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Cloud on Portra 400

Posted | Views: 3,796
Cumulus congestus cloud formation.

Doral - Downtown captured on Kodak film

Posted | Views: 3,888
Kodak Ektar 100 film shot at twilight with the Nikon F6 - 50mm
Doral Yard Neon Sign
Main Entrance - Galloway Rd / Main Street
Palm Tree lined road with lights
New construction of an art center in the park nearby.

Red Chevy Classic!

Posted | Views: 3,785

Lighthouse Point

Posted | Views: 3,434
Include items in the foreground and background to make your subject appear larger.
The Lighthouse looks smaller at same distance.
Shot on Cinestill 50D

Frame Burn!

Posted | Views: 3,816
First of the roll ∙ partial image ∙ frame burn 

Things look better on Tri-x

Posted | Views: 4,119
Random assortment of Kodak Tri-X 400 film photographs
Brickell City Center
Douglas Road
Yellow Flowers
Miami Cuban bread
Miami Lizard

The Fair at dusk

Posted | Views: 3,338

Film Negative that looks positive

Posted | Views: 3,451
Turning a film negative into a film positive by creating a new film negative.
Neg Pro
I have this Nikon lens adapter for film negatives. Its made to quickly digitize film negatives with a digital camera. The idea is you take a digital photo of a film negative then invert it on your computer. It’s faster and smaller then a scanner. With the added benefit of future upgrades to your digital camera. DSLR scanning as some call it. 

SO just for fun I wondered what if I attached this to my F6 film camera and photographed a negative to create a new negative that looks like a positive.
Instructions on how the adapter works, but instead of a digital camera I used a film camera.
Original negative
New negative of original negative taken using digital adapter but with a film camera.
Inverted turns the original negative into a positive, as usual.
New negative made with the adapter turns the positive looking negative into a negative looking positive.
Film negative but positive
Film negative inverted positive but negative
Its a real unique thing to look at a film negative and see a positive image, and not used a computer to do it.
Film is fun!
This is a negative?
Negative Positive

George Rogers Clark Memorial Bridge

Posted | Views: 3,589
Louisville 2nd Street Bridge
Photographed on Nikon f80, 50mm - Kodak Portra 400

Family owned logistics business WTDC celebrates its 45th Anniversary

Posted | Views: 268
Family owned logistics business WTDC celebrates its 45th Anniversary on March 8th, 2022.
President and CEO Sean Gazitua says this 45 year milestone is a testament to the dedication of its employees and the willingness of the company to reinvent itself over the years. The company was founded in 1977 as the first General Order (G.O.) warehouse in Miami, Florida. Today, WTDC is an internationally respected full-service logistics company and Foreign Trade Zone.
“Serving the logistics needs of our customers is not without its challenges in these times,” says Gazitua. “But by building better relationships, planning logistics well ahead, and putting technology at the forefront, we can still help our customers exceed their performance benchmarks.”
Mr. Gazitua is now the third generation of the family to lead the business after becoming President and CEO in 2017, succeeding his father Ralph L. Gazitua in the position. The company prides itself on customer service and providing a safe and healthy working environment for its employees. WTDC specializes in global supply chain management, door to door transportation, and Foreign Trade Zone inventory control for the Duty Free and Travel retail industry and provides logistics for electronics, renewable energy components, and other commodities.
“I am so grateful to our employees and customers who will propel us well past our 45th Anniversary” says Gazitua.
View services at
WTDC President and CEO Sean Gazitua displays a Proclamation from Miami-Dade County naming Tuesday, March 8, 2022 as “WTDC 45th Anniversary Day.”

Red flowers

Posted | Views: 3,414
Kodak Portra 400

When to use Color or Black and White film

Posted | Views: 3,761
BlackWhite film
I get better, timeless photographs with
I tend to be more picky when I photograph black & white film. The lack of color or knowing that this photo that I’m about to take has no color makes me think more. I noticed my black and white photos are better photos. Obviously the lack of color focuses my attention on the composition. Thats why I take better b/w photos.
I have more film photography fun with
Color film
Shooting color film is easy for me because its so much fun. It’s easy for other people to enjoy too. If the composition isn’t perfect it still looks good because it’s shot on film. Also developing color C-41 film adds to the fun. The color negative sparks my curiosity and playing the colors on the scans is fun too.

Tiffany on Kodak film

Posted | Views: 3,745
Tiffany lamp - Kodak Ultramax 400 film
Check out these colors, amazing!

Buc-ee's Daytona Beach

Posted | Views: 4,136
Fresh brisket on the board!
Buc-ee's, Humongous gas station in Daytona Beach Florida
Nikon F80 - Kodak Portra 400 film
Nikon FM2a - Cinestill 50D film with light leak
Buc-ee’s is incredible. It’s huge, I don’t mean huge I mean ginormous. When you drive in, this gas station there’s, I don’t know over 100 gas pumps! Inside it’s like a Walmart sized convenience store it’s huge. In the middle they have people preparing brisket and you can watch them chop it. They yell ‘Fresh brisket on the board!’ when its ready.

And the best part, the restrooms are clean!

God Bless Texas and Florida.
Nikon F80 - Kodak Portra 400 film

Buggy Leaf - Macro Photography

Posted | Views: 3,489
Kodak Pro Image 100 -  Nikon F6 - Nikkor 40mm f/2.8g DX 

Moon Boyz

Posted | Views: 3,573
Kodak Gold 200

Sunshine State Arch

Posted | Views: 3,882
St. Louis has the Gateway Arch & Miami-Dade has a Miami Modern
Architecture Masterpiece the Sunshine State Arch - built in 1964.
Gateway to the midwest,
Miami style.
Color photos shot on Nikon FM2n 50mm with Kodak Portra 160 film - 2021
The Sunshine State Arch was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2014.

My no tripod low light film technique

Posted | Views: 3,799
My low light technique
Shot on Kodak Ultramax 400 handheld
When I’ve had a low light situation, if there’s some bright light in the scene, I’ve been able to get a workable image.
My technique is simple,
& simple things are hard
First, I stay calm and focused. I set my shutter speed very slow maybe 1/8th or 1/4th of a second. I hold my camera and arms hard against my face and body. Looking through the viewfinder and press the shutter button down slowly. I hold my pose until I hear the shutter close being sure not to anticipate it (key point being patient and not anticipating that the photo is done when I press the shutter).

This technique or shooting style almost always works. Even if I get a slight motion blur the photo still looks cool. Obviously, practice is the reason this works for me.

I self develop my film like normal and scan.

Yellow flowers on film

Posted | Views: 3,471
Kodak Portra 400

Tucumcari Motel Neon Signs

Posted | Views: 2,252
I love Tucumcari and Santa Rosa NM for amount of cool roadside signs and history. 
I recommend anyone to do the trip (by car, at night time and daytime) to see so much history and design styles. 
   Blue Swallow Motel 
   Buckaroo Motel
   Americana Motel