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Houghman Herald 
Inaugural Edition
January 27, 2016
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     Last week we had "Black Out Bullying Week" at Forest City Elementary and enjoyed many fun activities throughout the week. 
On Tuesday we all put a negative thought on paper and threw it into the "TOXIC WASTE BIN" as we entered the cafeteria for lunch. Wednesday, we made some new friends by partner-reading with children from other grade levels. On Thursday, we gave compliments and if a teacher heard the compliment the student got a Hootie that was worth five Hooties! Friday morning we wrapped up the week with an amazing pep rally. We got to sing songs and even learned a new one written by Mrs. Schouburgh. The best part was getting to see our school mascot "HOOTIE" dancing and waving. 
     Just because we had a special "Black Out Bullying Week" doesn't mean that anyone should go back to being mean.  Every week we all should act like it's "Black Out Bullying Week" and be nice to one another.  

Keep Calm 
Credits: Joyce, Alexa, Sunjay, NaKayla, Aliyah, and Anderson 

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This is Dr. Holmes. Teacher of music, recorder, orff, and chorus. 
Dr. Holmes has been a music teacher for 33 years, 8 years in Mississippi and the rest in Florida. Her inspiration to become a music teacher was from one of her college professors. 
Recorder began meeting again last Wednesday, January 20th.  The following day chorus met Thursday the 21st, and orff met this past Monday the 25th . The next performance will be May 22nd and the theme is musical montage. Grades 4 and 5 can participate in chorus, 3rd graders are able to join recorder, and orff is exclusively for 5th graders. Dr. Holmes has sent letters home about these important dates.
These are the orff instruments.
This is the coach of Physical Education and Cross Country: Coach Hartman.
Cross Country is a club for students to practice running and go to other schools to race against other Seminole County students.  Practice is in the morning from 8:05-8:30. To attend these practices you must bring back a permission slip to Coach Hartman. All grades, Kindergarten through Fifth Grade, can participate. 
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Owl News Network brings Forest City students the news each morning.  There are many jobs to get the news on-air.  The jobs are: Anchor 1, Anchor 2, Special Corespondent, Sound Engineer, Video Engineer, Director, Media, Teleprompter, and Two Multi-Experts/Floaters. If you are in 5th grade you can apply at the end of each trimester.  Fourth graders can apply at the end of the school year. 
School Clubs
This is Mr. Schimmel.  He runs the Owl News Network. 
Math club is a very important problem solving class. The questions are very challenging for many of the 4th and 5th graders that attend math club.

Math Club meets at 7:30 A.M. on Tuesdays. The students who attend Math Club meet in Mrs. Walton's classroom to start the morning with challenging math equations.

Students reveal their answers to the teachers and discuss if the answers are correct or incorrect. If the answers are incorrect then both teachers explain how to get the right answers. 
Mrs. Walton, 4th grade teacher and Mrs. Baptist, math coach, run the Math Club and help students when they are stuck on problems. 
Credits:  Jessica, Aliyah, Karla, and Adrian 

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Calendar and Events
January and February 2016 

January 25  Literacy Week Kick Off
February 4   Dad's Breakfast
February 10  SAC Meeting 
February 15  No School Presidents Day       
February 19  Hootie Store Grades 2, 4, and 5 
February 24 End of Second Trimester  
February 25  Start of The Third Trimester
February 26 Hootie Store Grades K, 1, and 3; Hat Day 
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January 25th through January 29th students at FCE will be celebrating Literacy Week by participating in many exciting events about reading. Also, we will be learning about students that are in an orphange in Albania.  FCE students will be writing letters and sending books to these children far away from us. 
Coming soon mid February!

Forest City will be kicking off the Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser. This important event raises money for the American Heart Association.
     This is Literacy Week at FCE!

    "Literacy Changes Our World"
Credits: Danielle, Ashton, and James

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Posted | Views: 1,369
       Getting to know Miss Crum
Miss Crum: "Well, I’m very excited about it. The teachers and staff members voted for me so it’s nice to be recognized by the people that work with me.  Even if I don’t talk to them every day they notice that I’m doing a good job teaching so that means a lot."
Interviewer:  "How do you feel about being teacher of the year?"
Interviewer:  "What's your favorite part about being a teacher?"
Miss Crum: "My favorite part about being a teacher is to be able to help students learn. And if they start to have trouble with something and then start to understand's that little light bulb that goes off and I think that is the best part about being a teacher."
Interviewer:  "How long have you been a teacher?"
Miss Crum: "That’s a difficult question, when I was in college I was in a lot of kindergarten classes.  I’ve only taught first and second grade levels. I enjoy teaching them all but second is my favorite."

Interviewer:  "What grade do you like teaching the most, and why?"
Interviewer:  "What grades have you taught?
Miss Crum: "This is my 12th year teaching."
Miss Crum: "Forest City is the only school I’ve ever taught at.  I’ve been here for 12 years."
Interviewer:  "Where was the first school you taught?
Miss Crum: "Like I said before when I was in college I did a lot of work in kindergarten classes, they call those internships. After college  I’ve only taught first and second grade."
Miss Crum: "Well, first of all, I could never see myself working at an office job and doing the same thing every single day, so I knew I wouldn’t like that. My aunt was a teacher and I was taking a class in college and one of the things the class was about was finding a  career... a career course. It was for students who didn’t know what they wanted to do and I fit into that category.   One of the projects we had to do was going to  go visit people in different careers. So I decided to go visit my aunt, the teacher.  For the whole day I  just sat and watched and I really thought it was something I could see myself doing. I really enjoy being around the students so I guess my aunt Tracy inspired me to be a teacher."
Interviewer:  "What inspired you to be a teacher?"
Credits: Chloe, Elizabeth, and NaKayla 

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The PTA Store is open on Fridays from 8:05-8:45am. These are just some of the many treats for sale!
These yummy looking cookies are only 75¢. You can get them when you are purchasing your lunch.
The location of the Hootie Store is in the lunch room (the last double doors on the right) . The Hootie Store will be open for 2nd, 4th and 5th graders on February 19th and February 26th for K, 1st, and 3rd. The best part about the Hootie Store is that you don't have to spend any money!  Just earn those Hooties and go shopping! 
Help raise money for our FCE PTA by participating in the fundraiser!
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Credits: Matthew, Chevenee, and Walter

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Posted | Views: 1,505
Cartoons and Riddles
Beginner: When Moon runs away and Sun comes up?
Medium: What has roots that no one sees, it’s taller than trees.
Up up up it goes and yet it never grows?

Brainiac: All things it devours. Birds, beasts, trees, flowers. Gnaws iron, bites steel, grinds hard stones to meal. Withers plant, ruins town and beats high mountain down?
Answers are on FCE Food and Restaurant page!
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Brain Teasers
Credits: Anderson, Bruce, and Jordon

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Posted | Views: 1,008
Food and the FCE Restaurant
Snowflake Cookies
1 cup butter
½ cup sugar
1 tablespoon almond extract
2 ½ cups flour

Directions                                         1. preheat oven to 350ºF                   2. cream butter and sugar together
3. mix in extract and flour
4. roll out on floured surface to 3/4 inch thick
5. cut with floured snowflake cookie cutter
6. place cookies on ungreased cookie sheet
7. bake at 350ºF for 10-12 min
8. remove from cookie sheet and cool
It may not snow in Florida...but you can still have some "snowflakes" if you make these easy to bake cookies! 
Christmas Cookies Hallmark Gift Book 
Meet Ms. McKinzie, our FCE Restaurant Manager
Ms. McKinzie, the FCE restaurant manager, has been working at FCE for over 8 years. That’s a lot of dirty dishes! She and the other lunch ladies serve up to 830 breakfasts and lunches a day. Good thing she enjoys cooking! Ms. McKinzie also enjoys serving kids. She feels that “every grade levels' manners depend on each student’s individual attitude.” Next time you enter the FCE restaurant you should use manners by saying, "please" and "thank you" to Ms. McKinzie and the other lunch ladies.
Brain Teaser Awnsers: Beginner - Sunrise  Medium - Mountain  Brainiac - Time
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 Credits: Kaleb, Nadine, and Katelyn 


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This is a test of Forest City Elementary's new digital publishing platform!
We are excited to see the different types of articles, videos, and news that can be shared using this medium! Students will work together to produce a comprehensive publication with some of the latest news from Forest City Elementary and the FCE community! Join us on this journey!


Posted | Views: 53
Leisabel Soto Ortiz
Taken with: Galaxy S5 phone camera
At: Manatí, PR
I'm from Levittown, PR
Study at: Interamerican University of Puerto Rico

From Newark to Brooklyn

Posted | Views: 49
Finding beauty in strange and different places. 
Last Night I sat and listen to the reading of "Kafka's Last Laugh" by Vagabond Alexander Beaumont, at the Brooklyn Museum.  
Science Fiction at its best. 
To summarize this short pice, just re revisit big corp and the prison system. The manipulation of inmates into believing what is and what is not, according to the standards created by capitalism and its goons.
In order to understand Kafka's Last Laugh, the reader has to relate to science fiction and activism. 
Vagabond defined Activism as been Science Fiction, what one got to do with each other?. you may ask. Activism goal is a to imagine a change in the future.  Science fiction is base in imagination in how the future could be. One can relate to the other through the fact that all is played in the arena of what is to become of the future in the near present.  


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Posted | Views: 165
 From where I stand “La Cordillera Central” and the Empire State stand side by side. I am the seed with the hope of greatness that struggle to be in when every one saw me out.  
My name is atypical, is not Maria nor Juana, but Catherine. My last name is not Castillo, but Costello, but not so clear as to why is not. My birth place is not Puerto Rico, but New York. But mi lengua is Spanish. My heritage is not one of hamburgers and pizza, but one of rice and beans and cocoro.  
 From where I stand the history of a country influenced my decision to love and hate my birthplace and to long for a place that I fit but don’t fit me. I guess that longing comes from the doubts everyone had about me and where I will go in this long path call life. From the hills of the small town I grew up to the asphalt city that saw my temporary downfall. 
  Yes, the temporary fall that once held me back makes me want more. From where I stand; I was born 16 years ago. A layer of fear came off, some hate slide down my back and a ton of habits became obvious, the drugs and the alcohol that came to a halt, just waiting to have access to my life again. How could I be so fearful, hateful obviously torn away by the habits that consume my everyday life? 
 In order to answer this question I had to sit back and look at the long road ahead of me. I went to A A and N A meetings, one each day for 30 days, maybe 2 or 3. I came early, stay late, shared and made coffee. That was a lot of coffee, that was a lot of meetings, it was a lot of work for someone who never work more than a week on a job. And for those meetings and all the down falls in between, I rose above the stereotype that follow me.  
 It was ups and downs, lefts and rights. Never a dull moment, 9/11 came and Islam became a household name. I exchanged my shorts for a long dress and my hats for a scarf and then I became part of the change. I had no idea how this was going to work out, but it was no stopping me, from growing, achieving, reacting and loving something unknown, something so big it could not be explain with one word. I grew older, a bit wiser and found love again. I learned I can do everything I put my mind into and is no reason to allow any one to make me feel less than and never, never, ever feel that age is a hinderance to step to greatness.
 From where I stand, I stand, I stand on the mountain, under the blue sky and on the concrete jungle that have see me grow. From the music of my jibaro, the salsa and the plena and the sun bathing my skin, and playing dutch rope in Jackson Heights I stand stronger. I am Catherine Costello, Boricua pa’ tu lo sepas.  

My Pride or just my Flag?

Posted | Views: 123

IS this my pride or just my flag? 
How can I develop pride for these colors when I don’t know the history behind them?  
How can I be a proud full owner of a title I don’t understand? Who am I then? What kind of diluted sentiments are they? 
How can I believe in the one stared flag that waves over my country?  
A country I call my own, who was never own by those who put a stake to belong? 
Do I know who own the mountains, the sun, the yucas and yautias? No, I don't.
My tainos are gone, they said goodbye to freedom and hello to the mirror image the African came to endure.
Do I know the stories of those who don’t sing or dance any longer? 
No I don't. A new civilization came and changed our names, gave us new gods and once again our music, drums, and voices were silenced. The voices of the ones  stripped from their homes,the ones called savages, the ones taken as slaves, brutalized and raped.  
The ones who were substituted by a darker skin, substituted by that man taken from afar, the ones stripped of their identity, their religion, their home, and their hopes. And then we became one, Tainos and Africans, Africans and Tainos. 
 Al son de los tambores que repican en la distancia se baila la plena y la bomba. 
 It can be heard the tears of a nation making rivers and oceans, mountains and valleys; with the screams in the distance for freedom, justice and equality. 
Freedom from the harsh hands, equality to be like we are meant to be, and what we know we need to become.
 The voice of Luis Pales Matos, Albizu Campos, and Ramon Celso de Barbosa were the men who gave the Island nation a reason and a voice that could be heard in the fight for freedom. Not only with arms but also with the pen, with the intelligence, and gracefulness of a panther who awaits patiently for the right moment to pounce.
Is that Revolution, that revolt, that will become the beat on the drum that fuels the fire for freedom once more.

New Year

Posted | Views: 126
A nEw YeaR...

As we are getting closer to a New Year, our dreams and hopes might take a bit longer. It is understandable we don't like to wait, and we want everything to happen in a blink of an eye.  
It is hard to admit we are powerless against life itself, but we like to pretend that is not so. We are the mighty human, full of power and almost godly attributes (in Islam this is call shirk (shirk is believing that something only Allah can do, can be done by someone/something else.) And we discovered that we are not God. That we are not all powerful, and we live and die on time prescribed.  
Even when it comes to our hopes, dreams and everything in between patience is the best practice.
 I am not patient with life and how slow things sometimes happened. I get upset, question myself and then I realize that either I have not been paying attention to my own words or I am just loosing my mind. Then I realize that Allah talah is the only one that can help me, and give me that tranquility I am looking for. 
So next time you think, life is evolving too slow and that you deserve or need something right away, look forth, behind, to the left and right and tell me what do you see? People trying as hard as you to get ahead, work, eat, live, and love. 
Start this New Year like you have some sense, not everything you want is going to be given to you. Maybe you get some needs met, but remember that is other people that have less, much less than you and me.  
As much as I would love to live in a mansion, pretend that I am the boss of my destiny, I know better. What about you? 


Posted | Views: 153

by Catherine Costello

The Island of Puerto Rico is synonymous to music, food and the arts. One area that is constantly visited by tourist is the Old San Juan, La Fortaleza del Morro, la Catedral, and the small art exhibits and museums are the main attraction of the area. 
However, a young man with a vision took the initiative to merge towns along with the arts bringing their stories into a non-conventional canvas.
 Meet the artist Chemi Rosado-Seijo the artist with a vision. Rosado-Seijo has a commitment to better communities through the arts, by engaging the young and old. By tapping into the raw talent found not only within the communities he is involved with, but around the island of Puerto Rico. He has also worked very closely with the residents of La Perla, in San Juan, presenting art projects, teaching art workshops and becoming involved in many community engagements.
Born in Vega Alta, Puerto Rico, Rosado-Seijo graduated from the painting department of the Puerto Rico School of Visual Arts in 1997. In 1998, he worked with Michy Marxuach to open a gallery that transformed into a not-for-profit organization presenting resources and exhibitions for contemporary artists in Puerto Rico. In 2000, Rosado-Seijo had his first solo show at the Joan Miró Foundation in Barcelona, including interventions on billboards around the city. On 2009, Rosado-Seijo converted his apartment into a museum that also serves as a meeting place for artists. The Chemi Room creation has helped up and coming artist with self-exhibits.
One of the most amazing projects Rosado-Seijo was involved in was the creation of “La Perla’s Bowl. Since inaugurated in 2006. La Perla’ s Bowl has served as both a skateboarding ramp and a pool. El Cerro is another of Rosado-Seijos projects, involving the community of el Cerro located in the town of Naranjito. This project consists of painting the houses in the hillside in different tones of greens. To depict how the community has respected the hills and build their homes without changing the topography of the area.
Rosado-Seijo is dedicated to safeguard the arts in Puerto Rico. Hopefully, the initiatives he has taken to safeguard these projects and the arts don’t die with the moment.

The project consists in painting their houses different shades of green paying an homage to the way the community has been built respecting harmoniously its surroundings and the topography of the mountains where it stands.

One of the most amazing projects Rosado-Seijo was involved in was the creation of “La Perla’s Bowl. Since inaugurated in 2006.


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The Romero Times: Edition 2 Publication 1

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The Romero Times
By Nathan Escobar, Class of 2020 

Fashion is the one thing that tells you who people are. Many people  dress differently but that shows that the people that dress that way it's there personality. Sometimes people have many styles when the different seasons come. Personality is what makes people dress the way they do and many have different personality's so makes people dress in different ways. 

I have interviewed some people to see the way they dress and to see why they like to dress that way because of there different personality's. I interviewed Maliah a 8th grader from the class of 2020 to see Her style. The brands she wares are Nike,Levi's, Aeropostale, And under armor. The stores she shops at are Ross, fans, Burlington,  
Rue 21, and Victoria's Secret. The ways types of clothes that Maliah wears are in the summer shorts, tank tops. In the winter she wears long sleeves, jeans, and boots. That's Maliahs style and  Why her personality makes her dress that way. 

I have interviewed Maria a 7th grader from the class of 2021 and  I was going to see if her personality would be similar As the 8th grader Maliah. The types of brands that Maria wares are Vans, Nike sandal's, Rue 21, and Aeropostale. She shops at Rue 21, Clare's, Jc penny, and Nike store. In the seasons yes she dresses differently. She wears hoodies in the winter as well as sweats, joggers, boots and gloves. In the summer she wears shorts, muscle shirts, T-shirts, tank tops and dresses. 

So this shows that many people with different personality dress  differently. In the interviews I learn that different seasons will make people dress people differently and in the personality will make person dress the way they dress.  
By Armando Flores, Class of 2021

On September 14, the entire 7th grade had a "Economic Fair" at all of the 7th grade classes, to learn about supply and demand. This project was prepared far for two weeks. This was the first year it was done, so no one really knew what to do! Since no one really knew what they were doing, no one really knew what they were up against.

Competition was motivation for all of the students making products. They were trying to make other products than other "Companies". Since most of the other products were so well made(or bought) and students only got 15 dollars, it was really hard to make a good decision on what to buy. 

Of course because something like this is new, there are going to be a few problems to work out for next year. The students only got five minutes in each class. Some people think this was not nearly enough time. Miss Mattivi said " A bigger room would have been nice because they did not have enough time to make smart decisions." So as you can see this Economic fair was not perfect.

The products were the main part of it all so I think its only fair we talk about them. One of the students said " I spent all of my money because there were so many good products." Another said "There was not enough time." But the important thing is that everyone made a product.

So the "Economic Fair" was messy, but it still taught all of the 7th graders about supply and demand.
And who knows, maybe next year it will be even better.
Syria War Forces Immigrants to Move to Other Countries 

by Juan Martinez Ayala, Class of 2021
     The war in Syria has been taking so long it has been going on for 4 years. Also until today the war is still going on it has been causing very devastating damage. The damage of the war is forcing immigrants to move to other countries
     The countries are overflowing with immigrants and they going to be forced to build a border. The border was built with bricks and the police are looking for the immigrants that are in there country. The immigrants are going on trains and are hiding on the trains as well. There are more than 4 million refugees that are in 5 host countries. But also there are than 16 million refugees in need of help outside and inside of Syria.
     The Russians launched an airstrike on Syria and it made the situation a lot worse. The Russians began airstrike on a Wednesday. The US and the Russian, president sat down and discussed the airstrike. Defense Secretary Ashton B accused Russia of pouring gasoline on the fire.
     More than over 250,000 Syrians have died in the Syrian Civil War. But also more than 11 million have been forced to move out of there homes because of President Bashar al- Assad. When the war barely started it was a regular war and then it turned into a Civil War. During August 2013 there were hundreds of dead people the cause were rockets.
     The war has been devastating for a really long time with millions dead. Also many refugees have fled Syria and are looking for a new home. But the damage is the worst, many homes destroyed and many homeless.
by Aaron Navarro, Class of 2021

Denver is on a winning streak! How it's mostly the defense by making interceptions and returning the ball for a TD, getting sacks, and making fumbles. Also including the offense too because of Peyton and his wide receivers. By making field goals, and the running game too getting yards for a pass or a field goal to win the game.

Manning hasn't been throwing good like he use to, he has thrown 11 interceptions this season and could throw more. His arm strength is not as good as it was back then Manning has the second lowest QB rating.
On October 14, 2015 someone asked Kubiak on Monday whether he should consider rotating quarterbacks, Peyton Manning and Brock Osweiler. But Kubiak said "No, Peyton is doing just fine."Peyton got angry because someone suggested that he shouldn't be on for every snap.

The Broncos defense is doing good because most of the wins was the defense by making interceptions, fumbles, and sacks. They have been getting through the line and giving the QB pressure pushing them back and forcing the QB to throw the bad pass or getting sacked.
Denver is 7-0 winning the Green Bay Packers on November 1, 2015 they are still undefeated and could they win the Indianapolis Colts. Making the Broncos 8-0 we will found out on November 8, 2015.
The mine was abandoned and the waste from the means to mine for gold was to slowly eroding the rock and build up to the point of leaking though a small hole. Than the leak that caught the attention of the EPA then tried to stop the leak but resulted in a major spill that the state is trying desperately to clean the river and the EPA is trying to find the cause of the spill. The state is still trying to clean the river back to the former state.

Cleaning the river is not the end of the work the repopulating the river with the same fishes and plants. The state must reduce fishing until the fishes come back to the previous amount that lived in the river. The plants would have to need to have special because the soil, the polluted dead plants, and the winter coming and the plant might not be able to hibernate in time to survive.

The state is trying to find where the waste will flow because the worst case scenario is the waste goes to the Colorado River and leaves the state and all that depend on the river in a drought like state. The state is trying to do 1 of 2 things the first is finding the path. The other is trying to stop the waste from touching the colorado river. The result of the waste coming into the Colorado River is the the biggest resource of fresh water and if the water was polluted water would be more valuable so every water bill would increase so less is bought to save water until the problem is fixed.

The mine waste is a very important problem that must be fixed immediately to save the ecosystem and water to stop future problems and to save the basque economy to avoid a verbal war throughout 7 states to get water to the people of the state. The economy of the west would fall if the waste is not controlled a war of words would destroy the west of America. Water is key and could be destroyed along with a big part of America.
The Beginnings of the Syrian War

By August Htoo, Class of 2021

 How the war started in Syria and Russia. The Russian and Syria were launching rockets to each other. The war happend for 4 years and 40.000 people died . The war was an ongoing international conflict. It all started in spring 2011 within the context of Arab Spring protest. The conflict gradually morphed from prominent protest to an armed rebellion after months of military seiges.
       What was the conflict between. More than 250,000 Syria have lost their lives in four and a half year of armed conflict which began with government protest before escalating into a full-scale civil war. More than 11million others have been forced from their homes as forces loyal to president Bashar al-assad and these opposed to rule battle each other as well as jihudist militants from Islamic state this is the story of civil war so far, in eight short chapters.
       How many have been injured and killed in the Syria war against Russia. Violence escalated and the country decended into civil war as rebels brigades were formed to battle government forces for control of cities towns and the country sides fighting reached the capital Damascus and second city of Aleppo In 2012 By June 2013 the UN said "90,000 people hade been killed in the conflict.". However by August 2014 that figure had more than doubled to 191,00- and continued to climb to 250,000 by August 2015, according activist and the UN.
       Some people use chemical weapon. Hundreds of people were killed in August 2013 after rockets filled with the nerve agent were fired at several agriculture district around Damascus , western power outraged by the attack, said it could only have been carried out by syria's government. The regime and its ally Russia blamed rebels.
       The human crisis. More than 4 million people have fled Syria since the start of the conflict, most of the woman and children. It is one of the largest refugee exodus in recent history. Neighboring countries have burn the brunt of the refugee crisis with Lebanon, Jordan and Tunkey struggling accommodate the flood of new arrius. The exodus accelerated dramatically in 2013, as conditions in Syria deteriorated.

      Trump Will Change U.S

By Kenya Contreras, Class of 2020 
As we all know Donald Trump wants to win the presidential election in 2016. Like every other candidate, he says how he will make America a better place for everybody. In some very controversial statements, Trump has said that he’s going to help make America a better place by deporting all the Mexican immigrants back to Mexico. This idea has many families concerned thinking about their future in this country.

If Trump won the election for 2016 he would affect millions of Mexican families. “I wouldn’t achieve my dreams if he becomes president. Because I wouldn’t have the same opportunities I have here, ” said Ivett Arredondo, a 2020 student at Bella Romero Academy. He might change the future for immigrants by education. Education in Mexico is so much different, than here in the United States. His plan is to deport all the Mexican families back to Mexico.
Another way he can change the future for Mexicans is that all the immigrants will have to go back to Mexico which means that most will lose their jobs, homes, etc. Trump thinks that Mexicans are bad for the U.S economy. But actually they are good. They’re the ones that work in the agriculture and construction; they get payed the minimum wage. If they didn’t work in the agriculture and construction, we wouldn’t have no roads or nobody to take care of our crops. Ivett also said,” He should think more if what he says, we work; we don’t stand outside asking for money.”
If Trump were to send all immigrants back to Mexico like he said, then everything would change. “United States would go down, the economics would go down. Most of the economics depend on the Hispanics.” said Agustina Contreras, a Hispanic mother. Trump also said that he wasn’t going to “split families”. Instead he was going to keep them together but, they have to leave U.S. He also said that if they didn’t have a place to go, he will work something out so that the families do leave U.S.
As an overall, Donald Trump will affect the lives of Mexicans, if he wins the election. He will also change the future of teens and children by changing their education.
By Selena Garcia 2020

Halloween is a day celebrated yearly, with many ways of celebrating it. 

The day of Halloween is celebrated on October 31. Halloween actually originates from “All Hallows Eve”. It’s said to be the one day in the year in which the dead can reveal themselves on earth's surface. It can be known as All Hallows Eve, All saints Eve, Hallow-e'en.  There are plenty of ways to celebrate it, too. The most common way is to go trick-or-treating, but there are other ways,  for example, bonfires, haunted attractions, and or you could visit a deceased loved one's grave to pay your respects.

 For Halloween many people like to dress as a group, like characters from movies. Some people would like a small group of like 2-3 so you could dress up as a devil and an angel with your best friend or sister. Angie Meza Avalos, a student in the class of 2020, had decided to spend Halloween with her "BFF" as she told me.  “I'll dress up as a angel with my best friend, but she will be a devil”.

There still are some things to keep an eye out in Halloween. If you do go trick or treating some good advice as to what you should have are at least one flashlight, a candy bag, and a guardian is always a good idea for safety if you are young. There are some dangers out in Halloween, and even if you go with an adults you need to check your candy for anything dangerous.  Don’t get me wrong, Halloween can be fun, you just need to make the best of it and be sure that safety comes first.

    By Janus Muniz, Class of 2021

Von Miller is one of the best NFL linebackers and is on the Denver Broncos defense team. A linebacker stands on the football line and tries to tackle the person with the football.The Denver Broncos fans get excited when Von Miller makes a tackle.
So far in the football season Von Miller has made 10 tackles, 2 assist tackles, and 2 fumble recoveries. This sounds like the start to one of the best seasons for a linebacker so far! Ever since 1982 he has been ranked 3rd for the best linebacker.

Before the Broncos played the Cleveland Browns Shawn Leuhring, who is a Denver Bronco fan, said “I think that Von Miller is good. He has 2 fumble recoveries and 3 sacks. Also, I think he is the second best linebacker in the league. He is better than Demarcus Ware”(who is another linebacker for the Broncos). “I think he’ll sack the Browns running back since that is the next game and he is at the end of the line.” Shawn said. “I think if Von Miller keeps playing the way he is playing he might make the pro bowl, if not then he won’t.” Finally, he said “I think that he is the second best player behind Clay Matthews in fantasy football.” Fantasy football is an online type game where you draft your players from multiple teams to make your own team. Depending on how good the players are each week will determine how many points you get. Whoever has the most points by the end of the season wins money.

“I think Von Miller is okay since he has some sacks and fumbles.” said Alan Coss, which is another Bronco fan before the Browns played the Broncos. Next he said “He might sack the Browns quarterback since that is his job.”

Before the Broncos played the Packers Ms.Brandly, who is a huge Broncos fan, said “Von Miller has awesome defense and he is aggressive. He is totally going to sack Aaron Rodgers next since that is the next game.” she said. Mrs. Brandly thinks “he will definitely make the pro bowl since he has great leadership, great tackles, and he plays aggressive.” For more info on Von Miller go to
Broncos Pride
Denver Broncos on a Roll! 
Von Miller: One of the Best NFL Linebackers

Spook-tacular Facts about a Spooky Holiday
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Fall fashion Trends
Wasting Colorado
By Alan Coss Oliva, Class of 2021
With the waste in Animas river the state has not been easily letting on the EPA (The Environmental Protection Agency) about releasing mine waste on a river. While trying to reduce the amount of waste going into the river due to a leak inside the abandoned gold mine in Durango Co. That caused a major spill that is thought to have released 3 million gallons of waste into the river killing animals plant and fish.
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