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Posted | Views: 868
 Sharks: The Misunderstood Rulers of the Sea
 By Jade Perry

     If I were to ask you what the most dangerous animal in the sea was, you would probably say sharks. But what if I told you the iconicity of a bloodthirsty shark was nothing more than a misconception?

      Many people believe that sharks have a natural hunger for human meat, but that simply isn’t true. Sharks are marine animals, meaning that their prey would consist of fish and other sea creatures, not land animals like humans. In fact, Sharks have no interest in eating humans at all. “If a shark sees a human splashing in the water, it may try to investigate, leading to an accidental attack. Still, sharks have more to fear from humans than we do of them.” Writes the National Ocean Service. Unprovoked shark attacks are often caused by the shark mistaking the human for a seal or another natural prey to sharks, and they typically stop after realizing their prey is not a marine animal as they have no desire to feast on humans. On average in America, there is only one fatality to an unprovoked shark attack every two years. You are over 4x as likely to die to a vending machine than a shark. So, Sharks are no more dangerous than a brown bear, but how did the many misconceptions even start?

     In 1974, a novel about sharks called Jaws came out, and was soon adapted into the popular film. This novel/movie iconically featured a great white shark that found its prey on a small beach town, painting the shark as a monster. Before the release of the novel, sharks were seen as harmless, but Jaws instilled a new fear in people of sharks causing sharks to be seen as a threat. This would have devastating consequences for the shark population.

     Since the release of Jaws, the shark population has seen an estimated 70% decline in population around the world. While overfishing does have a part to play in this decline, many people also sought after sharks to kill as trophies. Not much was done for the shark population, as many people only saw them as bloodthirsty monsters thanks to Jaws. The shark population continues to decline even today with 100 million sharks being killed each year.

     Despite sharks being less dangerous than a vending machine, many people still fear them. The misconceptions spawned from Jaws, and similar movies to release since, have instilled a fear in the general population that resulted in 70% of a harmless species to be wiped from the planet. While conservation efforts are in effect, the number of sharks continues to decline steadily each passing year. It is crucial that we work to get rid of these harmful misconceptions through educating the public on the true nature of sharks. Sharks are critical to the marine ecosystem, and their extinction may bring drastic consequences to the oceans as we know them.

2022 Poetry Contest

Posted | Views: 805

Bucks County High School Poet of the Year Competition
This year’s deadline is March 11, 2022.

The winner will receive a $300 prize and be acknowledged with a proclamation from the Bucks County Commissioners. 

In addition, the Bucks County High School Poet of the Year runners-up and finalists will also give a public reading. Mentioning the contest and public reading on college applications will demonstrate initiative, writing skills, and public speaking experience!

The application process is easy and there is no entry fee. Poems and entry form must be submitted online at:

Music...Where Is the Originality?

Posted | Views: 227
Performance Magazine
I'm just Thinking Of New ANgles In Music to cover.

i CAME FROM aN ERA WHERE YOU hAD nEW, oRIGINAL tALENT.  nOBODY sOUNDED THE sAME. Those are The artists that got Record deals  --- And deserved Them. THAT IS WHY THEY BECAME sTARS.  i cAN'T sAY THAT FOR Some of this current Generation.
There are Not too Many Mainstream Artists I like anymore.  There are a lot of lesser-Known artist that are Giving me Music that is much better, and give Me The same good feeling of their originality, compassion and are taking the art of real Musicianship seriously.

I will be back shortly with a good crop of those New But Lesser-ExposeD artists instead.

Perfomance Magazine.
When I discovered the music of Anderson Paak in 2016 he was marinating in the background and teaming up with other talents like record producer Knxwledge. (A screenshot of "Lyk Dis" animated video.) As of 2020 Paak has blown up and is teamed with Bruno Mars. 

Why Not Try Creative Writing?

Posted | Views: 786
By Jade Perry
     From writing essays about the symbolism in The Good Earth, to picking Shakespeare apart to the very last syllable, English class is not exactly the favorite among some students. As a result, writing is something that many students have come to find boring and tedious; 
     They tend to see it as nothing more than long-winded essays about books they don’t have much interest in. The truth is that writing is so much more than that. Writing is an art, an expression of oneself and a vessel to communicate your thoughts and feelings on paper. If you don’t necessarily enjoy writing essays, that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy other forms of writing. Creative writing is the form of writing where instead of analysis of an existing work, you form your own with your imagination. Fiction novels, poetry, screenwriting, and even music are considered creative writing.       Anyone can get into creative writing, it isn’t all about technical skill, there are no limits except your own creativity. Creative writing starts with thinking outside of already existing ideas, and branching out to create something new. Believe it or not, most famous authors are famous because their work broke the bounds of writing conventions. So yes, writing is more than just Shakespeare analysis. 
     Why not try creative writing yourself? You might like it!
Writing Is More than analysis 

PowderPuff 2021!

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Powderpuff 2021-                Blue Wins 6-5


Posted | Views: 954

By Kaley M Hom

Anyone can create. Art is shown through countless forms of expression. Drawing, painting, writing, photography, music, fashion, film, baking, dance, and more are all forms of art and ways that you can express yourself visually. People, perhaps including you, may think that their art isn’t good enough. But luckily, art doesn’t have to be held to a standard, that part is up to you! That’s why if you ever have trouble expressing yourself vocally, art is an amazing tool. I definitely recommend experimenting with different mediums to show your thoughts and feelings since it’s a very rewarding practice. Be sure to enjoy it and remember to keep in mind that everything is art! So in turn, everything is beautiful, as is what you make!
 To show how lovely art can be, I suggest looking up various artists and art pieces. You’ll see just how beautiful, sentimental and emotional art truly is. Feel free to gain inspiration from these artists as well to start your creative process. On the flip side, you can, and I encourage you to, gather inspiration from natural sources. For some people, it might be more helpful to get inspiration from the things around them, as well as their thoughts, to act creatively. Whichever feels more right to you, I wish you luck on your artistic journey! Have fun!



Posted | Views: 238
Tucson AZ
Summer 21