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Posted | Views: 165
Carlos Tarre i Josep Fernandez- INS LLuis de Requesens

· Per a 4 persones:

· 3 Tomàquets grans

· 1/2 D'un pebrot verd

· 1/2 Perbrot vermell

· Una cullerada d'oli

· Una cullerada de sal

· 1/2 D'una ceba

· Una cullerada petita de pebre

· 1 Un all

· Aigua 

· 2 Llesques de pa sec


· 1Bol

· 1Batidora

· 4 Gots
Principalment tallem el pebrot verd i el vermell per la meitat, la ceba també.Seguidament agafem tots els ingredients i els fiquem al bol, excepte l'oli, la sal, el pebre , l'aigua i les llesques de pa sec.
A continuació agafem la batidora i ho batem. Seguidament hi afegim l'oli, la sal, el pebre,l'aigua i les llesques de pa sec les deixem per després.
Després ho batem tot hi ho deixem a la nevera una estona llarga i estarà preparada per repartir.


Posted | Views: 156

-1 alvocat
-1 tomaquet
-1 ceba
-suc de llimona
-sal i coriandre
El primer que heu de fer per fer aquesta salsa és pelar i tallar els alvocats, treure la polpa interior, que serà per la nostra salsa.

Afegiu la polpa al bol. Després talleu molt fina la ceba, afegiu-lo al bol. Talleu el tomàquet en peces petites, i l'afegiu al bol. Fiqueu el coriandre i el suc de llimona, barrejeu-lo amb una ma de morter, i ja teniu el guacamole.

Bon profit, bona tarda. Moltes gracies per la seva atenció.
Alex i Albert
Avui farem guacamole, un plat mexicá.

Batut de fruites amb chia

Posted | Views: 165
Batut de maduixa amb chia- paula Gómez i Marina Vallhonrat (ins lluís de requesens)
ingredients:(Per a dues persones)
·1/2 Litre de llet
·10 Maduixes
· 2 Cullerades de Chia
·6 Cullerades de sucre

Per començar renteu les maduixes i seguidament les talleu.
Tot seguit, afegiu 1/2 l de llet en un bol. Desprès, afegiu-hi les maduixes tallades, i les 6 cullerades de sucre.
A continuació, tritureu la llet amb les maduixes fins que no quedin trossos . Tot seguit, al acabar poseu el batut que heu fet en gots, i finalment afegiu-hi la chia  

POSITIVE UP 2015 Issue 1

Posted | Views: 507
Радвам се че вътрешните обучения са доста по-интензивни от предишните периоди:))
POSITIVE UP 2015 Issue No. 1
It is all abourt positive news in our UP life
Хубава обратна връзка от доволни клиенти по събитията:))
Взех си Медийното право; избрах си дипломен и тема за дипломната - остава да ги напиша   

PVC vinyl display banner – wide usage for the events and exhibitions

Posted | Views: 935
A space is just that, a great open area for you to do with as you wish. How big stand depends on the product kind and typically the size of the foundation. Some also prefer portable banner stand so that they can be altered easily if need needs. Exhibition and Event furniture is another important factor for these events. A new booth without furniture isn't working. The booth should come to be dressed with typically the most efficient furniture feasible to both highlight typically the products and attract site visitors.For more about visit this. .

best Banner stand bundles

Posted | Views: 890
The big event furniture including the desk sand the chairs and also the pop up stands to mark the tv show of the exhibition or even event which includes recently been organized. Nevertheless, the dimensions of the pop up holds and the put up stand bundles, composed associated with of a desk in addition to another or more ads at the rear of, depends on the qualities linked to the product that will certainly be being exhibited inside addition to the size of the setting.

March 6th, 2015

Posted | Views: 1,998
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MARCH 6TH, 2015
No Treble
Story By: Alexis Hidalgo
The Wildcats and the Yucca Trojans are known to be each others’ arch nemesis’. But one night every year the rivalry is put aside to get together and enjoy music. This year’s combined concert was different than other years. This year, Mr. Monical, the principal, sang “Home” by Phillip Phillips with the TPHS Select Choir.
The days leading up to the concert consisted of posters that said, “Monical is singing” and not many could believe it. One day when Monical came to rehearse with Select Choir, he had to come through the back door of the room because he believed a student was following him. The struggle to keep his voice a secret until the concert was real.
 During the concert, the TPHS Concert Choir sang some hit songs like “Everything is Awesome” and “Just Give Me a Reason”. Next up was Select Choir, who snapped their way into the show with a jazzy song called “Cry Me a River,” then they sang another six songs. Then the combo of YVHS and TPHS began. The two Select Choir groups came together to sing “For Everything There is a Season,” directed by the YVHS music teacher, Bill Barrett. Following that performance, the Symphonic Bands came together to perform a difficult piece called “Zeus: King of the Gods,” that many of the people watching enjoyed.
 To finish off the show, everybody from the YVHS and TPHS music department got together to perform the infamous Frozen song, “Let it Go”, and they even had to do an encore performance for the crowd. The Combined Concert is a great reminder that even though we’re rivals, it doesn’t mean we can’t get together to enjoy something everyone loves: music.

Springing Into Action
Story By: Courtney Stanford
Spring. The word that baseball, softball, swim, and track athletes look forward to. Some have been waiting for what feels like forever for the last couple months in the school year so that they can compete in the De Anza League. All of these sports have one thing in common: they all require endurance. In the preseason they all do a series of drills, relays, and games that strengthen bodies and boost confidence -- and which are just plain fun, because sports are meant to be fun and enjoyable.
 The swim team has been conditioning for weeks. On special occasions they have “drag nights,” which consist of all the swimmers wearing baggy clothing over their swim suits. This allows them to swim with more weight on their bodies, which in turn allows them to swim faster when they take their chlorine soaked clothes off. Sometimes they even have relays where they swim down the pool, jump out as fast as they can, take off their baggy clothes, dress the next person in line, then swim back and repeat the process. This helps them become more agile, and it is a fun activity to help them bond.
 Softball and baseball recently had a fundraiser at Luckie Park to help raise money for future tournaments and gear. Adult teams were competing, but the student athletes were working. They worked anything from the scoreboards to concession stands; they offered to help anyway they could. Their hard work also shows on the field. These young ladies and men have been practicing for weeks, conditioning and preparing for their season. Such dedication and hard work will prove to be beneficial to the players in the end because their good habits will kick the season off to a great start.
 Track has been working on both minor and major things -- because every detail matters. One of these minor details is practicing their entrance into their races by pushing off metal blocks. Everyone has been practicing their assigned positions to prepare for their first track meet which was on Wednesday, March 4th.
All of these teams have been sacrificing their free time to practice in the baking heat, wind storms, and rain. Everyone knows how unpredictable desert weather can be. These athletes have been working hard through rain or shine, and their hard work and dedication will pay off during their season.

Shared Spotlights and Smiles
Going Above and Beyond the Unexpected
Story By: Rachael Lemon

On Saturday night, Interact hosted its annual talent show, where students on campus had the opportunity to shine like a star. Third place winners Colby Thomas and Vaioleti Tuli wrote an original song, I Don’t Wanna Leave, that sang to the hopeless romantic in everyone. But these heartthrobs did not stop there! After Mrs. Wilson was done honoring the winners, Thomas asked for the microphone to deliver a sweet surprise. 
The two juniors wanted to share their prize with the duet pair Jubilee Bosh and Vanessa Walton.
This shared spotlight has yet to occur during the talent show’s existence. Breaking down the barrier between winners and losers, the boys exercised excellent sportsmanship when it was unexpected. The purpose of performing in the show was not to win prize money, but for students to show their peers something extraordinary. All the performances that night were special in what they offered the audience.
No Treble
Story By: Alexis Hidalgo
The Wildcats and the Yucca Trojans are known to be each others’ arch nemesis’. But one night every year the rivalry is put aside to get together and enjoy music. This year’s combined concert was different than other years. This year, Mr. Monical, the principal, sang “Home” by Phillip Phillips with the TPHS Select Choir.
The days leading up to the concert consisted of posters that said, “Monical is singing” and not many could believe it. One day when Monical came to rehearse with Select Choir, he had to come through the back door of the room because he believed a student was following him. The struggle to keep his voice a secret until the concert was real.
 During the concert, the TPHS Concert Choir sang some hit songs like “Everything is Awesome” and “Just Give Me a Reason”. Next up was Select Choir, who snapped their way into the show with a jazzy song called “Cry Me a River,” then they sang another six songs. Then the combo of YVHS and TPHS began. The two Select Choir groups came together to sing “For Everything There is a Season,” directed by the YVHS music teacher, Bill Barrett. Following that performance, the Symphonic Bands came together to perform a difficult piece called “Zeus: King of the Gods,” that many of the people watching enjoyed.
 To finish off the show, everybody from the YVHS and TPHS music department got together to perform the infamous Frozen song, “Let it Go”, and they even had to do an encore performance for the crowd. The Combined Concert is a great reminder that even though we’re rivals, it doesn’t mean we can’t get together to enjoy something everyone loves: music.

Party Dresses for Christmas

Posted | Views: 963
At this time we arise many commitments , cocktails , meals , parties , galas ... and the truth is it can be a headache thinking about what to wear. So we bring you some proposals for this Christmas 're perfect . What else would be able to carry Marchesa dress picture above (one can dream right?) But do not worry that the dresses will not show you that your blood bank :) In my opinion the best place to get different online party dresses to suit all tastes and budgets, is Asos , is the drawback ? I can not prove. If you are cautious you can order ahead of time and if you left it back without problems . Long , short, below the knee have many options ! I like wearing metal flashing , although the choice of the blue dress with black lace is ideal not ? Zara always out of trouble ... the problem is that this year we have focused a lot on the color black . I have encatando this dress with feather skirt . Ideal right? H & M is another great option for emergencies, I like his proposals cocktail dresses and the advantage is that in addition to black have taken more cheerful colors like blue and green will always give a festive touch. Mango took out a line of exclusive prom dresses for sale online that are worth seeing , although store also have options that us out of trouble. I like the pearl gray dress that is very flattering . Anne Hathaway Very roll right? And the black dress is also perfect , and for which the brillis brillis like , then choose the sequins Do you already have a dress for the holidays? Or are you waiting to the last minute? What dress do you prefer?

A good text about famous Mortimer Snerd

Posted | Views: 1,496
We can find many good texts about famous ventriloquist dummies these days. But here is a special one about Mortimer Snerd (my favorite dummy- but I love you too Charlie). Have fun reading!

That Laday Has Talent

Posted | Views: 1,292
We will have to open our minds, no doubt. Here is Miss Ohio 2014 who has a beautiful talent of her own. Ventriloquism. That lady is definitively more than a beauty.

Hostgator web hosting coupons

Posted | Views: 1,316
Hostgator delivers limitless world-wide-web space, unlimited web hosting coupon codes, infinite domains names internet web hosting promo codes and 24x7 purchaser assistance by means of chat and phone. All these services are offered at incredibly low cost rate at webtechcoupons. There cannot be any greater deal than this.

Chinese designer to explore Tahiti and her islands

Posted | Views: 851
Lanyu is a stylist who provides wedding dresses and evening many stars of Chinese cinema . From March 10 to 16 , it will be accompanied by six people including two journalists and a photographer to supply several media:  - Lanyu Weibo a Chinese social network that has 2 million fans with the publication of three articles per day . - Sina : the largest social network and information from China with the publication of a website article on the information that will also be relayed to staff reporter SHEN Chen, Director of Marketing & Partnership Weibo ( 650,000 fans) .  - Modern Bride: a monthly magazine,online evening dresses, the most popular for married with a circulation of 500,000 copies and 50 000 visitors per day on the official website. On this occasion, eight pages are devoted to this trip to French Polynesia for a release in May and relayed on the official website. The program includes a visit to stay on the islands of Tahiti , Moorea and Bora Bora including tourism activities on each. To capture the Chinese market this project aims to increase awareness of the destination Tahiti and Her Islands and then develop long-term sales. 

EFFETTUARE un abito di laurea CON I TUOI NOTE

Posted | Views: 675
Dopo anni e anni di scuola, otteniamo migliaia di pagine di appunti, per molti del tutto inutile. ¿Inutile? Beh, alcuni preferiscono essere una sorta di casa un'enciclopedia con loro,vestiti per festa 18 anni, ma ciò che ha reso Kara Koskowich, uno studente canadese di 17 anni, è molto più impressionante.  Il semestre prima della laurea, Kara ha avuto l'idea meravigliosa di riutilizzare le note per fare un vestito per la laurea. Quale modo migliore per festeggiare la fine del ciclo, accompagnato da documenti che hanno circondato per mesi? Sopra viene salvato una fortuna su un marchio abito, che era quello che fece decidere completamente il suo proprio vestito fatto di carta.  "Ho scelto la matematica, perché sono i più difficili da capire e interpretare", ha detto Koskowich. "Io non vorrei i miei colleghi trascorrono la notte cercando di leggere frammenti di storia o di letteratura nel mio vestito." 75 pagine di appunti il suo vestito di graduazione ambita E per / come si pensa che è molto noioso di andare tutti in bianco e blu-penna, apuntaos l'ultima idea della ragazza: una cintura di post-it