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Posted | Views: 1,345
By: Brandon and Eric
In BIBA we have House colors. Houses are groups with colors. Students who show the 4Rs get points. The 4Rs are:
Responsibility, Respect, Relationships and Rigor
Red House
Is love. Students from red house need to show love
themselves, and other.
Yellow House 
You need to do be kind and friendly to others. 
Green House 
You need to say, "stop, I don't like it" and STOP when you are doing the wrong thing.
Orange House 
You need to do the wise things.
Blue House
You need to say honest and kind word.
In 1S there are: 8 yellow house,  3 green house, 5 orange house, 4 blue house and 1 red house
If students show the 4Rs they can have house points. When the house with the most house points WIN they will get a party.

Reading strategies

Posted | Views: 837
The Reading Strategies of 1S
In OUr class there were many srategies because to help the students to read hard book. 
By: Raby and River
Stretchy snake is stretch out the word. For example,

The first strategy is lip the fish. it is get your mouth ready to read the words!
The next strategy is eagle eyes. If there is a hard word look at the picture and read the 
word again. 

Chunky monkey is look for the chunks to read harder words. For example, back-pack!

The last strategy is skippy the frog.
You skip the word and latter try again.

Other helpful reading tips: Try the sounds many ways to help you read hard word. For exemple, book and food. Think about what word would fit in and what is happening in the story. 
We asked 1S what strategy they used more they said "STRETCHY THE SNAKE!"
  Chinese Corner!
By: Patrick Y. and Rachel

Best Book Is...

Posted | Views: 1,213
       The Best Book Is...
In 1s we read many books like Henry and Mudge, The Pigeon, No David!, Alexander and Frog & Toad. We asked everyone in 1S and more people like "The Pigeon"! It is a book series and the character is a...PIGEON! The words and pictures are by Mo Willems."Oh! It's so crazy. The pigeon loves hot dogs! He already yawned but he said he's energetic. Patrick Y. thinks it is so funny! Jerry said, "some times the word changes in red or sometimes it's black. It changes color." Cici thinks every time pigeon is so silly and it yells at everyone. Ian said, "it has good reasons to get the things he wants."
Everyone has a favourite book. Want to know what book 1S liked the most this year?
By: Michelle and David
                 Quick go to the library 
              and borrow "The Pigeon"!
By: Jenny and Julia
"Wake up!" said my mom. We need to go to BIBA. I am nervous. What if the teacher is not nice? But the teacher is extremely good. So I close my eye and went into the car. I went into the school when I see the teacher it is extremely FANTASTIC!! But I don't know the teacher name so I asked her name. "Ms. S. you are best" "You Too!" said Ms. S. After that we go home and said to my mom the first day of schools is great!
We asked 1S how they felt on the first day of school:
  Sad: 0, Excited: 9, Worried: 4, Tired: 2, Shy: 5
Most people felt excited!

Field Trips

Posted | Views: 711
Field Trips
By: Jerry and Eee
Did you know that 1S went to two awesome field trips? They are...the Garden and EE city! It's awesome. Do you want to know why?
EE City!
EE City is a place that  you learn about many type of things. We went there because we were writing How-To books. EE City is the best "because "you can learn new jobs," said Julia. Jenny liked it because you can play many games." Yiyi thinks "in EE City you can make things."
Botanical Gardens!
We went to the botanical gardens because we were learning about plants in science class. At the garden we saw many things like: desert plants, rain forest plants, fruits and beautiful flowers. It has many different habitats and plants. We asked the class why they liked the garden. Michelle said, : "It has many flowers and it smells yummy." Cici said she likes it "because it almost look like you are in REAL nature."
12 out of 20
kids in 
1S liked
EE City 
the most!

Our Year 1S

Posted | Views: 913
For 1S Parents and Families


Reading Strategies
WE have grown so much!
A Year of Reading and Writing Learned in 1S
Top book: 
"The Pigeon!"
Our Favourite PE Game How-To Play It!
"My First Day of School!"
   Our Year in 1S      
     the 4Rs
     and the 
The End of School Issue:
Another year has passed, see
how much fun we had!
BIBA is the BEST!
Read about why 1S loves BIBA 
The story of 2 girl's first day
Chinese Corner:
Learn school
vocabulary in Chinese

The Son of Jose Marti

Posted | Views: 4,684
 The Son of Jose Marti
Very little is spoken in Cuba of the son of José Marti.  His name was Jose Francisco Marti. In 1897 he joined the army under the orders of Calixto Garcia and ends with rank of captain. When the war ends he is one of the officers that makes the change of flags in 1902. Marti is later promoted to Commander, then to Colonel and then to the Chief of Staff.

The younger Marti was also Secretary of War with the Navy and obtained the rank of General.  In 1945 he died and he was awarded the posthumous degrees of Major General.

Vintage Morro Castle Postcard

Posted | Views: 2,975
A view of a lady sitting on a balcony with a Cuban flag looking towards Morro Castle Lighthouse in Havana, Cuba 1936. 

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Corso Difesa Personale 

israeli Martial Art

0185 1770072

Spy vs Spy Comic Inspired by the Cold War

Posted | Views: 5,405
Cartoonist Antonio Prohias was born in Cienfuegos, Cuba. He was known to be a prolific cartoonist on the island nation. He fled to the US in 1960, only three days before Fidel Castro's regime put the final nail in the coffin to the free press. 

Prohias became famous worldwide for creating the ironic Spy vs Spy comic strip for Mad Magazine. The legendary strip focused on two characters primarily, the Black spy and the White spy. These mysterious, mischievous agents try to kill each other in each monthly comic. Using all types of gadgets, bombs and tricks to outsmart the other. 

Cartoonist who created 
Spy vs Spy was inspired by Castro's paranoia of Cuban citizens being spies. 
These espionage activities, a true metaphor for the Cold War left a stamp on popular culture. In a 1983 interview with the Miami Herald, Prohías reflected on the success of Spy vs. Spy, stating, "The sweetest revenge has been to turn Fidel's accusation of me as a spy into a moneymaking venture." Prohias passed away in Miami on February 24th 1998 at the age of 77. He leaves behind a big family and his Spy vs Spy strip is still being reprinted in books and in advertising. Mad Magazine still publishes new strips of Spy vs Spy working with different artists. 

Flashback: Cuban Miami in 1986

Posted | Views: 3,202
Cuban Miami 
We have come a long way as a people new to this wonderful country. This amazing 1986 video comes from the Wolfson Archives and it captures a truly golden moment of what Americans think of Cuban food and what Cuban Americans think of American food. Gotta love the Kirby beans commercial and song jingle. Enjoy! 

The Cuban Pronunciation Guide to Miami Neighborhoods

Posted | Views: 43,953
The Cuban Pronunciation Guide to Miami Neighborhoods
Source: croquetica
We found this on a 'Miami' subreddit last night. Not only is it hilarious but it's so true. Miami is special for many reasons and how people speak is exceptional just like it's people. Which pronunciations have you heard before? 

Madonna's daughter Lourdes is Cuban American

Posted | Views: 7,420
did you know?: Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon is Cuban American
Could her name be anymore Westchester then Lourdes "Lola" Leon? Musical icon Madonna gave birth to Lola on Oct. 14th 1996. That would make her 19 years old. Her father Carlos Leon was born in Cuba in 1966. He was a personal trainer when he met Madonna and has become an accomplished actor. Even though the relationship between Leon and Madonna was short lived he treasures the child they made together. "I'm forever grateful to [Madonna] I have no regrets. I wouldn't change anything. I got the best thing out of that relationship, and that's my daughter. My daughter is everything to me." Lola has been known to shy away from the public eye, but this past March she agreed to be a model for Stella McCartney's latest campaign for her new perfume 'Pop'. The campaign promotes acceptance and conscious counterbalance to the negative aspects of social media.  
Madonna performing in Hialeah early 1980's

Madonna did not meet the father of her child many years later from when this photo was taken. But, it's still very cool to see someone like Madonna when she was starting out going into the belly of the beast and performing in nightclubs in Hialeah. She always had a love for Cubanos! 

US State Dept. addresses Cuban American travel controversy

Posted | Views: 3,233
us embassy made a mistake. 
us born Cuban Americans aren't Cubans after all. 
So, if you follow news on Cuba or have been following this blog you would of been aware of the huge controversy regarding US born Cuban Americans traveling to Cuba. Posted on the US Embassy website in plain sight about a week ago it stated that if you were born in the US of Cuban parentage that the Cuban government does not recognize you as an American citizen. People were going into a frenzy. Some even acting like it was a conspiracy by Miami's Cuban community opposed to current travel. Hogwash. I think it's safe to say nobody should really trust the power brokers in Cuba and the fact something of this magnitude was published on a the US embassy website was enough to set Cuban Americans off. 

First things first, we are Americans and going to a small communist island where they dictate if we are Americans or Cubans was utterly ridiculous but believable for Cuba's past actions. Well, turns out that it was all a big mistake and "typo" on the the embassy website.   
While Cuban Americans born in Cuba are classified by the Cuban government as solely Cuban and are denied certain rights when planning travel back to the island nation, Americans born to Cuban-born parents are not denied any rights. Children born in the United States to Cuban-born parents are classified as American and are treated as such.

On Thursday, a State Department Spokesperson acknowledged the inaccurate information posted on the United States Embassy in Havana's website.

"Through our Consular Information Program, the Department of State provides information to U.S. citizens traveling and residing abroad to assist them in making well-informed travel decisions. It was brought to our attention that we were providing inaccurate information on our website regarding children born in the U.S. to Cuban-born parents. We have corrected that inaccurate information,” the statement said.
From WSVN: 

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Posted | Views: 1,191
rivista online selfdefense 
Un momento dello Stage del Master Avi Nardia a Sestri Levante -Genova dello scorso 30 Aprile 2016.
Questo e' il primo numero della nostra rivista online di Selfdefense . 
Cercheremo di trattare gli argomenti a Noi cari cercando di far conoscere la nostra Scuola Condor Combat Academy e non solo .
L'idea e quello  di trattare questo argomento in maniera obiettiva e razionale. 
Condor Combat Academy nasce a Sestri Levante nel 2015 e comincia ad operare ufficialemente nel 2016 con una sede proprio ovvero un Dojo dove gli Istruttori si allenano e svolgono corsi ristretti a un numero limitato di persone selezionate .
Altresi' gli Istruttori Condor svolgono la loro attivita' in collaborazione con strutture o palestre sia a Sestri Levante che a Chiavari dove dal 2015 e' aperto un corso di Kapap Krav maga presso il Centro Benedetto Acquarone in collaborazione con la Palestra "Body Center" di Chiavari,

-Condor nel corso di questi ultimi mesi si e' affermata a livello nazionale come punto di riferimento per i tanti appassionati di Self Defense.
Gli Stage proposti sono stati infatti di rilevanza internazionale e hanno visto come protagonisti tra i piu' importanti Master nel panorama mondiale .
Si era appena concluso infatti nel mese di Febbraio lo Stage "AVI NARDIA WORKSHOP" organizzato dalla nostra Societa' in collaborazione con la DSA di Venezia del Maestro PierPaolo Ibba , che nel mese di Aprile e' stato centrato il secondo obiettivo, anzi due .
Infatti il Team Italia Kapap "Avi Nardia Academy" composto da P.Ibba e Altin Coqu e i ragazzi della DSA ha partecipato con enorme successo di pubblico all'International "BUDO MASTER"di Roma dove il pubblico ha apprezzato e applaudito l'esibizione dei nostri colleghi .
Il 30 Aprile a Sestri Levante si e' svolto il secondo eccezionale Evento Italiano del Master Avi Nardia Kapap  il quale ha spiegato in un'appassionata relazione quelli che sono i principi delle arti marziali in generale , partendo da quelle che sono le basi , l'umilta' e la voglia di trasmettere l'arte qualsiasi essa sia . Nel corso della giornata dove erano presenti anche Master di altre discipline tra i quali Wing Chun , karate , Forze dell'ordine in rappresentanza dell'Arma dei Carabinieri , semplici praticanti e studenti sono stati spiegati da Avi Nardia i fondamenti della Biomeccanica con un crescendo continuo di applicazioni e tecniche .
L'entusiamo dei partecipanti ha conivolto il nostro Master che si e' detto altamente soddisfatto dell'esperienza , promettendoci di ritornare a Sestri Levante .
La sua presenza a sestri levante cosi' come a Venezia a sancito la collaborazione e la rappresentanza ufficiale Italiana della Avi Nardia Academy Internazionale .

P.Paolo Ibba con Bram Frank (Budo Master Roma)
Condor Combat Academy si allena con prodotti 
Numero 1 Maggio 2016
Un momento della manifestazione di Venezia 
Il tuo negozio per animali a sestri levante 
Gli Istruttori Condor si servono da "Baicin Barbiere Sestri Levante dal 1959"
Condor Combat Academy annuncia ufficialmente la costituzione della Scuola "Systema Spetsnaz" del Maestro Vadim Starov personaggio di tutto rispetto nel panorama mondiale.
Nel Mese di Maggio 2016 a partire dal giorno 24 e sino al 27 si svolgera' a Sestri Levante il primo corso systema spetsnaz in Liguria e tra i primi in Italia. Il corso sara' tenuto da Vadim starov in persona che ha tenuto a precisare che vuole direttamente formare gli istruttori di livello 1 che andranno ad operare nelle varie scuole Italiane sotto le insegne dell'omonima famosa scuola Russa . Si terra' infine sempre a Sestri Levante lo Stage di due giorni, il 28 e 29 Maggio nella splendida cornice dell'ex convento dell'annunziata sempre con il Maestro Vadim Starov , attese presenze provenienti da tutto il mondo, Venezuela , Francia, Lituania . 
Sara' l'occasione per praticare questa Arte Marziale Russa nata per addestrare le guardie del corpo dello Zar nella notte dei tempi ed arrivata sino ai giorni nostri con vari stili ed utilizzata appunto dalle Forze Speciali russe Spetsnaz e delle quali Vadim Starov ne era Istruttore Ufficiale incaricato dal Ministero della Difesa.  Contatti per adesione allo stage [email protected] .
Via Eraldo Fico 32/6 Sestri Levante tel.0185466035
In partenza a partire da Lunedi' 13 Giugno alle ore 19 e per due volte alla settimana un corso di difesa personale Kapap Krav Maga tenuto dall'Istruttore Condor Combat Roberto Lerici . Il corso si terra' in collaborazione con la Palestra Emotion di Sestri levante in Via Valle Ragone ed e'aperto a tutti Uomini e Donne che hanno intenzione di apprendere lle tecniche piu' efficaci nella difesa da aggressione da strada attualmente disponibili sul mercato. 
Il corso e' anche aperto a tutti quelli anche Livello EXPERT che per vari motivi sono costretti a fermare il loro allenamento per la chiusura dei Corsi Invernali di Self defense  , sapremo sicuramente offrire un training soddisfacente alle loro esigenze. 
Per Contatto diretto ed Iscrizioni :
 Tel. 328 0094676 .
Il Martedì e Giovedì dalle ore 20 presso il Dojo della Condor in Via Latiro 2B si svolgono i corsi di Systema Russo Self Defense tenuti dall'Istruttore Condor Andrea Bianchi.
Se hai voglia di provare questa tecnica in uso alle Forze Speciali Russe adattata alle esigenze di difesa personale civile contatta Andrea al numero 333 3301532.
European Security Academy 2015

La Malanga Resbala!

Posted | Views: 7,376
"La Malanga Resabala!" 
i love this song by palo! 
One of my favorite bands in Miami is the Cuban funk band PALO! Have you heard of them? If you haven't they play all around the city and they are best known to play at venues in Little Havana and are even Latin Grammy nominated! The band's founder Steve Roitstein worked in the past with legendary singers and musicians like Willy Chirino, Celia Cruz and many others. They are an amazing band to see live and they have the most catchy songs in Latin music today. The lyrics to this song are so fun. I promise it will be stuck in your mind for the rest of your week. Enjoy! 

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Posted | Views: 875     Welcome to Morning Licks                                      
Test Test Test Test

This is a test!!!!!

Super Cubano: Malta con Leche Condensada

Posted | Views: 4,458
 So CubanMalta with Condensed Milk
There's nothing more Cuban then this sugary and malty drink. In some ways it's even too Cuban for some of us. Personally I could never fully get into the taste. But If you miss it or never had it before this video may engage your interest or memory of this signature treat. 

My Life

Posted | Views: 4,463
Hi and welcome to my blog cant wait to get updating you about my life.