for just that. Lately,she has been showing signs of the diseas. She has been sneaking around a lot lately and staying out after curfew on several occasions. She does not realize that I have been seeing the signs and have been seeing her come home late. So,whats your opinion on what I should do.

                            From: The Sister
                                (Grace Tiddle)

Dear: The Sister

I think that the deliria is very deadly and you should take extreme caution when around and handling it. If in fact your cousin actually has the deliria you should do whatever it takes to help her the best you can under the law. Also, I am not supposed to be saying this and if you hear about me disappearing you'll know why. Anyways, you should make a decision that is best for her, if you really care for her then you will make the right decision for her future.         
                      From: Tim Greene

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Release Date: 
Saturday, December 17, 2101
Nirvosa Tribune
 The deliria, it kills anything in it's path. It ruins people and tears down nations. Caught right up in the middle of all the fighting is young shy Lena Holloway. She's is not by herself though she is accompanied by her boyfriend Alex Sheathes and Hana Tate. Will they survive the deliria or perish with the rest. To find out, read the award winning book "Deliria". 
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Learn to love without condition. Talk without bad intention. Give without reason. And most of all, car for people without any expectation. The problem is that love is forbidden. Lena and Alex aren't supposed to be together. So there it is, that's the problem love does not mean anything to the people. They are just too stubborn to know whats best for them. The problem isn't that Alex and Lena love each other in the eyes of the people. It's that the people don't love anybody an that's really what stirs the whole book around.  

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Running Shoe 
Very useful for long runs in Portland and are very good running shoes.Best money can buy.

Utopia Daily

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Carolyn Hax: Helping a friend out

Dear carolyn,
My friend has been acting really weird lately. She goes out to parties, sneaks out past curfew, and hangs out with guys. I tell her not to do it but she doesn't listen to me. I don't want ber to be in trouble, but she she won't listen to me. I don't know what to do please help. 
~worried best friend~

Dear worried best friend
I think you should tell an adult. I understand you don't want your friend in trouble, but she needs help. Maybe she needs to have her procedure early.please tell an adult immediatly. 
~carolyn hax~

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Utopia Daily

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Nirvosa Tribune

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DFA Daily

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DFA Daily

Music Tales Malaysia @ KITCHEN / JEWELRY

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Music Tales Malaysia @ KITCHEN
00617 - Musical Mug
10.5cm x 11cm x 7cm
Weight: 785g

RM 59.00
00509-00510-Quaver Holder Mug
Available in 2 Colors.
Weight: 355g

RM 38.00
00453-Quaver Cup Cap
Available in 4 Colors Size:10cmX10cm
Weight: 50g

RM 15.00
00447-Music Bottle 380ml
Available in 3 Colors Size: 17cm x 7.2cm (Diameter:7cm)
Weight: 180g

RM 20.00
00443-Piano Toothpick
Size: 8.5cmX9cmX5cm
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RM 10.00
00304-Body Shampoo Container
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RM 19.90
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RM 39.90
00140-Piano Music Mug
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RM 25.00
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Stock: 4

RM 6.50
00096-Eco Cup
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RM 29.90
00050-Musical Cup
Weight: 100g
Stock: 1

RM 19.90
00027-Music Spoon
Available in 7 Design
Weight: 11g

RM 15.00
Music Tales Malaysia @  JEWELRY
00022-Music Staff Ring
Available in size 4, 5, 7, 9
Weight: 10g

RM 12.90
00035-Jewelry Piano Box
Available in Blue and Pink
Weight: 150g

RM 99.90
00258-Vintage Treble Bracelet
Available in 2 Designs
Weight: 5g
RM 10.00
00259-Vintage Treble Bracelet
Available in 2 Designs
Weight: 5g
RM 10.00
00285-Dancing Bracelet
Lenght: 18cm
Weight: 25g
Stock: 8
RM 19.90
00373-Staff Ring
Weight: 5g
Stock: 14
RM 15.00
00374-Guitar Ring
Guitar Size:5.8cmX2.1cm Ring Size: Approx 3cm
Weight: 15g
Stock: 17
RM 12.00
00378-Vintage Musical Bracelet
Weight: 25g
Stock: 1
RM 19.90

English Newspaper

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English Newspaper


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Some Projects by our developers

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Tom Robinson sent to court
     On November 4 1934, Tom Robinson, a young black man, was sent to court by Bob Ewell, a 40 year old poor man. He was in court because Bob Ewell said that he raped his 19 year old daughter, Mayella.
Guilty or not guilty, everyone should know.
     Mayella had been brutally injured on her face. Sheriff Heck Tate, an eye witness, said that the damage was dealt on the right side of Mayella's face and around the neck. This means that the beating was done by someone who exclusively lead with their left hand. But sheriff Heck Tate was not an eye witness of the beating, just of the injuries.
     Tom Robison's lawyer, Atticus Finch showed that Mr. Ewell was a lefty himself by asking him to write his signature on a piece of paper. He also showed that Tom Robinson had no use of his left hand. The muscles in his arm got torn while he was working as a child. Now he can't even move his left arm.
    Mayella and Mr. Ewell claim that Tom raped Mayella. They said that Mayella asked Tom do cut up an old cupboard with an axe for firewood, and when she went in to get a quarter for Tom, he jumped on her from behind. This seemed like it could be a true story, since Bob Ewell is still strong with one arm, but with the injuries on Mayella's right side it seems impossible. Tom Robinson claimed that this event occurred last year except he didn't rape her.
    Tom's side of the story was much different, he said that Mayella said she had a thing for him to do inside, but then, she closed the door behind him and kissed him. Tom tried to get away from her but Bob saw it through the window. All Tom did was run, he was scared of Bob.
    Usually, the jury would take a couple minutes in their room deciding on an African american's fate, but this time, it took a couple hours. Everyone thought that Tom Robinson was innocent on the inside, but they didn't show it on the outside. Tom Robinson was voted guilty. Why? Because he was African american. This should have never happened.

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Posted | Views: 733

We all love seeing the stars in pictures and magazines. Do we know how far the paparazzi goes to get that one picture? Is it worth a life?

Term Paparazzi first came about in Federico Fellini's 1960 film La Dolce Vita. the film featured a photographer character named "Paparazzo." the exact roots of the word are being disputed, a lot of people claim that it is based on the word Papataceo, the italian word for an oversized mosquito. Fellini said himself that the term Paparazzo suggests a buzzing insect, hovering, darting and stinging. The first American use of the word Paparazzi appeared in the 1961 article "Paparazzi on the Prowl." A Time magazine article called the newly formed group a "ravenous wolf pack of freelance photographers who stalk big names for a living and fire with flash guns at point blank."

By the late 10960s magazines like "The National Enquirer," stopped writing stories about UFO'S and started writing stories about celebrity fashion and movie star trysts. People Magazine which was a spinoff of "Time", people section had its first cover in 1974. US Magazine started followed right on the heels of People magazine, and started out as a bi- weekly edition. Know with the start of the internet scandalous photos can move on line with sites like "Just Jared", and Perez Hilton. TMZ which started out in 2005 was one of the first sites to popularize paparazzi videos.

We have seen and heard many stories about the paparazzi going to great lengths to get stories and pictures of stars. One of these incidents occurred in 1960 when paparazzi surrounded and blocked a princess's car. Some other incidents include Kanye West. He was recently in the news for smashing a paparazzi's camera for getting to close to him. Back when Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz were dating in 2004, Diaz was reported to snatch a photographer's camera and try to run off with it, however this did not work out to well for Diaz as other Paparazzi saw what was going on and snapped pictures in the act. Then there was Justin Bieber. Bieber was reported to be trying to get his car out of his parking space, but was having difficulties due to the paparazzi swarming him. he reportedly jumped out of the car and kicked at the paparazzi to get them to move. one of the paparazzi is currently suing Bieber for damages he sustained. Then earlier this year Hallie Berry was exiting LAX with her daughter. While trying to hide her daughters face from the flash of the camera she was herd yelling at the paparazzi, "it's just a child you idiots," while placing her daughter in her vehicle her fiancé Oliver Martinez lunged at the paparazzi. Then back in 2009 a photographer alleged that Mike Tyson pushed him to the ground. While Tyson claims he was just trying to protect his family from the aggressiveness of the paparazzi. The charges were later dropped.

Perhaps one of the most iconic cases of the paparazzi attacking the stars, is the case of Princess Diana. While it was later determined that not only was the paparazzi to blame for Princess Diana's death but also the chauffer. The car crash which happened back in 1997 killed both Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi al- Fayed. It was said that he car was being pursued at high rates of speed by the paparazzi. After the car crashed the paparazzi proceeded to take pictures of the bodies. While it was thought that it was just the paparazzi who caused the accident it was later determined that not only did the paparazzi cause it but also the chauffer as it had been determined that he had been under the influence of alcohol. The chauffer Henri Paul had been off duty for several hours when he had been called back to the Ritz to pick up Diana and Dodi. Paul had also died in the accident. Among those factors it was found that Diana who had been in the back seat had not been wearing a seat belt, and the Mercedes slammed head long into a pillar after entering the Pont de l'Alma underpass at 60 miles per hour which was nearly twice the speed limit. Charges of Manslaughter were brought against 9 members of the paparazzi, however, none were found guilty of the charges of Manslaughter. But three of them were found guilty of invasion of privacy.

there are know people and groups out there that are trying to get laws passed against the Paparazzi. One such group is called the Paparazzi Reform Initiative have been trying to get SB 606. SB 606 is particularly noteworthy because it was signed into law, and because stars like Jennifer Garner and Hallie Berry were very public supporters. They even testified in the California's Judiciary Committee in support of the bill. While before it was illegal for a person to harass a child because of the parent's employment, SB 606 made it so that photographing or even attempting to photograph a minor without his or her parent's consent in a way that "seriously alarms annoys torments or terrorizes" is harassment and is punishable in the county jail for up to one year. While this seems like a good law, it violates the first amendment. the new language of the law essentially says that if the conduct that seriously alarms the child is photographing him or her then it is illegal thereby implicating the first amendment. the statute contains a phrase that arguably makes it so that the law could never apply to the paparazzi. Specifically, the statute defines harassment as "knowing and willful conduct directed at specific child or ward that seriously alarms annoys torments or terrorizes the child or ward. so basically this puts the paparazzi above the law.

what we must remember when we look at magazines that have the pictures of the stars on them is what did it cost the stars? What did that picture of their child cost them or the child?

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Posted | Views: 719

So we have heard about the Kardashian's and all of their scandals that they have all gone through. From Kim Kardashian to Kylie Jenner, and Bruce and Kris getting divorced.

Kim Kardashian has been in teh spotlight very recently. She was doing an interview about maternity clothes adn she said "her style would be different from this time around." Does this mean that there could be a sister or brother on the horizon for baby North? Only time will tell. A source close to Kim and Kanye have said tht they have been getting into a lot of fights lately. Including Kanye telling Kim that he was going to take North with him to Paris for the year to do his concert, even if kim does not come with, Kim apparently ran out of the room crying saying "you can't take my baby".


Kourtney is pregnant again with baby number three. and I must say that she is adorable. However sources close to Kourtney are saying that when she told Scott about the baby that he went out drinking , breaking his vow of no partying. Kourtney says that she is not going to live with him if he is going to be like this. She was so unhappy at the fact that he did this to her that she banned him from their summer home in the Hamptons, where she and sister Khloe were filming Kourtney and Khloe take the Hamptons. she is very happy that she is pregnant again and that Mason and Penelope are very excited to be having a new baby sister or brother.


Khloe on the other hand, is estranged from her husband of three years Lamar Odom. Their marriage came under fire when it was reported that Odom was cheating on Khloe and that he was also doing drugs. Khloe has since then became estranged from Odom. She was seeing rapper French Montana. That seemed to be going well. Well that he appeared on Kourtney and Khloe take the Hamptons. That romance has since fizzled out, Sources close to Khloe say that she ended their romance when he became clingy. However others say it was because Montana was sexting her friend Malika Haqq. Montana was then on a T.V. talk show and said some pretty hurtful things about Khloe. There are new reports surfacing on Khloe getting back together with Odom, and having his baby. Whatever  becomes of Khloe love life we wish her all the best.


There is a new model in town and her name is Kendall. Kendall recently dropped her last name of Jenner due to the bad press surrounding the name. However Kendall was at New York Fashion Week modeling, where she reported the other models being nasty to her. Doing things like calling her names to putting out cigarettes in her drinks, and saying that the only reason she got the gig was because of her last name and family. Whatever the reason for Kendall getting the job. it is very clear that she rocked New York Fashion Week. And she clearly belongs.


Kylie on the other hand has just gotten back from jetting across to Europe with reported boyfriend Tyga who is 23. Bruce Jenner says that Kylie has no discipline from Kris and that Kris lets her do whatever she wants. Kris was on a talk show promoting her new cookbook in the kitchen with Kris and she started talking about Kylie. When Kylie returned home she told Kris to stay out of her life and to not bring her up when she went on talk shows. Kylie is also singing. Sources close to Jenner say she says she is the next Katy Perry. Whether or not this is true we wish her all the best.

With all the turmoil that have been plaguing the Kardashians there is more to come. Especially know that Kris and

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Posted | Views: 401
Entre los mamíferos, el Amazonas posee enorme cantidad de especies, destacando los monos, el jaguar, el puma, el tapir y los ciervos. En sus aguas viven dos especies de delfines, destacando el delfín rosado.
El rio Amazonas es uno de los más poblados en especies marinas del mundo,en el habitan algunas de las mas exóticas, ENTRE ellas destacan, la matrincha, la piraña, el delfin rosado, el candirú
No hay otro ecosistema en el mundo con tanta cantidad de especies de aves; entre estas destacan los guacamayos, tucanes, las grandes águilas como el águila harpía, e infinidad de otras especies, en general de coloridos plumajes. Un 20% de las especies mundiales de aves se halla en el bosque amazónico.
Se encuentran reptiles como gran cantidad de especies de tortugas acuáticas y terrestres, caimanes, cocodrilos, y multitud de serpientes, entre ellas la anaconda 
En su mayoría el relieve es bajo y plano.Las superficies elevadas presentan alturas de entre 500 y 3000 metros de altitud. El suelo es poco fértil, la capa de humus es muy delgada (se destruye al desaparecer la cubierta vegetal)

La selva amazónica es un ecosistema terrestre que se desarrolla alrededor del río Amazonas, que da nombre a esta selva. Está situada en la parte central y septentrional de América del Sur, y es el bosque tropical más extenso del mundo, pues su
extensión llega a los 6 millones de km². Se extiende por siete países: Perú, Brasil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela y Guayana. Las selvas son el hábitat de 213 partes de la fauna y flora del planeta. Muchas de las plantas medicinales provienen de ella.
Esta´constituído por los bosques donde se encuentran una cantidad increíble de árboles de todo Ttipo: Itahuba, Caricari, Tajibos, Cedro, Cuta barcina, Almandrillo y otros. El 50% de las especies de madera son exóticas. 

Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Perú, Surinam y Venezuela.llega a los seis millones de km² y constituye la selva tropical más extensa del mundo y es considerada una "Gran Reserva Verde".
Llueve durante todo el año, PERO con mayor fuerza en Enero y Junio. En promedio llueve entre 2000 y 3000 mm al año. se caracteriza por ser caluroso y húmedo durante todo el año. La temperatura promedio es de aproximadamente 28°C No existe diferencia entre verano e invierno allí, o al menos no es pronunciada.

En efecto, la diferencia entre las temperaturas diurnas y nocturnas - 2 a 5°C - es superior a la diferencia entre las estaciones.El clima de la selva amazónica no posee una estación seca, realmente, dado que llueve durante todo el año. Lo que sí encontramos es una estación lluviosa y otra menos lluviosa.

Gran abundancia de agua debido a las precipitaciones, que son muy abundantes por esta zona.

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Posted | Views: 945
Questions are circulating and suspense us rising in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. Finishing off a rough season with a record of 70 Wins and 92 Losses the Minnesota Twins definitely have some work to do. (Bryant) With fans being upset over Five consecutive awful seasons the Minnesota Twins owner(s) agents of, Carl R. Pohlad who passed away in 2009, decided to terminate long time head coach Ron Gardenhire. To some it’s sad, to others is a blessing. While the Winter approaches, and the new season slowly rolls around, what can the Minnesota Twins do to improve their Baseball Game? (Bryant) Goodbye Gardy 2014, will be the last year that Ron Gardenhire coached the Minnesota Twins. Like it was stated before, to some it’s sad news, to others it’s a blessing. To me it’s a huge mistake. The team struggling has nothing to do with Ron Gardenhire, it’s the players and the rather dumb decisions we make. With a team that is half Rookie players what can you really expect? Getting rid of one of the best managers in history is not going to resolve anything. It’s not the right thing to do but the way I see it, it’s just Minnesota sports and the awful decisions we make. At this point it’s whatever, all Minnesota faith has fallen into the arms of the Minnesota Wild. What can we do? Going into another season, the Minnesota Twins can definitely do something, I don’t know what, but they can do something. Our whole team can’t depend on Trevor Plouffe and Joe Mauer. Hopefully our new Coach who is still unnamed, can turn things around although I still don’t think the coach has to do with anything. The infield appears to be stacked but it’s not, there’s error issues that can be fixed, and our outfield doesn’t know who wants to catch a ball so we just let it drop. Minor things such as common knowledge and calling a catch can go a long way. Faith Being an avid believer in the Minnesota Twins, I have faith in some of our players. For instance Chris Colabello could be a fantastic first baseman but he doesn’t get to play the position because Joe Mauer gave up catching and got priority over the position. 

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MLB Home Run Hitters The MLB has had a lot of sluggers in the game, the players that are top known for homeruns are Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Sammy Sosa, and Barry Bonds, but they go on forever. In the League today there is a whole new generation of hitting machines and as a reader if you don’t know already, you’ll find out who they are. Big Papi From the Boston Red sox, David “Big Papi” Ortiz is one of the best in the game today when it comes to sending the ball out of the park. He went from playing first base to now strictly playing as a DH (Designated Hitter). With over 450 career homeruns, and still sending baseballs to the moon, he is considered one of the best sluggers in todays MLB. (Seronzo) Albert Pujols Playing for the Los Angeles Angles is the Cuban Hitting Machine. Albert Pujols may not be the biggest man (size wise), but don’t let that fool you. Pujols has 520 homeruns with the Los Angles Angles and he feels more coming, seeing as he still has 8 years on his contract. A personal favorite to myself, and a global favorite to many Albert Pujols knows how to send the ball out of the park. (Sorenzo) Prince Fielder Playing for the Texas Rangers, Prince Fielder is at the age of 30 and is sitting at 288 home runs. Now that may not seem like a lot, but the guy is getting up there in age for a professional athlete and his last 2 years were nearly his best years of his career. Winning the homerun derby in 2013 was just another step for Prince as well as getting traded to the Rangers and blasting more than 20 out of the park this season. Many people don’t know how good he actually is, but in homerun hitting he is one of the best. (Turner) Prospective With all of the new young talent coming into the MLB a good prospective would be to forsee all of the outstanding talent that is merging in. Mike Trout and Bryce Harper are both fresh in the league and are already rated in the top 20 players in todays game. Both of them are either over or near the 100 homerun milestone and they have only played for 2-3 years depending on the guy were talking about. Now as the rookies merge in the talk starts up, who will go where? Will he be a slugger? Will he be a bust? Who is he?. It’s going to be an exciting year to watch for the power hitters to merge into the open and shock the stadiums. The next big thing For the Minnesota twins newest player Kennys Vargas there is a light shining and it is bright. This guy can move, as well as hit. The first time I saw him play I remember he hit the ball so hard I thought it became powder. Being a fan of the newest Twins player, I also expect great things. There will be pressure on his back, but Vargas is also good under pressure. With our luck he will be amazing and the Twins will trade him for someone who is a benchwarmer, because that’s what the Twins do, because.. baseball.